Satellite Broadcast
Cross-Cultural Communication in Health Care:
Building Organizational Capacity

Original Broadcast: June 4, 2003

Archived Broadcast
Resource Guide
New! Revised Title VI
Limited English Proficient
Guidance for Federal Financial
Assistance Recipients

An archived version of the broadcast is now on the web!
Go to Archived Broadcast to view it on your own computer.

Broadcast sponsors: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Center for Health Services Financing and Managed Care has joined forces with the HHS Office of Minority Health and the HHS Office for Civil Rights to bring you an exciting “how to” telecast that will help your organization deliver linguistically competent care. Bringing national experts and leaders from best practice organizations, we will share with you experiences that organizations like yours have had in planning and implementing linguistic services.

Expert faculty includes Ms. Shani Dowd, Director of Clinical Cultural Competency Training at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (Boston, MA) and Dr. Robert Like, Director of the Center for Health Families and Cultural Diversity at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (New Brunswick, NJ). In addition, Ms. Deeana Jang (Senior Civil Rights Analyst, U.S. DHHS Office for Civil Rights), Mr. Kelvin Quan (CFO and General Counsel, Alameda Alliance for Health, Alameda, CA), Ms. Dinah Surh (VP/Administrator, Sunset Part Family Health Center Network, Brooklyn, NY) Ms. Catalina Sol, Director, HIV Program, La Clinical del Pueblo, and Ms. Joyce St. George (co-Director, Pact Training, New Kingston, NY) will join us in this program.

Successful approaches will be shared that have worked to improve communication between providers and patients with limited-English-proficiency (LEP).

Resources and tools will help you take your organization to a new level in developing effective programs to serve low-income patients in a managed care setting.

Copyright Notice: Portions of this broadcast are protected by copyright, and may not be videotaped, copied or duplicated without permission of the copyright holder.

Send questions about the Satellite Broadcast to George Smith at