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                       SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES

                       ONE HUNDRED TENTH CONGRESS


   FIRST SESSION  convened january 4, 2007          DAYS OF SESSION 31
  SECOND SESSION                                     


                          CALENDAR OF BUSINESS

                      Wednesday, February 28, 2007

                       SENATE CONVENES AT 9:30 A.M.

                           UNFINISHED BUSINESS


    Motion to proceed to the consideration of S. 4, a bill to make the 
United States more secure by implementing unfinished recommendations of 
the 9/11 Commission to fight the war on terror more effectively, to 
improve homeland security, and for other purposes. (Feb. 26, 2007.)

                  (Unanimous Consent Agreement on P. 2)


                         SECRETARY OF THE SENATE

                 By David J. Tinsley, Legislative Clerk


[[Page 2]]

                       UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT

                          S. 184 (ORDER NO. 26)

    Ordered, That on Wednesday, February 28, 2007, following morning 
business, the Senate proceed to the consideration of S. 4, a bill to 
make the United States more secure by implementing unfinished 
recommendations of the 9/11 Commission to fight the war on terror more 
effectively, to improve homeland security, and for other purposes. (Feb. 
27, 2007.)

     January 03, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31.
     February, 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 28.
     March, 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 08, 09, 13, 14, 15, 16, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
     April, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 24, 25, 26, 27.
     May, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
     June, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29.
     July, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31.
     August, 01, 02, 03, 04.
     September, 05, 06, 07, 08, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
     November, 09, 13, 14, 15, 16.
     December, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08.

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    January, 04, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31.
    February, 01, 05, 06, 07, 08, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28.
Days Senate met during Second Session, One Hundred Ninth Congress, are 
marked (---).

Boxed area indicates a non-legislative period.

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      Senate Membership, One Hundred Tenth Congress, First Session


 1    Akaka, Daniel K.....................................    HI
 2    Alexander, Lamar....................................    TN
 2    Allard, Wayne.......................................    CO
 2    Baucus, Max.........................................    MT
 3    Bayh, Evan..........................................    IN
 3    Bennett, Robert F...................................    UT
 2    Biden, Joseph R., Jr................................    DE
 1    Bingaman, Jeff......................................    NM
 3    Bond, Christopher S.................................    MO
 3    Boxer, Barbara......................................    CA
 1    Brown, Sherrod......................................    OH
 3    Brownback, Sam......................................    KS
 3    Bunning, Jim........................................    KY
 3    Burr, Richard.......................................    NC
 1    Byrd, Robert C......................................    WV
 1    Cantwell, Maria.....................................    WA
 1    Cardin, Benjamin L..................................    MD
 1    Carper, Thomas R....................................    DE
 1    Casey, Robert P., Jr................................    PA
 2    Chambliss, Saxby....................................    GA
 1    Clinton, Hillary Rodham.............................    NY
 3    Coburn, Tom.........................................    OK
 2    Cochran, Thad.......................................    MS
 2    Coleman, Norm.......................................    MN
 2    Collins, Susan M....................................    ME
 1    Conrad, Kent........................................    ND
 1    Corker, Bob.........................................    TN
 2    Cornyn, John........................................    TX
 2    Craig, Larry E......................................    ID
 3    Crapo, Mike.........................................    ID
 3    DeMint, Jim.........................................    SC
 3    Dodd, Christopher J.................................    CT
 2    Dole, Elizabeth.....................................    NC
 2    Domenici, Pete V....................................    NM
 3    Dorgan, Byron L.....................................    ND
 2    Durbin, Richard.....................................    IL
 1    Ensign, John........................................    NV
 2    Enzi, Michael B.....................................    WY
 3    Feingold, Russell D.................................    WI
 1    Feinstein, Dianne...................................    CA
 2    Graham, Lindsey.....................................    SC
 3    Grassley, Chuck.....................................    IA
 3    Gregg, Judd.........................................    NH
 2    Hagel, Chuck........................................    NE
 2    Harkin, Tom.........................................    IA
 1    Hatch, Orrin G......................................    UT
 1    Hutchison, Kay Bailey...............................    TX
 2    Inhofe, James M.....................................    OK
 3    Inouye, Daniel K....................................    HI
 3    Isakson, Johnny.....................................    GA
 2    Johnson, Tim........................................    SD
 1    Kennedy, Edward M...................................    MA
 2    Kerry, John F.......................................    MA
 1    Klobuchar, Amy......................................    MN
 1    Kohl, Herb..........................................    WI
 1    Kyl, Jon............................................    AZ
 2    Landrieu, Mary L....................................    LA
 2    Lautenberg, Frank R.................................    NJ
 3    Leahy, Patrick J....................................    VT
 2    Levin, Carl.........................................    MI
 1    Lieberman, Joseph I\**\.............................    CT
 3    Lincoln, Blanche L..................................    AR
 1    Lott, Trent.........................................    MS
 1    Lugar, Richard G....................................    IN
 3    Martinez, Mel.......................................    FL
 3    McCain, John........................................    AZ
 1    McCaskill, Claire...................................    MO
 2    McConnell, Mitch....................................    KY
 1    Menendez, Robert....................................    NJ
 3    Mikulski, Barbara A.................................    MD
 3    Murkowski, Lisa.....................................    AK
 3    Murray, Patty.......................................    WA
 1    Nelson, Bill........................................    FL
 1    Nelson, E. Benjamin.................................    NE
 3    Obama, Barack.......................................    IL
 2    Pryor, Mark L.......................................    AR
 2    Reed, Jack..........................................    RI
 3    Reid, Harry.........................................    NV
 2    Roberts, Pat........................................    KS
 2    Rockefeller, John D., IV............................    WV
 3    Salazar, Ken........................................    CO
 1    Sanders, Bernard\*\.................................    VT
 3    Schumer, Charles E..................................    NY
 2    Sessions, Jeff......................................    AL
 3    Shelby, Richard C...................................    AL
 2    Smith, Gordon H.....................................    OR
 1    Snowe, Olympia J....................................    ME
 3    Specter, Arlen......................................    PA
 1    Stabenow, Debbie....................................    MI
 2    Stevens, Ted........................................    AK
 2    Sununu, John E......................................    NH
 1    Tester, Jon.........................................    MT
 1    Thomas, Craig.......................................    WY
 3    Thune, John.........................................    SD
 3    Vitter, David.......................................    LA
 3    Voinovich, George V.................................    OH
 2    Warner, John........................................    VA
 1    Webb, Jim...........................................    VA
 1    Whitehouse, Sheldon.................................    RI
 3    Wyden, Ron..........................................    OR


