Financing Solutions for Environmental Exporters banner with bank seal
Windmills with sun in background. Drop of water fallling into pool of blue water.

Do you buy, sell or finance wind turbines, air pollution equipment, water purification
technologies or other "environmentally beneficial" goods and services?

Interested in learning how the Export-Import Bank can help you with the financing of these important
U.S. environmental technologies and services to promising, emerging markets?

Join us Thursday, September 29, 2005, at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to discuss the current
market for environmental technologies and how Ex-Im Bank helps buyers and sellers of
U.S. environmental goods and services access competitive export financing.

"Sharing Risk, Opening Opportunities - Ex-Im Bank's Environmental Exports Program"

Interactive Workshop on Ex-Im Bank's Environmental Exports Program
A special look at 15-year financing for renewable energy and water

Thursday, September 29, 2005, at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

8:00 -
9:00 am

Registration and Networking
9:00 -
9:05 am


James Lambright
Chairman and President (acting)
Export-Import Bank of the United States

9:05 -
9:15 am
Opening Remarks

Linda Conlin
Member, Board of Directors
Export-Import Bank of the United States
9:15 -
9:35 am

Bryan Hannegan
Chief of Staff
Council on Environmental Quality
The White House
9:40 -
10:00 am

"Ex-Im Bank Environmental Exports Program & Update of New 15-year Repayment Terms"

Craig O'Connor
Director of Environmental Exports
Business Development
Export-Import Bank of the United States

10:00 -
10:30 am
Coffee Break and Networking
10:30 -
10:50 am

"Renewable Energy & the Financial Markets"

Mike Eckhart
American Council on Renewable Energy

11:00 - 11:20 pm

"Solutions in Financing Water Projects in Emerging Markets"

Jeff Connelly
Vice President & General Manager
GE Infrastructure
Water & Process Technologies

11:30 - 12:30 pm

Panel: "USG Efforts to Promote Environmental Technologies"

Nancy Rivera
Director, Project Finance
Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Geoff Jackson
Director, Policy and Program
U.S. Trade and Development Agency

Carlos Montoulieu
Director, Office of Finance
ITA, U.S. Department of Commerce

Graham Pugh
Director, International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy
U.S. Department of Energy

12:30 -
2:00 pm
Working Buffet Lunch and Networking
2:00 -
3:30 pm

Panel: "Ex-Im Bank Financing for Environmental Technologies:
Ex-Im Bank's Approach to Environmental Deals"

John Schuster
Project & Structured Finance

Michelle Miller
Credit Underwriting

Tracey Braun
Office of General Counsel

Tiffin Caverly
Engineering & Environment

3:50 -
4:00 pm

Closing Remarks

Linda Conlin
Member, Board of Directors
Export-Import Bank of the United States

4:00 -
5:00 pm

One-on-One Meetings*


*Sign up for one-on-one meetings during registration of the day of the event.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Herman Lay Room
1615 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20062
Phone: (202) 659-6000


Please fax a printed copy of the registration form found online at Interactive_Enviro_Workshop_Registration_form.pdf. Please fax the printed copy to (202) 565-3213, attn: Ex-Im Environmental Workshops.

Note: Registration is required. All registration must be received by September 27, 2005. Due to limited seating, we strongly encourage you to register early.

Workshop Fee:


Hotel Accommodations:

Attendees responsible for own lodging. Please refer to the following website for a list of hotels in the Washington, D.C. area:


Continental breakfast and buffet lunch will be provided.


As parking is limited near the U.S. Chamber, we recommend traveling to the event via Metrorail. The U.S. Chamber may be accessed from stops on the Orange/Blue line or the Red Line.

Please direct all questions and inquiries via email to
or call Niki Shepperd at (202) 565-3202 or Susan Houser at (202) 565-3232.

For additional information, please visit our homepage at and click on "Ex-Im Bank & The Environment."

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