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Patent Product Descriptions

Patent Classification Definitions (U.S.)
Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Retro. 2002)
Patent Full Text/APS (Retro. 1976 - 2001) Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only)
(Retro. 2002)
Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retro. 1976 - 2001) Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Retro. 2003)
Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retro. 09/1996 - 12/1996); (Retro 1997); (Retro 1998); (Retro 1999); (Retro 2000) Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only)
(Retro. 2003)
Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/SGML v2.4 (Text Only) (Retro. 2001) Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Retro. 2004)
Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2002) Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2004)
Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2003) Patent Grant Data/XML v4.0 (Retro. 2005)

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2004)

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.0 (Text Only) (Retro. 2005)

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v4.0 ICE (Text Only) (Retro. 2005)

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.1 (Retro. 2006)
Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v4.1 ICE (Text Only) (Retro. 2006) Patent Grant Data/XML v4.1 (Text Only) (Retro. 2006)
Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v4.2 ICE (Text Only) (Retro. 2007) Patent Grant Data/XML v4.2 (Retro. 2007)
Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v4.2 ICE (Text Only) (Calendar Year) Patent Grant Data/XML v4.2 (Text Only) (Retro. 2007)
Patent Grant Data/OCR Products Patent Grant Data/XML v4.2 ICE (Calendar Year)
Patent Grant Data/SGML v2.4 (Retro. 2001) Patent Grant Data/XML v4.2 ICE (Text Only) (Calendar Year)
Patent Grant Data/SGML v2.4 (Text Only) (Retro. 2001) Patent Grant Image/TIFF (Calendar)

Patent Product Descriptions page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 6

Patent Classification Definitions (US) CD-ROM
Contains a detailed description of each class and official subclass of the US Patent Classification (USPC) System. The definitions indicate the subject matter found in or excluded from a class or a subclass, limiting or expanding, in a precise manner, the meaning intended for each subclass title, and serve as a guide to users of the Manual of Classification by eliminating, as much as possible, the subjective and varying interpretations of the meanings of the subclass titles. Notes are included to illustrate the kinds of information that can be found in a subclass and direct the searcher to other related subclasses which may contain relevant information.

A searchable file of the classification definitions text is included on Patents ASSIST.

Available from the   US Government Online Bookstore.

Annual Subscription
Available from the   US Government Online Bookstore.

Individual class definitions are available from the US Patent and Trademark Office, Office of Classification Support.
Price: $25.00 per document (any length) or $30.00 per hour for historical research
For information or to order by phone call: 703-305-6101

Patent Full Text/APS (Retro. 1976 - 2001) cartridge tape image
The Retrospective File from 1976-2001 inclusive contains the full text of each patent issued.

This file is formatted in accordance with the specification required by the text and retrieval software which resides on the USPTO's automated patent search systems. Tables and "in-line" mathematical equations are present, where appropriate, and appear as text data. Chemical structures are not present, but their location is indicated by a structure call-out. Includes patent number, series code and application number, type of patent, filing date, title, assignee name at time of issue, attorney, agent or firm/legal representative, related US Patent documents, classification information, field of search, US and foreign references, priority data, abstract, specification, and claims.

Approximately 90 GB. Individual years are available on DLT. See Price List.

Retrospective data from 1976 through 2001
Product Code: EIP-5200P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retro. 1976 - 2001) CD-ROM
The Patent Bibliographic/APS (Retrospective) contains patent front page bibliographic information (excluding drawings). Fields in the patent record include patent number, series code and application number, type of patent, filing date, title, assignee name at time of issue, attorney, agent or firm/legal representative, related US patent documents, classification information, and abstract. Each weekly update contains approximately 3,000 patents (8 million characters).

This retrospective file with data from January 1976 through December 2001 is available on CD-ROM TAR volume, approximately 1.6 GB. Each year zipped, weeks within each year concatenated.

Product Code: EIP-5000P-CD (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information.  

