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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Protected Resources
Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Conservation, Protection, & Recovery
Species of Concern
Listing of Species
Recovery of Species
Marine Mammal Conservation Plans
Cooperation with States
Interagency Consultation

Human Impacts
Fisheries Interactions (bycatch)
Ocean Sound/Acoustics
Ship Strikes
Viewing Wildlife

International Cooperation

Marine Mammal Health & Stranding
Marine Mammal National Database
National Tissue Bank
Prescott Grants
Unusual Mortality Events
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Pacific Offshore Cetacean Take Reduction Plan (POCTRP)

  Long-Beaked Common Dolphin, leaping out of water
Long-Beaked Common Dolphin
(Delphinus capensis)
Photo: NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center

short-finned pilot whale
Short-finned Pilot Whale
(Globicephala macrorhynchus)
Photo: NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center

Northern Right Whale Dolphin leaping out of water
Northern Right Whale Dolphin
(Lissodelphis borealis)
Photo: Janice Waite, NOAA

The goal of the Pacific Offshore Cetacean Take Reduction Plan (POCTRP) is to reduce serious injuries and deaths of several marine mammal stocks incidental to the California/Oregon thresher shark/swordfish drift gillnet fishery. The strategic marine mammal stocks currently of most concern include short-beaked common dolphins, long-beaked common dolphins, short-finned pilot whales, and Northern right whale dolphins.

The Plan

The Team

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