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NIOSH Safety Checklist Program for Schools



Appendix A: Resource Agencies and Organizations
Provides information and links to Federal government agencies, university-based organizations, professional/standard-setting organizations, sources of Federal regulations, commercial newsletter companies that publish Federal regulations, and several other organizations related to occupational safety and health.

Appendix B: Using the Safety Checklists to Teach Students about Occupational Safety and Health
Contains tips for using the checklists to teach students about occupational safety and health.

Appendix C: Suggestions for Facilitating Inspections
Lists practical suggestions for facilitating inspections.

Appendix D: Emergency Procedures in Schools in the Event of a Chemical Spill
Outlines emergency steps suggested by regulatory standards for dealing with a chemical spill.

Appendix E: Text of Selected Regulations
Provides links to OSHA regulations for construction and general industry regulations. Includes the actual text of most common Federal regulations in the workplace such as employee emergency plans and fire prevention plans, personal protective equipment and respirators, and medical and first aid.

Chapter 4

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