
Records of the United States Naval Academy [USNA]

(Record Group 405)
789 cu. ft.

Table of Contents

  • 405.2 RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 1845-1983 699 lin. ft.
  • 405.2.1 Correspondence
  • 405.2.2 Directives
  • 405.2.3 Administrative records
  • 405.2.4 Records of reserve training groups
  • 405.2.5 Miscellaneous records
  • 405.3.1 General records
  • 405.3.2 Records of the Office of Professional Development relating to annual summer practice cruises
  • 405.3.3 Records of the Office of Midshipmen Activities
  • 405.4 RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE ACADEMIC DEAN 1866-1970 36 lin. ft.
  • 405.5 RECORDS OF SUBORDINATE OFFICES 1863-1990 21 lin. ft.
  • 405.5.1 Records of the Senior Medical Officer
  • 405.5.2 Records of the Officer in Charge of Buildings and Grounds
  • 405.6 RECORDS OF BOARDS 1836-1981 18 lin. ft.
  • 405.6.1 Records of the Board for the Examination of Midshipmen
  • 405.6.2 Records of the Academic Board
  • 405.6.3 Records of the Board of Visitors
  • 405.6.4 Records of other boards
  • 405.7 VIDEO RECORDINGS (GENERAL) 1935-91 53 items
  • 405.8 SOUND RECORDINGS (GENERAL) 1950-91 174 items
  • 405.9 MACHINE-READABLE RECORDS (GENERAL) 1987-90 16 data sets
  • 405.10 STILL PICTURES (GENERAL) 1845-1983 8,519 images


Established: In the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, effective July 1, 1850, pursuant to recommendations of a board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy, September 4, 1849, to improve course of instruction at the Naval School.

Predecessor Agencies:

In the Department of the Navy:

  • Naval School (1845-50)

Transfers: To Bureau of Navigation, July 1, 1862; to direct supervision of the Secretary of the Navy, March 1, 1867, except routine administrative and financial affairs retained by Bureau of Navigation; to Bureau of Navigation, June 25, 1889; to Bureau of Naval Personnel, May 13, 1942; to Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OCNO), 1971; to Chief of Naval Training, OCNO, 1972; to OCNO, 1976- .

Functions: Provides academic, military, and professional instruction to prepare naval cadets for commissions as regular officers in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.

Finding Aids: Geraldine N. Phillips and Aloha South, comps., Records of the United States Naval Academy, Inv. 11 (1975); reprinted with additions in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the United States Naval Academy in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government. Records of the Naval Academy Division, Bureau of Navigation, in RG 24, Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

Textual Records Annapolis, MD 714 cu. ft.
Video Recordings Annapolis, MD 53 items
Sound Recordings Annapolis, MD 174 items
Machine-Readable Records College Park, MD 16 data sets
Still Pictures Annapolis, MD 8,519 images

Note: Address reference inquiries on all but machine-readable records to the William W. Jeffries Memorial Archives, Nimitz Library, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402-5033.

699 lin. ft.

History: Naval School at Fort Severn, Annapolis, MD, established by Secretary of the Navy George Bancroft, July 1845, and placed under his direct supervision. School site transferred from War Department to Navy Department by General Order 40, War Department, August 15, 1845. Comdr. Franklin Buchanan, who had developed the curriculum of the proposed school pursuant to a letter from the Secretary of the Navy, August 7, 1845, was named its first superintendent, and assumed command September 3, 1845. School opened October 10, 1845. Redesignated USNA and placed under Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, 1850. SEE 405.1.

405.2.1 Correspondence

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Registers of letters sent and received, 1888-1906. Letters sent, 1845-1911, with partial indexes. Letters sent by Superintendent George S. Blake, 1857-65. Letters sent to the Navy Department and its subordinate units, 1864-1908; USNA personnel and cadets, 1881-1908; the Congress, 1888-98; and various individuals, 1885-88. Letters received, 1845-1906. Miscellaneous letters received, with other types of records interfiled, 1845-1920. General correspondence, 1907-59 (336 ft.), with indexes (108 ft.).

Microfilm Publications: M945, M949, M994, M1018.

Related Records: Letters received by the Secretary of the Navy from the Superintendent of the Academy, 1847-84, in RG 45, Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library.

405.2.2 Directives

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Orders and other issuances of the Superintendent, 1850-1928, with indexes. USNA orders, 1911-38; standing orders, 1939-53; special orders, 1923-75; instructions, 1954-72; notices, 1908-71; regulations, 1847-1981; and admissions regulations and examinations, 1879-1965. Brigade and regimental orders, 1909-20. Bureau of Navigation issuances, 1924-30.

405.2.3 Administrative records

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Records relating to candidates for admission, including reports of academic and medical examinations, 1846-76, 1899. Records relating to conduct and discipline, 1846-1908; academic and class standing, 1846-1925; and sea service of midshipmen and cadets, 1882-1916. Records relating to academy officers and personnel, 1846-1907; pay, accounts, and other fiscal matters, 1845-1924; and buildings and grounds, 1858-1910.

Microfilm Publications: M991.

Related Records: Applications and registers of appointment as midshipmen in RG 45, Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library.

405.2.4 Records of reserve training groups

History: From July 5, 1917, to January 31, 1919, five classes of reserve officers trained for service in World War I. From February 14, 1941, to April 30, 1945, 12 classes of naval reservists received similar training to prepare for duty during World War II.

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Correspondence of the Director of Training and his assistants, 1917-19, with indexes. Records relating to enrollment, activities, and performance of trainees, 1917-19. General correspondence, 1941-45. Record cards and other records relating to appointment, health, and performance of trainees, 1941-45.