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retro. 09/1996 - 12/1996)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from September 3, 1996 through December 1996 (excludes images/drawings). The file format is a subset of the Green Book, ASCII text. Includes patent number, series code and application number, type of patent, filing date, title, issue date, inventor information, assignee name at time of issue, foreign priority information, related US patent documents, classification information, U.S. and foreign references, attorney, agent or firm/legal representative, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) information, and abstract. This file is a subset of the Patent Full-Text/APS Retrospective 1976-2001 and the Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retrospective 1976-2001).

These product files (18 zip files totaling 41,274,505 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order/order form is required.

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file is one (1) file for the weekly issue: pbayyyymmdd.txt (Bibliographic information in ASCII APS format)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retro. 1997)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 1997 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is a subset of the Green Book, ASCII text. Includes patent number, series code and application number, type of patent, filing date, title, issue date, inventor information, assignee name at time of issue, foreign priority information, related US patent documents, classification information, U.S. and foreign references, attorney, agent or firm/legal representative, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) information, and abstract. This file is a subset of the Patent Full-Text/APS Retrospective 1976-2001 and the Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retrospective 1976-2001).

These product files (52 zip files totaling 123,663,751 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order/order form is required. 

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
pbayyyymmdd.txt (Bibliographic information in ASCII APS format)
pbayyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
pbayyyymmddrpt.txt (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retro. 1998)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 1998 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is a subset of the Green Book, ASCII text. Includes patent number, series code and application number, type of patent, filing date, title, issue date, inventor information, assignee name at time of issue, foreign priority information, related US patent documents, classification information, U.S. and foreign references, attorney, agent or firm/legal representative, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) information, and abstract. This file is a subset of the Patent Full-Text/APS Retrospective 1976-2001 and the Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retrospective 1976-2001).

These product files (52 zip files totaling 165,742,165 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order/order form is required.

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
pbayyyymmdd.txt (Bibliographic information in ASCII APS format)
pbayyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
pbayyyymmddrpt.txt (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retro. 1999)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 1999 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is a subset of the Green Book, ASCII text. Includes patent number, series code and application number, type of patent, filing date, title, issue date, inventor information, assignee name at time of issue, foreign priority information, related US patent documents, classification information, U.S. and foreign references, attorney, agent or firm/legal representative, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) information, and abstract. This file is a subset of the Patent Full-Text/APS Retrospective 1976-2001 and the Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retrospective 1976-2001).

These product files (52 zip files totaling 161,699,557 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order/order form is required. 

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file is three (3) files for the weekly issue:
pbayyyymmdd.txt (Bibliographic information in ASCII APS format)
pbayyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
pbayyyymmddrpt.txt (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retro. 2000)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2000 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is a subset of the Green Book, ASCII text. Includes patent number, series code and application number, type of patent, filing date, title, issue date, inventor information, assignee name at time of issue, foreign priority information, related US patent documents, classification information, U.S. and foreign references, attorney, agent or firm/legal representative, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) information, and abstract. This file is a subset of the Patent Full-Text/APS Retrospective 1976-2001 and the Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/APS (Text Only) (Retrospective 1976-2001).

These product files (52 zip files totaling 144,069,339 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order/order form is required. 

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file is three (3) files for the weekly issue:
pbayyyymmdd.txt (Bibliographic information in ASCII APS format)
pbayyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
pbayyyymmddrpt.txt (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/SGML v2.4 (Text Only) (Retro. 2001)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2001 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) in accordance with the U.S. Patent Grant Version 2.4 Document Type Definition (DTD). This Bibliographic (Text Only) file is a subset of the Patent Grant Data/SGML Version 2.4 (Text Only).

These product files (52 zip files totaling 211,292,562 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order form is required. 

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
pgbyyyymmdd.sgml (Bibliographic information in SGML)
pgbyyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
pgbyyyymmddrpt.txt (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2002)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2002 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the U.S. Patent Grant Version 2.5 Document Type Definition (DTD). This Bibliographic (Text Only) file is a subset of the Patent Grant Data/XML Version 2.5 (Text Only).

These product files (53 zip files totaling 210,321,289 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order form is required. 

