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Patent Technology Monitoring Division Statistical Reports

All Patents, All Types Issue Years and Patent Numbers Since 1836
All Technologies Patent Applications Counts by Country of Origin
Design Patents Patent Counts by Class by Year
Filing Years and Application Serial Numbers Since 1882 Patent Counts by State/Country and Year, All Patents
Independent Inventors by State by Year Patent Counts by State/Country and Year, Utility Patents
Independent Inventor Counts by Class by Year PTMD Research Publications
Issue Dates and Patent Numbers Since 1836 PTMD Technology Reports

All Patents, All Types www

Parts A1 and A2 of this report list the number of utility patents as well as other types of U.S. documents granted since 1977 (i.e., design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations). Yearly totals are provided for the most recent 14 years.

Part A1 distributes patent grants by year of grant and Part A2 distributes patent grants by year of patent application. The totals are broken down by either U.S. or foreign origin determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned.

Part B shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations which have received 1,000 or more patents since 1969. The report ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their patenting activity for the most recent 14 year period. Part B provides the distribution of patent grants by year of grant and year of patent application.

Product Code: EIP-3100P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

All Technologies www

Parts A1 and A2 of this report show the number of utility patents granted since 1963. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent 14 years.

Part A1 illustrates the distribution of patent grants by year of grant. Part A2 provides the distribution of patent grants by year of patent application. The totals are broken down by either U.S. Or foreign origin determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. Patents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned.

Part B of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations which have received 1,000 or more patents since 1969. The report ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their patenting activity for the most recent 14 year period. Part B shows patent grants by year of grant and year of patent application.

Product Code: EIP-3110P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Design Patents www
This report is similar to the All Technologies Report, but it only covers design patents granted since 1977.

Product Code: EIP-3120P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Filing Years and Application Serial Numbers Since 1882 www

This report enables a user to identify the approximate filing year from the application serial number for patents applications submitted since 1882. Updated annually.

Product Code: EIP-3055P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Independent Inventors by State by Year www

This report shows the number of "independent inventors" by state determined by the residence of the first-named inventor for all patents granted from 1977 to the present. Independent inventors are inventors of those patents which are either unassigned or assigned to individuals at the time of patent grant. Also available restricted to utility patents for the period 1975 to present.

Product Code: EIP-3130P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Independent Inventors Counts by Class by Year www

This report shows the number of "independent inventors" by class by year.

Product Code: EIP-3131P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Issue Dates and Patent Numbers Since 1836 www

This report enables users to identify the full issue date based on the patent number for patent documents granted since 1963. For utility, design, and plant patents granted from 1836 to 1962, this report enables users to identify the issue year only based on the patent number. [40 pages]

Product Code: EIP-3140P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Issue Years and Patent Numbers Since 1836 www
For utility, design, plant, and reissue patents and statutory invention registrations granted from 1836 to the present, this report enables users to identify the issue year only from the patent number. Updated annually. [1 page]

Product Code: EIP-3141P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Applications by Country of Origin www

A series of tables which present the yearly number of utility patent applications filed at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1965. Application counts are distributed by country of origin. Updated annually.

Product Code: EIP-3150P-PP (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Counts by Class by Year www

This report shows the number of patents granted since 1977 for utility, design, plant, and reissue patents; defensive publications; and statutory invention registrations in each of the approximately 430 U.S. patent classes, the primary divisions of technology within the U.S. Patent Classification System. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent 19 years. The report consists of two parts, one lists patent counts by primary classification only and one lists counts by primary and cross-reference classifications with duplicate patent counts eliminated.

Product Code: EIP-3160P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, All Patents, All Types www

This report counts U.S. documents granted since 1977 for utility patents, design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations. Also available for independent inventor (i. e., unassigned) patents. Yearly totals are presented for the most recent 21 years.

Product Code: EIP-3180P-PP
Price: free
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, Utility Patents www

This report shows the number of U.S. utility patents granted since 1963, distributed by state or country of origin determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Yearly totals are shown for the most recent 21 years. Also available for independent inventor (i.e., unassigned) patents. Yearly totals are presented for the most recent 21 years.

Product Code: EIP-3170P-PP
Price: free
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information.

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