Hanover, NH now: Fair, 4° F
Dartmouth Relays

Up Front:
Take your marks

For the 40th year, Leverone Field House is the site for the annual Dartmouth Relays this weekend, as teams and elite athletes from all over the region will be competing in one of the area's most well-known indoor events. Saturday's action includes high school athletes from around the East; Sunday's events feature collegiate and open competition.


Presidential Search

Dartmouth's Board of Trustees has approved a Leadership Statement which will guide the search for the College's 17th president.

Campaign for the Dartmouth Experience

In this turbulent economic climate, your annual fund gift is more important than ever to help sustain financial aid, leading-edge teaching and scholarship, and a vital Dartmouth experience for all students.

Dartmouth Budget Update

The worldwide economic crisis has touched Dartmouth. The College is developing a plan to bring expenses in line with reduced revenues.

About Dartmouth

Dartmouth College has forged a singular identity. A member of the Ivy League, Dartmouth is a small, student-centered, undergraduate and graduate College, with three leading professional schools - Dartmouth Medical School, Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. It is known for its commitment to excellence in undergraduate education. Dartmouth also awards degrees through the doctorate in 17 Arts and Sciences graduate programs and the professional schools.

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