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    Will Waskes

    OEMM Web Team

Photograph of offshore inspectors.Photograph of a seabird.Photograph of an ice island.Photograph of a fish.Photograph of a platform at sunset.Photograph of fish feeding beneath a platform.Photograph of a welder working on an offshore platform.
  Alternative Energy Programs


Energy created by ocean wave action is one type of alternative energy.The Office of Offshore Alternative Energy Programs (OAEP) oversees development of offshore alternative energy projects on the OCS. This new activity in the marine environment requires an assessment of the potential environmental impacts to resources on the OCS. Through the Environmental Studies Program (ESP), MMS will collect information to be used in this assessment. The Bureau’s responsibilities include determining and evaluating the effects of OCS activities on natural, historical, and human resources and the appropriate monitoring and mitigating of those effects. The ESP is required by the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, as amended in 1978 (OCSLAA) to provide information for sound decision-making and management. The ESP conducts research across the spectrum of the physical, biological and socioeconomic environments as required by the OCSLA and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA).

The ESP Alternative Energy Studies Development Plan for Fiscal Years 2009 – 2011 (241.13 KB; PDF) identifies information needs for the Alternative Energy Program, presents profiles of the studies proposed for Fiscal Year 2009 and 2010, and provides topical areas for Fiscal Year 2011 and beyond.

Additionally, the Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program is a research element encompassed by the MMS Regulatory Program. The TA&R Program was established in the 1970's to ensure that industry operations on the Outer Continental Shelf incorporated the use of the Best Available and Safest Technologies subsequently required through the 1978 OCSLA amendments. The Program supports research associated with operational safety, engineering standards and pollution prevention. TA&R studies related to alternative energy and alternate use are available online.

Proposed FY '08 Studies


Compendium of Avian Information and Comprehensive GIS Geodatabase (13.24 KB)


Energy Market and Infrastructure Information for Evaluating Alternative Energy Projects for OCS Atlantic and Pacific Regions (39 KB; 09/25/08)


Evaluation of Visual Impacts on Historic Properties (11.56 KB)


Meteorological and Wave Measurements for Improving Meteorological and Air Quality Modeling (12 KB)


Potential for Interactions between Endangered and Candidate Bird Species with Wind Facility Operations on the Atlantic OCS (11.96 KB)

Note: The proposed FY '08 studies are all in Portable Document Format Portable Document Format (PDF) file.

Ongoing Studies icon

bullet Comparative Study of OWTG Standards
bullet  Determining Night Time Distribution of Long-Tailed Ducks Using Radio Telemetry Portable Document Format (PDF) file (13 KB)
bullet Effects of Pile Driving Sounds on Auditory and Non-Auditory Tissues of Fish Portable Document Format (PDF) file (13.44 KB)
bullet North and Central Atlantic Information Resources: Data Search and Literature Synthesis

Update of Summary of Knowledge: Selected Areas of the Pacific Coast Portable Document Format (PDF) file
(15 KB)

Completed Studies icon


Worldwide Synthesis and Analysis of Existing Information Regarding Environmental Effects of Alternative Energy on the Outer Continental Shelf Report (OCS Report MMS 2007-038)

Full Report Portable Document Format (PDF) file (7427 KB)


Literature Database


Technical Summary Portable Document Format (PDF) file (82 KB)

bullet Workshop in Migratory Birds and Offshore Wind Development, February 13-15, 2008
bullet Workshop to Identify Alternative Energy Environmental Information Needs, June 26-28, 2007

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Last Updated: 12/03/2008 11:05:55 AM

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