United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
     VA: Patient Safety Initiatives

  • Magnet® recognition – VA has embraced Magnet principles across all sites of care and is supporting the achievement of Magnet designation at all VA facilities.
  • 100,000 Lives Campaign – VA nursing is implementing multiple evidence-based practice initiatives as part of this campaign, including targeted nursing interventions to reduce ventilator associated pneumonia, blood borne infections due to central lines, and surgical site infections.
  • ICU Pilot Project – VA ICU clinicians and nurse executives are partnering with information technologists and others to conduct a pilot study that creates benchmarks for risk-adjusted mortality rate and length of stay rates for ICU patients based on a three-year database. An early finding was that better patient outcomes were seen in units where evidence-based practice guidelines were utilized, such as tight control of glucose.
  • Nothing Left Behind Program – A VA interdisciplinary care team, along with the National Center for Patient Safety and the Surgical Strategic Health Care Group of Patient Care Services, worked together to identify standardized protocols for methodical tracking of OR materials and wound exploration to prevent retained foreign objects.
  • Patient Safety Reporting System – VA staff members are encouraged to report near-miss and adverse events to help identify issues or processes that need to be addressed.
  • VA Nursing Outcomes Database (VANOD) – This national database consists of clinically relevant, nursing-sensitive quality indicators to support strategic decision making through internal and external benchmarking for all care areas.
  • Safe Patient Handling and Movement Program – This program is a top VA initiative that focuses on preventing musculoskeletal injuries to patient care staff members.
  • Regular work weeks – VA is committed to monitoring/preventing direct care RNs from working hours that exceed 12 consecutive hours in one shift or 60 hours in any 7-day period, except in the case of nurses providing emergency care.
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