Women Aged 18 and Older Living Below the Poverty Level,* by Race/Ethnicity and Age, 2006

Women Aged 18 and Older Living Below the Poverty Level, by Race/Ethnicity and Age, 2006
Race/Ethnicity Age Group (Percent of Females)
18-44 Years 45-64 Years 65 Years and Older
Total, All Women 14.9% 9.0% 11.5%
Non-Hispanic White 11.0% 6.6% 9.0%
Non-Hispanic Black 26.3% 17.2% 26.4%
Hispanic 21.7% 16.1% 20.8%
Asian/Pacific Islander 9.4% 8.7% 11.3%
American Indian/Alaska Native 27.3% 25.5% 34.6%

*Poverty level, defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, was $20,444 for a family of four in 2006.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2007. Current Population Survey Table Creator. Available online at http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/cpstc/cps_table_creator.html, accessed 12/3/07.

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