Class 1=Senators whose terms expire in 2013 (Dem. 22  Ind. Dem. 1     33
Ind. 1  Rep. 9).
Class 2=Senators whose terms expire in 2009 (Dem. 12  Rep. 21)....    33
Class 3=Senators whose terms expire in 2011 (Dem. 15  Rep. 19)....    34


                          Totals (Dem. 49  Ind. Dem. 1  Ind. 1       100
                          Rep. 49).

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                         COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 

                          STANDING COMMITTEES 

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Room SR-328A. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first and third 
    Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Tom Harkin, of Iowa, Chairman
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Max Baucus, of Montana
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Ken Salazar, of Colorado
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota


Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John Thune, of South Dakota
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa


Room S-128, The Capitol. Meetings at the call of the Chairman.
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia, Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Patty Murray, of Washington
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Richard Durbin, of Illinois
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska


Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee

                             ARMED SERVICES

Room SR-228. Russell Office Building. Meetings, Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Carl Levin, of Michigan, Chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Bill Nelson, of Florida
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri


John McCain, of Arizona
John Warner, of Virginia
James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Susan M. Collins, of Maine
John Ensign, of Nevada
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
John Cornyn, of Texas
John Thune, of South Dakota
Mel Martinez, of Florida


Room SD-534. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, last Tuesday of each 
    month at 10:30 a.m.
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut, Chairman
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Jon Tester, of Montana


Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
Mel Martinez, of Florida


Room SD-621. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first Thursday of each 
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota, Chairman
Patty Murray, of Washington
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John Ensign, of Nevada
John Cornyn, of Texas
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina


Room SD-508. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first and third Tuesdays 
    at 10 a.m.
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Barbara Boxer, of California
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota


Ted Stevens, of Alaska
John McCain, of Arizona
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
John Ensign, of Nevada
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
David Vitter, of Louisiana
John Thune, of South Dakota

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                      ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES

Room SD-364. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, third Wednesday of each 
    month at 10 a.m.    
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico, Chairman
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Ken Salazar, of Colorado
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Jon Tester, of Montana


Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mel Martinez, of Florida

                      ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS

Room SD-458. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first and third 
    Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Barbara Boxer, of California, Chairman
Max Baucus, of Montana
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma
John Warner, of Virginia
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri


Room SD-219. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, second and fourth 
    Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Max Baucus, of Montana, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Ken Salazar, of Colorado


Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Jon Kyl, of Arizona
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Pat Roberts, of Kansas

                            FOREIGN RELATIONS

Room SD-446. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Barbara Boxer, of California
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Jim Webb, of Virginia


Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
David Vitter, of Louisiana


Room SD-428. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, second and fourth 
    Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
Patty Murray, of Washington
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio


Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma


Room SD-340. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first Thursday of each 
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut, Chairman
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Jon Tester, of Montana


Susan M. Collins, of Maine
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
John Warner, of Virginia
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire

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Room SD-224. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont, Chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Richard Durbin, of Illinois
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Jon Kyl, of Arizona
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
John Cornyn, of Texas
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma

