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CWIPS (CoastWatch Image Plotting Software) is a FORTRAN program written by Dr. David J. Schwab and Glenn C. Muhr of NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Users can:
  • produce color output Postscript, Microsoft BMP, or raw bytes from CoastWatch data files
  • select from among 40 different color palettes
  • overlay graphics planes
  • adjust image features to match overlays
  • output a subregion of the data
  • mask output data
CWIPS is available with Lahey FORTRAN 77 source code and pre-compiled MSDOS binaries:
> unpkcwip.exe


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The NOAA CoastWatch Program is operated within NOAA's National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service (NESDIS). NOAA is a part of the Department of Commerce (DOC).
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