United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs


VISN 5 MIRECC Matters Newsletter

Regular features include "From the Director's Desk", conference updates, upcoming events, recognition of investigators' accomplishments, and a welcome to new staff members.

  • December 2008
    Highlights: 2008 Advisory Board Meeting; MIRECC Launches Studies at DC VAMC

  • October 2008
    Highlights: Evaluation of the Points Incentive Program: A Contemporary Token Economy Program; What is a Peer Support Technician?; VISN-5 MIRECC Veterans Advisory Panel

  • August 2008
    Highlights: Small Grants Program Update; Screening for Metabolic Side Effects; National Mental Health Conference 2008

  • June 2008
    Highlights: An Integrated Approach to Smoking Cessation in SPMI; MIRECC Small Grants Program Supports WRAP Training; MIRECC Small Grants Program Supports Holistic Health Symposium

  • April 2008
    Highlights: The Family Intervention Team (FIT); USPRA Annual Conference

  • February 2008
    Highlights: Psychosocial Rehabilitation Training Program; MIRECC Evaluation a Success

  • December 2007
    Highlights: Updating the Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) Treatment Recommendations; Does Diabetes Worsen Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia?

  • October 2007
    Highlights: OOOPS, You Did It Again! (A Study Of Error-Related Brain Activity); New Behavioral Health Lab

  • August 2007
    Highlights: CDP-Choline & Galantamine In Schizophrenia: A Sustained Alpha-7 Nicotinic Agonist Strategy; Transforming VHA Mental Health Care: Promoting Recovery and Integrated Care

  • June 2007
    Highlights: Overlooking the Obvious: A Meta-analytic Comparison of Digit Symbol Coding Task and Other Cognitive Measures in Schizophrenia; Psychiatrists and Primary Caring; Psychology Interns Lead Recovery Groups at Baltimore PHP

  • April 2007
    Highlights: MHICM Veterans Expand Their Cultural Horizons; MIRECC In JAMA; Understanding Treatment Study Drop-Out and Retention

  • February 2007
    Highlights: Improving Consent Capacity for Research in Schizophrenia; Perry Point PHP Veterans Volunteer at Local Nursing Home; Does Family Member Provider Outreach Improve the Quality of Care for Persons with Severe Mental Illness?

  • December 2006
    Highlights: The Returning Veterans Outreach, Education And Care Program (RVOEC); New Peer Housing Location Assistance Group (PHLAG); Mental Illness: Pathways To Recovery Conference

  • October 2006
    Highlights: The MHICM Study, and Family Forum: Implementing Family Services for Persons with SMI in the VA: Barriers, Facilitators, and Solutions

  • August 2006
    Highlights: Monthly Clinic for VAMHCS Clinicians; Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy with Trauma Survivors; Cognitive Therapy at Mental Health Recovery Conference; Veterans Lend a Hand

  • April 2006
    Highlights: New VISN 5 MIRECC Administrative Database for Patients with Severe Mental Illness; New PIP Up and Running; and Evaluation of the Peer-to-Peer Program

  • February 2006
    Highlights: Small Grant Program Awards; Social Skills Training the Centerpiece of Health Improvement Program (HIP); VISN 5 MIRECC South by Southwest (DC update)

  • December 2005
    Highlights: HIV Dual Diagnosis Research; Another Successful Family Conference; Learning Through Teleconferencing

  • October 2005
    Highlights: Assessing the Family-to-Family Education Program; Program Evaluation for PTSD Treatment Programs; DVD: “Schizophrenia And Other Mental Illnesses: Involving The Family, Improving Care”

  • August 2005
    Highlights: Taking a Look at Stigma; Small Grants Program for Recovery-Fostering Clinical and Educational Innovations; New Training Series: Treating Dually Diagnosed Veterans in the MHICM Program

  • June 2005
    Highlights: Advisory Board a Success; The Role of Motivation to Change Substance Use in Schizophrenia Patients; National MIRECC Conference highlights; Understanding and Treating PTSD in Women Conference highlights

  • April 2005
    Highlights: MOVE! Weight Management and Physical Activity Intervention for Seriously Mentally Ill Veterans; HIV Infection Among Seriously Mentally Ill Veterans

  • February 2005
    Highlights: New MIRECC Recovery Coordinator; Monthly Family Support and Education Program; New MIRECC website

  • December 2004
    Highlights: VA Special Fellowship Program in Advanced Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry; M-PROVE: The Maryland Program for Vocational Effectiveness; Working with Families of the Mentally Ill conference update

  • October 2004
    Highlights: Two New MIRECCs; New Clinical Core Associate Director; MIRECC Clinical Psychophysiology Lab

  • August 2004
    Highlights: Does a Critical Time Intervention Improve Psychiatric Inpatient-Outpatient Transition Outcomes?; Best Practices in Network Mental Healthcare Systems conference update

  • June 2004
    Highlights: Conference updates

  • April 2004
    Highlights: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training update; The Making of a DVD: "Involving Families: Improving Care for Individuals with Schizophrenia"

  • January 2004
    Highlights: Development of a Computerized Method for Veterans to Enter Clinical Reminder Data; Spotlight: Guvant Thaker, MD

  • October 2003
    Highlights: New Schizophrenia Research Training Program; Suicidality presentation update; Preventative Health Behaviors in Women with SMI

  • June 2003
    Highlights: MIRECC Walks for the Mind of America update; Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders in People with Schizophrenia; Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches for Veterans with SMI

  • March 2003
    Highlights: Engaging Dually Diagnosed Vets; The Academic Scaffolding of the Mental Health Service Line; CBT & Me

  • January 2003
    Highlights: Advisory Committee update; IRIS Database; conference update

  • November 2002
    Highlights: Computer Assisted Cognitive Remediation study; Critical Time Intervention for Vets with SMI; Discharging Long-Stay Patients Into the Community: Understanding Our Successes and Failures

  • September 2002
    Highlights: Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders; Risperidone Long-Acting Injection; Generalization of Training in Schizophrenia study

  • July 2002
    Highlights: How Well Do You Know VA Culture?; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Addictions; VISN 5 Prison Initiative

  • April 2002
    Highlights: Conference update; Empirically Based Therapies in Addiction Treatment; Advancing Evidence-Based Prescription of Antipsychotic Medications in the VA

  • February 2002
    Highlights: New Interventions for Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia; What Leads to a Successful Discharge?

  • December 2001
    Highlights: Database Management System; "Virtual Voices"; The Assessment Core

  • October 2001
    Highlights: MIRECC Conferences: Our First Year and Beyond

  • August 2001
    Highlights: Veterans Family Contact Project; Cognitive Remediation Program

  • June 2001
    Highlights: Novel Continuum of Care for SMI Veterans; H. McKee Jarboe Award winners; Stanley Foundation Treatment Trial grant awardees

  • April 2001
    Highlights: Investigator accomplishments; Family Needs Assessment Project

  • February 2001
    Highlights: Points Incentive Program (PIP) at Perry Point VAMC

  • December 2000
    Highlights: MIRECC Dedication ceremony; new Associate Director of Research; MIRECC Research Database

  • October 2000
    Highlights: Protection of Human Research Subjects; Women Veterans Needs Assessment update

  • August 2000
    Highlights: National & state resources; Psychopharmacology and Movement Disorders clinics

  • May 2000
    Highlights: MIRECC mission, structure, & focus


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