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Order SEER Publications

The following is an order form for SEER publications that are available in hardcopy. Electronic versions for some publications are available as indicated. Enter the number of copies of each publication in the text box next to the listing, then click Submit Order. Notice that some publications have a limit on the number of copies that may be ordered.

Shipping to US Addresses:
The first 20 copies will be sent without charge. Orders exceeding 20 copies are considered bulk orders, with a shipping and handling charge of $0.15 per copy. An $8.00 minimum charge applies for all bulk orders.

Shipping to Non-US Addresses:
It is NCI policy to send up to five publications free to individuals or organizations outside of the United States. All foreign orders for six or more publications are charged actual shipping costs. Foreign orders are limited to 100 total copies, based on current inventory availability. To place an order to a non-U.S. address, please contact the Publications Ordering Service by mail or fax. Download the NCI Publications Catalog and Order Form (PDF).

SEER Reports and Monographs (see Statistical Publications for additional materials)

Selected Comparisons of Measures of Health Disparities: A Review Using Databases Relevant to Healthy People 2010 Cancer-Related Objectives [T-095] Pub. No. 07-6281 (limit 1) This report uses case studies to analyze the performance and appropriateness of various potential measures of health disparities. It presents results from 22 separate analyses in 10 case studies and includes assessments of socioeconomic, race, ethnic, and geographic disparities in a range of cancer-related outcomes, such as mortality, incidence, risk factors, and screening.
SEER Survival Monograph: Cancer Survival Among Adults: US SEER Program, 1988-2001, Patient and Tumor Characteristics [T-098] Pub. No. 07-6215 (limit 3) This monograph examines cancer survival by patient and tumor characteristics for over 1.6 million adult cancers diagnosed during the period 1988-2001. Survival data are from NCI’s SEER Program and represent cancer in approximately one-fourth of the U.S. population. The patient and tumor characteristics shown vary by cancer site. The tumor characteristics may include subsite, size of tumor, extension of the tumor, lymph nodes positive, distant metastases, and histologic type. This publication is also available in PDF.
New Malignancies Among Cancer Survivors: SEER Cancer Registries, 1973-2000 [T-070] Pub. No. 05-5302 (limit 20) This monograph reports on the risk of new malignancies that have arisen among more than 2 million SEER cancer survivors for the period 1973 to 2000. Risks of subsequent cancers are evaluated for more than 50 adult and 18 childhood tumors, by gender, age at diagnosis of the initial cancer, and time since diagnosis, as well as the initial treatment and histologic type of certain cancers. This publication is also available in PDF.
Cancer Epidemiology in Older Adolescents and Young Adults 15 to 29 Years of Age, Including SEER Incidence and Survival: 1975-2000 [M-001] Pub. No. 06-5767 (limit 1) This monograph was developed to gather population-based incidence, mortality, and survival data specific to cancers that occur in the adolescents and young adults, along with epidemiological data and risk factors for the development of age-specific cancers. This publication is also available in PDF.

