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International Links
Alberta Forest Service Protection
Fire control orders, publications, fire weather, GIS, fire history, employment, and current fire reports
British Columbia Fire
Forest protection program, index of offices, HQ and regional info, and fire weather maps
Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC)
CIFFC provides operational fire control services, as well as management and information services to its member agencies and often coordinates the sharing of resources with the United States and other countries.
Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (FESA)
Bushfire prevention and protection, employment, resources, and community fire guard
Pat Barling's Aussie Bushfire Site
Forest Service International Programs
The USDA Forest Service cooperates with Brazil, Russia, Mexico and Indonesia to better understand the influence of fire on forest management and climate change, and to incorporate fire mitigation strategies into forest management systems.
International Association of Wildland Fire
IAWF is an organization dedicated to the understanding of wildland fire and its management. It facilitates communication and education among the entire wildland fire community and provides global linkage for individuals and organizations interested in wildland fire.
New South Wales Rural Fire Service
Bushfire safety, legislation, planning, and operations. The state of New South Wales has nearly 2500 volunteer Rural Fire Service brigades, with over 70,000 members
Tasmania Fire
Tasmanian fire services include fire training, large fire emergency management, helicopter-based ignition and firefighting, infra-red scanning, and GPS mapping.