405.2.5 Miscellaneous records

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Minutes of the U.S. Naval Monument Association, 1865-67; and the Naval Academy Officers' Club, 1897-99, 1908-11, 1921-34. Annual Register of the U.S. Naval Academy, 1858-1981. Command history, 1970-83 (70 vols.). USNA basic catalog, 1926-56 (with gaps), 1958-83; catalog of courses, 1931-65; annual curriculum, 1946-55; and semi-annual schedule of courses, 1965-81. Catalog of the U.S. Navy Postgraduate School, 1915, 1938-51. Miscellaneous USNA publications, 1916-81, including USNA telephone directory, 1939- 81.

86 lin. ft.

405.3.1 General records

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Letters sent, 1861-63, 1884-90, 1902-11. Memorandums, 1911-14. Orders and other issuances, 1875- 1911. Logbook ("Journal") of the officer of the day, 1845-1981 (203 vols.).

405.3.2 Records of the Office of Professional Development
relating to annual summer practice cruises

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Press copies of letters sent, 1883-92, 1894-1902. Registers of letters sent and received, 1910. General correspondence, 1910-11, 1914-16. Correspondence of the Commander, Midshipmen's Practice Squadron, 1927-28. Press copies of orders issued, 1892-1902. Class reports, 1904-16. Logbooks ("Journals") of cruises aboard U.S.S. Plymouth, June-August 1859, June-September 1860.

405.3.3 Records of the Office of Midshipmen Activities

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Records relating to the annual Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference, 1959-80; and to activities of the Masqueraders, the midshipmen theatrical group, 1867-1981. Miscellaneous midshipmen publications, 1869-1984, including Drag's Handbook, 1955-74; The Log, 1913-83; The Log Splinter, 1950-65; Lucky Bag, 1894-1983, Reef Points, 1906-84; and The Trident, 1924-72.

36 lin. ft.

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Instructions, orders, and examination questions of the Department of Ethics and English Studies, 1866-73. Records relating to work done in the Department of English Studies, History, and Law, including examination questions, 1873-82; lesson plans, 1878-84; and grade reports, 1882-1903. Records of the Department of English and Law, consisting of letters sent, 1905-8; and a notebook kept by Midshipman T.J. Reidy relating to instruction in that department, 1903-4. Issuances, 1907-15, and examination questions, 1913-17, of the Department of English. Subject correspondence and other records of the Department of English, History, and Government, 1917-70 (22 ft.).

21 lin. ft.

405.5.1 Records of the Senior Medical Officer

Textual Records (in Annapolis): USNA Hospital letter books, 1865- 81. Press copies of letters sent, 1882-1909. Letters received, 1867-1907. Register of medical reports, 1906-7. Registers of physical examinations of midshipmen and apprentices, 1863-85; candidates for admission and for promotion, 1875-85; and midshipmen and cadets admitted to the USNA, 1886-1916. Registers of physical examination of rejected candidates for admission, 1911-20, with related correspondence, 1917-20. Registers of patients at the USNA Hospital, 1884-1906, with name index, 1904- 5. Logbook ("Journal") of the medical officer of the day, 1911- 23. Medical journals of practice ships, 1904-6.

405.5.2 Records of the Officer in Charge of Buildings and Grounds

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Letters sent, 1875-79, 1886, 1895-1911, with indexes. Letters sent relating to work on academy buildings, 1882-84, 1904-7.

Related Records: Sketches and designs of USNA buildings in RG 71, Records of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. 405.5.3 Records of the Command Chaplain

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Chaplain's register, 1882-1950. Chaplain's registers of marriages, 1951-90; baptisms and visiting clergy, 1951-76; burials, 1951-89; church services, 1960-75; and offerings, 1951-52. Minutes of the Chapel Guild, 1915-73, including membership lists, 1949-65.

18 lin. ft.

405.6.1 Records of the Board for the Examination of Midshipmen

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Journals of proceedings, 1836-80, and related records, 1872.

405.6.2 Records of the Academic Board

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Minutes, 1845-1979, with partial indexes. General records, 1845-1959.

405.6.3 Records of the Board of Visitors

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Letters sent, 1909-14. Letters received, 1909-13. Journals, 1863-1903. Minutes and other records, 1907-14. Reports of the board, 1851-1981.

Related Records: Additional records of the Board of Visitors in RG 24, Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

405.6.4 Records of other boards

Textual Records (in Annapolis): Letters sent and reports relating to boards of inquiry, 1874-82. Proceedings of boards to investigate hazing and other misconduct of cadets and staff, 1866-1923. Proceedings of the court of inquiry to investigate alleged frauds committed by midshipmen in the annual examinations of 1915, June 7-July 24, 1915.

53 items

Video Recordings (in Annapolis): Graduation exercises, interviews, parades, ceremonies, telecasts, and documentaries about the USNA.

Finding Aids: Subject index available at USNA.

174 items

Sound Recordings (in Annapolis): Graduation exercises, addresses, lectures, meetings, and conferences.

Finding Aids: Subject index available at USNA.

16 data sets

Lists of students and of courses, and non-academic and transcript information on the USNA classes of 1987 (4 data sets), 1988 (4 data sets), 1989 (4 data sets), and 1990 (4 data sets), all with supporting documentation.

8,519 images

Photographic Prints (in Annapolis): Superintendents, advisory groups, faculty and staff, midshipmen's activities, buildings and grounds, instructional equipment, support activities, prominent alumni, special events, and the U.S. Navy Postgraduate School.

Finding Aids: Name and subject index available at USNA.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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