Interagency Airspace Coordination Dedicated to providing Information
so Land Management Agencies can
Safely use the National Airspace System
Home Airspace Coordination Airspace Guide Presentations & History Links

This safety oriented website is dedicated to airspace issues involving USDA-Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (Pacific Northwest Region). Airspace issues are constantly changing as a result of our current national situation. Temporary Flight Restrictions are not only for wildfire or disaster related situations but now encompass homeland security issues and public safety.

Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) graphical depictions and TFR NOTAM (Notification to Airmen) text are available from a variety of sources. It is important to be aware of how often the websites are updated as TFR's can (and do) frequently change.

Pilots should always obtain current flight information from the FAA. A complete pre-flight briefing should always be obtained before attempting any flight in the National Airspace System (NAS).

Additional information about wildfires maybe obtained by visiting the National Interagency Fire Center.

For more information or comments about this website, contact Julie J. Stewart, USFS National Airspace Program Manager at

Navigating Our Site:

The blue link bar above will lead to the major sections.

Home - Here you will find an introduction, NOTAMs and Temporary Flight Restriction Information.

Airspace Coordination - This section is primarily for airspace coordinators and aircraft dispatchers. Contains tools, forms, safety and agency information.

Airspace Guide - A guide to educate land management agency personnel about airspace.

Presentations & History - Presentations, meeting notes and Airspace Coordination history

Links - FAA, Military, State and Private Organization Websites

FTA = Fire Traffic Area ... What is it?
The initial attack airspace structure over wildland fire.
Click graphic to watch animation or click here for presentation.
USA.Gov Bobby WorldWide Approved 508

TFR Graphical Depiction Sites

  1. US NOTAM Office Website/Defense Internet NOTAM System (DINS). This Site provides access to current NOTAM information using the DoD Internet NOTAM Distribution System (DINS) which is derived from the United States Consolidated NOTAM Office at the FAA Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center, Herndon VA. It is updated in REAL time. TFR NOTAM text is accompanied with graphical depictions. Current TFR's are depicted by selecting the "ARTCC TFR's" button and scrolling to the appropriate ARTCC (Map of Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCCs) boundaries). Graphical Depiction is obtained by clicking on "map it". Graphics are issued simultaneously with the TFR text.

    The DINS page incorporates many features to assist the user when retrieving NOTAM requests. Real time NOTAM data is available, and contains all NOTAMs validated by the U.S. NOTAM System (USNS), which includes domestic, international, military and from Flight Data Centers (FDC).

  2. US NOTAM Office/Defense Internet NOTAM System (DINS) - You can now use WWW.NOTAMS.FAA.GOV to retrieve NOTAMs should the primary DINS system (WWW.NOTAMS.JCS.MIL) be unavailable because of system maintenance or failures. This alternate website mirrors #1 and is set up to provide back up when the primary website is down.

  3. DINS TFR Viewer - The TFR Viewer is a component of the Defense Internet NOTAM System (DINS). The joint FAA/DOD INS is a DoD Mission Critical enhancement of the US NOTAM System designed to provide NOTAM products in real time to military pilots and flight crews.

  4. NAIMES (NAS Aeronautical Information Management Enterprise System) - NAIMES is a graphical web-based product which provides pertinent TFR and SUA advisory information for controllers and pilots. This system will automatically display a TFR upon issuance on a current sectional or IFR chart. This website uses the same database as DINS for real time NOTAM text and graphical depiction.

  5. FAA - Select "Graphic TFR's" - An FAA contractor provides TFR graphical depictions using the US NOTAM Office data base. TFR's are updated every 30 minutes. TFR's may be sorted by date, NOTAM number, Facility, State, Type and Description. NOTE - there appears to be a delay for the graphics on evenings and weekends. Often a graphic is a circle on a gray background until it is updated.

  6. Pilot Web - An FAA sponsored page that provide General Aviation (GA) Pilots with access to the following information: Flight Safety NOTAMS, Weather, Graphical TFR depictions, Radius Search (NOTAM), Flight path search (NOTAM), WAAS availability and other information pertinent to pilots.

  7. AeroplannerProvides TFR's by State, Type and various other categories. Provides TFR maps with zoom in features. A Variety of overlays are available. NOTE - This site updates every 30 minutes during business hours (Monday through Friday, 7am to 4pm Mountain) and twice daily (7am and 1pm Mountain) on weekends and holidays.

  8. NIFC Airspace Information System - basically the same website as In addtion, features a flight planning program for pilots which is password protected. The BLM National Aviation Office at the National Interagency Fire Center, Boise, ID, issues Flight Planning logins. Password protected area is the same a Premium Service purchased through NOTE - This site has a disclaimer that states it updates every 30 minutes during business hours (Monday through Friday, 7am to 4pm Mountain) and twice daily (7am and 1pm Mountain) on weekends and holidays.

  9. AOPA Website - - Focus is currently on Presidential, Security, "Blanket" and General TFRs. Offers some graphical depiction of TFRs. AOPA members can download a graphics-based flight-planning tool with real-time graphic depictions of weather and temporary flight restrictions.

  10. NOTAM Entry System (NES) - The NOTAM Entry System (NES) allows authorized users to enter draft or candidate TFR requests to the FAA ARTCC. This allows the ARTCC to forward the TFR request to the US NOTAM Office (USNOF) for entry into the US NOTAM system (USNS). The system is currently being used to enter FDC, TFR and Center NOTAMS.

  11. Vicinity Maps of Fire Related TFRs - These will be available during periods of significant wildland fire activity. At other times, please use the links above.

  12. Shapefiles - For use with GIS software. Derived from FAA NOTAMs; updated every 5 minutes.

  13. KML - For use with Google Earth software. Derived from FAA NOTAMs; updated every 15 minutes. NW NR E S SW RM GBE GBW NC SC A

  14. Additional TFR Maps and Information - (These maps with sectional backgrounds are very large and will take some time to download. You will be able to view them if you right click on the link and choose "Save Link as..." or "Save Target as..." then save the file to your local hard drive (eg your desktop). Once the file has been downloaded, double click its icon and it will open in your PDF viewer program.)