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
pgbyyyymmdd.xml (Bibliographic information in XML)
pgbyyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
pgbyyyymmddrpt.txt (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2003)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2003 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the U.S. Patent Grant Version 2.5 Document Type Definition (DTD). This Bibliographic (Text Only) file is a subset of the Patent Grant Data/XML Version 2.5 (Text Only).

These product files (52 zip files totaling 219,906,215 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order form is required. 

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
pgbyyyymmdd.xml (Bibliographic information in XML)
pgbyyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
pgbyyyymmddrpt.txt (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2004)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2004 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the U.S. Patent Grant Version 2.5 Document Type Definition (DTD). This Bibliographic (Text Only) file is a subset of the Patent Grant Data/XML Version 2.5 (Text Only). 

These product files (52 zip files totaling 215,784,087 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order form is required. 

This product includes a file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
pgbyyyymmdd.xml (Bibliographic information in XML)
pgbyyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
pgbyyyymmddrpt.txt (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v4.0 ICE (Text Only) (Retro. 2005)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2005 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the International Common Element (ICE) Patent Grant Version 4.0 Document Type Definition (DTD). This Bibliographic (Text Only) file is a subset of the Patent Grant Data/XML Version 4.0 ICE (Text Only). 

These product files (52 zip files totaling 194,604,579 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order form is required. 

This product includes an file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
ipgbyyyymmdd.xml (Bibliographic information in ICE XML)
ipgbyyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
ipgbyyyymmddrpt.txt and/or ipgbyyyymmddrpt.html (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v4.1 ICE (Text Only) (Retro. 2006)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2006 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the International Common Element (ICE) Patent Grant Version 4.1 Document Type Definition (DTD). This Bibliographic (Text Only) file is a subset of the Patent Grant Data/XML Version 4.1 ICE (Text Only). 

These product files (52 zip files totaling 261,648,050 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order form is required. 

This product includes an file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
ipgbyyyymmdd.xml (Bibliographic information in ICE XML)
ipgbyyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
ipgbyyyymmddrpt.html (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v4.2 ICE (Text Only) (Retro. 2007)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2007 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the International Common Element (ICE) Patent Grant Version 4.2 Document Type Definition (DTD). This Bibliographic (Text Only) file is a subset of the Patent Grant Data/XML Version 4.2 ICE (Text Only).

These product files (52 zip files totaling 250,007,470 bytes - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order form is required. 

This product includes an file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue: ipgbyyyymmdd.xml (Bibliographic information in ICE XML) ipgbyyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order) ipgbyyyymmddrpt.html (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Bibliographic Data/XML v4.2 ICE (Text Only) (Current Calendar Year)
Contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) in Calendar Year 2008 (January through December) (excludes images/drawings). The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the International Common Element (ICE) Patent Grant Version 4.2 Document Type Definition (DTD). This Bibliographic (Text Only) file is a subset of the Patent Grant Data/XML Version 4.2 ICE (Text Only). Available on issue day (Tuesdays). Approximately 5 MB per week (compressed). 

These product files (52 zip files - compressed) are available at no charge from the Online Product Catalog. No order form is required. 

This product includes an file for each week [where "yyyymmdd" is a Tuesday issue date and "nn" is a two-digit, fixed-length number (with leading zero) representing the sequentially-numbered week of the year. Within each zip file are three (3) files for the weekly issue:
ipgbyyyymmdd.xml (Bibliographic information in ICE XML)
ipgbyyyymmddlst.txt (List of patent grant numbers in ascending order)
ipgbyyyymmddrpt.html (Statistical/summary report)

The older version of these files (containing the old naming formats and conventions) may be obtained through the anonymous FTP server until January 30, 2009. After January 30, 2009 the old format will no longer be supported, or updated on the FTP server.

Patent Grant Data/OCR cartridge tape
The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Documents provides ASCII text for the US patent grants issued prior to 1980 for which there was no searchable text in the USPTO US Patent database. The ASCII text for these patents was generated by processing 300 dpi Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) images of the patent pages through an OCR engine. The resulting ASCII text has not undergone any manual validation or correction processes.

