Precip/MSLP/1000-500 thick - 12h fcst Precip/MSLP/1000-500 thick - 12h fcst

Aviation Flight Rules - 12h fcst Aviation Flight Rules - 12h fcst

Tropopause Pressure - 12h fcst Tropopause Pressure - 12h fcst

The Rapid Update Cycle (RUC)

News items

    The key features of the RUC include:

  • high-frequency (every 1h) short-range weather model forecasts (out to 12+ h) in support of aviation and other mesoscale weather forecast users
  • high-frequency (every 1h) 3-d objective analyses over much of North America, including the contiguous United States and adjacent areas of Canada and Mexico, assimilating the following types of observations:
    • Commercial aircraft, including regional aircraft data with moisture (TAMDAR)
    • Radar reflectivity (3-d)
    • Profiler related
      • Wind profilers (404 and boundary-layer 915 MHz)
      • VAD (velocity-azimuth display) winds from NWS WSR-88D radars
      • RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System)
    • Rawinsondes and special dropwinsondes
    • Surface
      • Surface reporting stations and buoys (including cloud, visibility, current weather)
      • Mesonet
    • Satellite
      • GPS total precipitable water estimates
      • GOES cloud-top data (pressure and temperature)
      • GOES total precipitable water estimates
      • SSM/I total precipitable water estimates
      • GOES high-density visible and IR cloud drift winds
    • Experimental
      • Lightning - experimental
      • NASA Langley cloud products including water/ice path
  • a hybrid isentropic-sigma vertical coordinate.

Other RUC Information, Real-Time and Archived Data

Real-time RUC gridded data available from

Archived RUC gridded data available from:

Information on gridded data

Model fixed fields - topography, etc.

Snow/ice data from RUC, NOAA-NESDIS, NOAA-NOHRSC, Environment Canada

Other sites to obtain real-time RUC-based weather graphics

Prepared by Stan Benjamin and Susan Sahm, images by Kevin Brundage (303)497-6387