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Flu Shots

Health Condition: Influenza
Influenza, or flu, is a serious disease caused by a virus that spreads easily. It causes fever, chills, cough, fatigue, aches, or loss of appetite. When you get the flu, you can also get bronchitis, or pneumonia. In rare cases, people die from the flu.

Both influenza and pneumonia are a special problem for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN). Between 2002-2004, the rate of death from influenza and pneumonia in the AI/AN population was 1-1/2 times the rate in all other races.

To lower your chances of getting the flu, you should get an influenza immunization every year, as described below.

What is an influenza immunization?
The immunization for influenza (flu) can be given with a shot or a nasal spray and protects against certain types of the flu virus. In most cases, this immunization will keep you from getting the flu or giving it to others.

Who should get this immunization?
Anyone age 50 or older should get the flu shot or flu nasal spray every year. In addition, people of any age who want to protect themselves and those around them from flu should receive the flu shot each year.

Some people should not get a flu shot due to allergies, illness, or age. It is best to ask your doctor if you need a flu shot before getting one.

Why is getting an influenza immunization important?
Getting a flu shot significantly lowers your chances of getting the flu. Thousands of people die each year because of the flu that could have been prevented with the flu shot.

Why do I need to get an influenza immunization every year?
Flu viruses change every year, so every year a new vaccine is made to protect you against the new flu viruses. Even if the flu viruses are the same as the ones the year before, the vaccine only provides protection for one year, so you need to get the flu immunization every year to make sure you are protected.

What is the Transparency Performance Measure?
The Transparency performance measure is the percentage of IHS AI/AN patients ages 50-64 who received an influenza immunization during the year.

How is IHS doing?
To see how IHS is performing on this measure, click here.

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