The 7 DLT Cartridges contain patent grant text produced using the US Patent Grant Image data from 1920 through 1979 as input. The additional DLT cartridge (1920-1979 Update) contains documents from 1920 through 1979 that were either captured again because of errors in the original OCR documents or because they were not present in the original capture. When purchasing one or more of the 1920 to 1970 OCR DLT Cartridges, the 1920 to 1979 update is provided free of charge. A sample file of this OCR data is available on a CD–R at no charge. The following year ranges are available:

1920-1929 - Product Code: EIP-5804P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
1930-1939 - Product Code: EIP-5805P-DL
1940-1949 - Product Code: EIP-5806P-DL
1950-1959 - Product Code: EIP-5807P-DL
1960-1964 - Product Code: EIP-5808P-DL
1965-1969 - Product Code: EIP-5809P-DL
1970-1979 - Product Code: EIP-5810P-DL
1920 - 1979 Update - Product Code: EIP-5811P-DL; free

For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Grant Data/SGML v2.4 (Retro. 2001) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data, and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued. The file format is Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) in accordance with the ST.32 US Patent Grant V1.9 2000-03-07 Data Type Definition (DTD). Each weekly update contains approximately 3,000 patents. All patents are contained in a single zip (about 35 megabytes) file. When unzipped, the weekly files are about 230 megabytes. Offered as an annual subscription.

Product Code: EIP-5301P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information..

Patent Grant Data/SGML v2.4 (Text Only) (Retro. 2001) cartridge tape
Contains the full text of each patent issued. The file format is Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) in accordance with the ST.32.

Annual Subscription
Each weekly update contains approximately 3,000 patents (600 megabytes) on one DLT magnetic tape. All files associated with a specific patent are compressed and zipped into a single patent zip file. Zipped patent files are grouped by type and re-zipped (but not compressed) into a single weekly update file.

Product Code: EIP-5351P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Retro. 2002) cartridge tape
Contains the full text, drawings, and complex work units (tables, mathematical expressions, sequence data, and chemical structures) of each patent issued.

Tables and sequence data are included using CALS SGML markup. Mathematical expressions are included using MATHML XML Markup and external Mathematica Notebook (NB) files. Chemical structures are represented by external CS ChemDraw (CDX) and MDL Information Systems (MOL) files. Drawings, mathematical expressions, and chemical structures also include external Tagged Image Format (TIFF) Revision 6.0 with CCITT Group 4 Compression) files.

Product Code: EIP-5302P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2002) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5352P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Retro. 2003) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5303P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2003) cartridge tape
Contains the full text of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5353P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
For ordering information, e-mail

Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Retro. 2004) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5304P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information.

Patent Grant Data/XML v2.5 (Text Only) (Retro. 2004) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5354P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information. 

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.0 (Retro. 2005) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5305P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information.

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.0 (Text Only) (Retro. 2005) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5355P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information. 

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.1 ICE (Retro. 2006) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5306P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information. 

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.1 ICE (Text Only) (Retro. 2006) ftp
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5356P-OL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information.

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.2 (Retro. 2007) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5307P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information. 

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.2 (Text Only) (Retro. 2007) ftp
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5357P-OL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information.

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.2 ICE (Calendar Year) cartridge tape
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5300P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information. 

Patent Grant Data/XML v4.2 ICE (Text Only) (Calendar Year) ftp
Contains the full text including tables, sequence data and "in-line" mathematical expressions of each patent issued.

Product Code: EIP-5350P-OL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information. 

Patent Grant Image/TIFF (Calendar Year)  cartridge tape
This file contains the facsimile image of every page of virtually every patent issued for the current year. Images for patents issued since 1976 are available on the PTO Web site.

From 1790 to date, this file is available on USAPat. The Cassis Sampler includes a small sample of this product.

Product Code: EIP-5500P-DL (Click on product code to go to price list.)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information. 

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