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You are here: Home Training Training Management Evaluation and Analysis Division LEVEL II: Automated Testing System (ATS) and Practical Exercise Assessment System (PEAS)
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LEVEL II: Automated Testing System (ATS) and Practical Exercise Assessment System (PEAS)

Each FLETC training program is developed in accordance with a standard Instructional Systems Design (ISD) model. FLETC formally tests each of the performance objectives in every basic training course (Level II evaluation). The objectives may be tested via written multiple-choice tests using the ATS or by performance tests using the PEAS. Because the tests are constructed to directly measure the accomplishment of the objectives, the individual and group test results not only measure student achievement, but they also provide a wealth of knowledge about the quality of the presentation and the clarity of the instructional processes and materials, etc.

The ATS is a fully automated and networked testing system which allows the FLETC, Glynco facility to develop tests that can be accessed from any location having internet access and the appropriate software. In addition to printed tests, the system can integrate computerized graphics, animation, full-motion video and interactive scenarios that more fully measure and evaluate learning. The ATS also provides test and item analysis statistical data to assist FLETC personnel in assessing the performance of test items as a set and individually. The purpose of this analysis is to improve tests by revising or eliminating ineffective items to increase test reliability and content validity. When conducted properly, test and item analysis can identify test items or distractors which are not performing well and objectives which students did not learn properly and will need to be re-taught and re-assessed. The ATS provides several statistical measurements to assess the reliability and content validity of knowledge tests and test items. These include the Item Difficulty Index, the Item Discrimination Index, and the Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR-20) reliability estimate.  

The Practical Exercise Assessment System (PEAS) allows automation and integration of Level II evaluations of practical exercises (PEs) into FATES. Prior to PEAS, all practical exercises were evaluated using clipboards, bubble sheets, and optical scanners that collected and stored PE evaluation results. The PEAS uses rugged, all-weather, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) that are custom-programmed to capture degree of accomplishment of criteria during the evaluation of performance in practical exercises. Special features of the PEAS PDA’s include the ability to accept handwritten and voice comments to augment the instructor’s data entry for each student.