4th Workshop on the Use of Isentropic & other Quasi-Lagrangian Vertical Coordinates in Atmosphere & Ocean Modeling
7-9 October 2008
Boulder, Colorado
Program Committee
Stan Benjamin
Dave Randall
Colorado State University
Don Johnson
University of Wisconsin
Tim Dowling
University of Louisville
Rainer Bleck
ESRL Organizing Committee
Stan Benjamin
John M. Brown
Bernie Johnson
Holly Palm
Janet Intrieri
Co-Sponsored by
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)
Earth System Research Laboratory

4th Workshop on the Use of Isentropic & other Quasi-Lagrangian Vertical Coordinates in Atmosphere & Ocean Modeling

Example of potential temperature and wind speed generated by the FIM model.

When October 7-9, 2008

Where NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Boulder, Colorado

Considerable development & testing of quasi-Lagrangian vertical coordinates has occurred since the last hybrid-Θ modeling work shop 4 years ago. This work, in both the atmosphere & ocean, has demonstrated further the potential for isentropic & other quasi-Lagrangian vertical coordinates to improve simulations & forecasts of geophysical fluid flows.

This workshop will include both invited & contributed papers on the latest progress in this rapidly developing field, including;

  • Principles & design of quasi-Lagrangian vertical coordinates
  • Atmospheric applications: weather prediction & general circulation simulation
  • Ocean modeling applications
  • Atmospheric chemistry applications
  • Applications in regional process studies, both hydrostatic & non-hydrostatic
  • Theoretical & technical issues


Conference agenda.


Conference presentations.


If you would like additional information or have questions, please contact Stan Benjamin at: Stan.Benjamin@noaa.gov or Janet Intrieri at Janet.Intrieri@noaa.gov.