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At LANSCE-NS, high-energy neutrons and protons are used for basic and applied research in neutron nuclear science and weapons-related measurements. The facility consists of two target areas and their associated flight paths. Target 2, or the Blue Room, consists of a low-background room with seven flight paths that can exploit the variable-energy feature of the linac using proton beams from 250 to 800 MeV. Two flight paths, FP14 (DANCE) and FP12, are located in the Lujan Center's Experimental Room 2. DANCE is used for the study of neutron capture on radioactive nuclei in support of the Stockpile Stewardship Program and for nuclear astrophysics. FP12 is used for a fundamental nuclear-physics experiment to precisley meausure the asymmetry of the emsission of γ-rays from the capture of polarized neutrons by protons. >> Archived WNR site: wnr.lanl.gov


The ICE House

Used by industry, universities and other national laboratories, this facility measures neutron-induced failures in semiconductor devices.
>>Visit the ICE House site

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Securty Administration

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