Please note that Table 8.1, Figures 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 13.5, 14.6, 14.10, 14.13, 14.14, 14.15 and relevant text have been updated on the on-line version only. Please download the appropriate updates from the on-line version. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Cancer Incidence in Four Member Countries (Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan) of the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) Compared with US SEER [P-071] Pub. No. 06-5873 (limit 3) The monograph presents information about cancer incidence for populations in Cyprus, Egypt (Gharbiah Region), Israel (Jews and Arabs), and Jordan for the period 1996-2001. The MECC findings are compared with those from the US Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program. This publication is also available in PDF.
Methods for Measuring Cancer Disparities: A Review Using Data Relevant to Healthy People 2010 Cancer-Related Objectives [T-074] Pub. No. 05-5777 (limit 1) This monograph provides an empirical analysis for methods appropriate for the measurement of cancer disparities. Several national and state level datasets that include information related to cancer data will provide analytic examples to inform discussion of and selection among various measures of health disparities for monitoring of Healthy People 2010 cancer-related health disparities. This publication is also available in PDF.
Area Socioeconomic Variations in U.S. Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Stage, Treatment, and Survival, 1975-1999 [T-823] Pub. No. 03-5417 (limit 1) This monograph analyzes area socioeconomic differentials and trends in incidence, mortality, stage of disease, treatment, and survival for all cancers combined and for six major cancers (lung, colon/rectum, prostate, breast, uterine cervix, and melanoma of the skin) by sex and race/ethnicity in the United States. This publication is also available in PDF.
Cancer Incidence and Survival among Children and Adolescents: United States SEER Program 1975-1995 [No. T-506] Pub. No. 99-4649 A compendium of statistical trends and risk factors associated with childhood cancers is contained in this National Cancer Institute (NCI) monograph. It is intended to aid researchers in the search for answers about these rare cancers. This publication is also available in PDF.
Prostate Cancer Trends 1973-1995 [No. T-474] Pub. No. 99-4543 This monograph provides the most detailed information available on the demographic and clinical features of prostate cancer in the United States. This publication is also available in PDF.
Racial/Ethnic Patterns of Cancer in the United States 1988-1992 [No. M349] Pub. No. 96-4104 This monograph provides a concise description of the occurrences of the major cancers among different racial/ethnic groups in the United States. This publication is also available in PDF.
Cancer-Rates and Risks, (4th Edition, 1996) [No. P063] Pub. No. 96-691 National and international cancer rates, plus individual reports on risk factors for a variety of cancers. Includes an extensive bibliography.

About the SEER Program (see About SEER for the most current information)

SEER Program Brochure [No. T-184] Pub. No. 94-3074 (limit 20) Provides a brief introduction to the history, goals, incidence and survival data, NCI Quality Control Program, and other data sources. This brochure also provides a tabular presentation of the total 1990 U.S. Census/SEER population coverage and racial diversity represented in the SEER database.
SEER Program Booklet [No. T-633] Pub. No. 00-4772 Provides more detail than the SEER Program Brochure on the history, goals, incidence and survival data, NCI Quality Control Program, and other data sources. This booklet also provides graphically displayed snapshots, of the epidemiologically significant population subgroups.

Previous Versions of the Cancer Statistics Review (see Cancer Statistics Review for the current version)

SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1997 [No. T-122] Pub. No. 00-2789 (limit 5) The scope and purpose of these Reviews are consistent with a report to the Senate Appropriations Committee which recommended that a broad profile of cancer be presented to the American public on a routine basis. The most recent of these Reviews in hardcopy format is the 1973-1997 edition. This and the current version of this publication are available in PDF at Cancer Statistics Review.
SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1996 [No. T-447] Pub. No. 99-2789 (limit 5)
SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1991 [No. T815] Pub. No. 94-2789
SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1990 [No. T268] Pub. No. 93-2789

SEER Self Instructional Manuals for Tumor Registrars (see Information for Cancer Registrars for additional materials)

SEER Program: Instructional Manuals on CD-ROM [#Q004] (limit 1) A collection of instructional manuals in PDF format, with capabilities consisting of, the ability to content search, take notes and where applicable, test taking. Publications on this CD-ROM, consists of:
  1. User Guide (Please read prior to using this tool, and print for future reference.)
  2. SEER Book One
  3. SEER Book Two
  4. SEER Book Three
  5. SEER Book Four
  6. SEER Book Five
  7. SEER Summary Staging Manual
  8. SEER Summary Staging Manual 2000
  9. SEER Book Seven
  10. SEER Book Eight

Each publication listed is also available for download in PDF. Descriptions of the manuals are also provided.

ICD Conversion Manuals (see Conversion Programs for additional materials)

ICD-O-1 to ICD-O-2 (includes Addendum) [No. T168, T169] Pub. No. 92-3331 The conversion tables are from ICD-O-1 and the Field Trial editions to ICD-O-2. These tables are divided into topography and morphology.
ICD-O-2 to ICD-O-1 (includes Addendum) [No. T170, T171] Pub. No. 92-3430 The conversion (comparison or equivalency) tables are from ICD-O-2 and back to the Field Trial editions and ICD-O-1. This conversion is made to help users see what the equivalent code number(s) was in a Field Trial or ICD-O-1.
ICD-O-2 to ICD-9-(CM) (includes Addendum) [No. T172, T173] Pub. No. 93-2007 This conversion has been prepared to help those who wish to compare or convert diagnoses coded according to ICD-O-2 with diagnoses coded according to the ICD-9 (CM).
ICD-9 to ICD-10 Neoplasms [No. T055] Pub. No. 95-4001 This conversion was developed to convert or compare the Neoplasms Section (Chapter 11) of the International Classification of Diseases, 1975, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) and the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification, (ICD-9-CM) to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, (ICD-10).
ICD-10 to ICD-9 Neoplasms [No. T300] Pub. No. 96-4001 This conversion was developed to convert or compare the Neoplasm section (Chapter II) of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) to the International Classification of Disease, 1975, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, (ICD-9-CM).
ICD-O-2 to ICD-10 Neoplasms [No. T144] Pub. No. 98-3239 This conversion has been prepared to help those who wish to compare or convert diagnoses coded according to ICD-O-2 with diagnoses coded according to the ICD-10 Neoplasms.

Coding Manuals (see Information for Cancer Registrars for additional materials)

2007 SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual [No. Q-019] (limit 1) This is an update of the SEER Program Coding Manual that replaces the 2004 manual. Appendix C includes detailed site-specific modules and the 2007 Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules to aid the registrar during case abstracting. Changes are effective with cases diagnosed January 1, 2007, and after, except as noted. Download Instructions for Using the SEER CD Manual (PDF). This publication is also available in PDF at SEER Coding and Staging Manuals.
Historical Staging and Coding Manuals on CD-ROM - UPDATED VERSION – Includes 2004 Manuals [No. Q-017] (limit 1) A collection 27 staging and coding manuals in PDF format, along with 8 additional tools for abstracting and coding.
  1. Search by Title to view the manuals listed in alphabetical order.
  2. Search by Timeline for a certain date that you would like to view all relative material effective on that date. Note: The date range begins January 1st of the first listed year and continues through December 31st of the second listed year (or in some cases within the same year).

These publications are also avilable in PDF format at Historical Staging and Coding Manuals.

SEER Summary Staging Manual 2000 [No. T880] Pub No. 06-4969 (limit 1) This document is intended for use as a coding manual beginning with cases diagnosed January 1, 2001 and forward rather than a staging guide. Each anatomic site in the Topography Section of the International Classification of Disease for Oncology – Third Edition (ICD-O-3) has a corresponding summary staging scheme included in this manual. This publication is also available in PDF.
Abstracting and Coding Guide for the Hematopoietic Diseases (May 2002) [No. T-007] Pub. No. 02-5146 Information for cancer data collectors (health professionals) on how to abstract and code refractory anemias, polycythemia, and other hematopoietic diseases. Errata for this publication are available at SEER Coding and Staging Manuals.
Definitions of Single and Subsequent Primaries for Hematologic Malignancies [No. T-878], V.102 Sept. 2001 This chart provides an aid to the registrar, in determining single versus subsequent primaries.
SEER Comparative Staging Guide for Cancer (Version 1.1, 1993) [No. T-174] Pub. No. 93-3640 Using the 10-digit Extent of Disease 1988 as a base, this publication provides a cross-walk between the localized/regional/distant, TNM, and AJCC staging schemes.
SEER Program Code Manual (3rd Edition, 1998) [No. T-894] Pub. No. 98-1999 This manual is a limited explanation of the format and definitions of the computerized record routinely submitted by each SEER participant to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). This publication is available with other SEER Coding Manuals in PDF.
SEER Program Code Manual (Revised Edition, 1992) [No. T182] Pub. No. 94-1999
SEER Extent of Disease 1998, Codes and Coding Instructions (3rd Edition, 1998) [No. T-899] Pub. No. 98-4354 Provides the codes and coding instructions for the 10-digit Extent of Disease (EOD) code submitted for each and every cancer site. This publication is available with other SEER Coding Manuals in PDF.
SEER Extent of Disease 1988, Codes and Coding Instructions (2nd Edition, 1994) [No. T176] Pub. No. 94-2313