                        RULES AND ADMINISTRATION

Room SR-305. Russell Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Dianne Feinstein, of California, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Richard Durbin, of Illinois
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Harry Reid, of Nevada
Patty Murray, of Washington
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas


Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee


Room SR-428A. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first Wednesday of each 
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts, Chairman
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Jon Tester, of Montana


Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
John Thune, of South Dakota
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia

                            VETERANS' AFFAIRS

Room SR-414. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first Wednesday of each 
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Patty Murray, of Washington
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Jon Tester, of Montana


Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
John Ensign, of Nevada

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                       COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS

                    Room SH-838. Hart Office Building

Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota, Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Jon Tester, of Montana


Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
John McCain, of Arizona
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Richard Burr, of North Carolina

                       SELECT COMMITTEE ON ETHICS

                    Room SH-220. Hart Office Building

Tim Johnson, of South Dakota, Chairman*
Barbara Boxer, of California
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Ken Salazar, of Colorado


John Cornyn, of Texas
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
*Mr. Johnson is Chair of the Select Committee on Ethics, and during his 
absence for all purposes under Senate Rules, Committee Rules, and 
relevant statutes, Mrs. Boxer shall act as Chair of the Select Committee 
on Ethics, except for purposes of the designation under 2 U.S.C. 
Sec. 72a-1f.


                    Room SH-211. Hart Office Building

John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia, Chairman
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri, Vice Chairman
John Warner, of Virginia
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Richard Burr, of North Carolina

                       SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING

                  Room SD-G31. Dirksen Office Building

Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin, Chairman
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Ken Salazar, of Colorado
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Susan M. Collins, of Maine
Mel Martinez, of Florida
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania

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                        JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE

                  Room SD-G01. Dirksen Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Charles E. Schumer, of New York, Chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah



                  Room SR-305. Russell Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Ted Stevens, of Alaska, Vice Chairman
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Charles E. Schumer, of New York


                       JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Trent Lott, of Mississippi, Chairman
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
----------------------, ------------------


                       JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION

                  Room SD-204. Dirksen Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Max Baucus, of Montana
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah


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[Page 11]

 Cross Index of General Orders Measures With Corresponding Order Numbers

Measure Number                                              Order Number

[[Page 11]]

S. 2..............................................................    2
S. 4..............................................................   57
S. 5..............................................................    3
S. 113............................................................    4
S. 184............................................................   26
S. 194............................................................   54
S. 200............................................................   46
S. 202............................................................   31
S. 214............................................................   24
S. 216............................................................   32
S. 219............................................................   55
S. 220............................................................   52
S. 232............................................................   33
S. 235............................................................   47
S. 240............................................................   34
S. 241............................................................   35
S. 245............................................................   36
S. 255............................................................   37
S. 260............................................................   38
S. 262............................................................   39
S. 263............................................................   48
S. 264............................................................   49
S. 265............................................................   50
S. 266............................................................   51
S. 268............................................................   40
S. 275............................................................   53
S. 277............................................................   41
S. 283............................................................   42
S. 287............................................................    7
S. 316............................................................   59
S. 320............................................................   43
S. 349............................................................   10
S. 372............................................................   20
S. 412............................................................   56
S. 470............................................................   19
S. 574............................................................   25
S. 641............................................................   45

S. Con. Res. 2....................................................   12

S. Res. 36........................................................   21
S. Res. 37........................................................   22
S. Res. 41........................................................   27
S. Res. 47........................................................   28
S. Res. 49........................................................   29
S. Res. 63........................................................   17

H.R. 3............................................................    6
H.R. 6............................................................    9
H.R. 57...........................................................   44
H.R. 391..........................................................    8
H.R. 976..........................................................   58

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                             GENERAL ORDERS

                             UNDER RULE VIII


 Order  Measure Number           Title                 Reported or       
  No.     and Author                              Placed on the Calendar 

[[Page (12)]]

    2      S. 2      A bill to amend the Fair  Jan. 8, 2007.--Read the 
       Messrs. Reid    Labor Standards Act of    second time and placed 
        and Kennedy    1938 to provide for an    on the calendar.
                       increase in the Federal 
                       minimum wage.

    3      S. 5      A bill to amend the       Jan. 8, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    Public Health Service     second time and placed 
          others       Act to provide for        on the calendar. (See 
                       human embryonic stem      also Order No. 6.)
                       cell research.

    4     S. 113     A bill to make            Jan. 8, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. Inhofe and   appropriations for        second time and placed 
          others       military construction     on the calendar.
                       and family housing 
                       projects for the 
                       Department of Defense 
                       for fiscal year 2007.

    6     H.R. 3     An act to amend the       Jan. 12, 2007.--Read the 
                       Public Health Service     second time and placed 
                       Act to provide for        on the calendar. (See 
                       human embryonic stem      also Order No. 3.)
                       cell research.

    7     S. 287     A bill to prohibit the    Jan. 16, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Kennedy     use of funds for an       second time and placed 
        and others     escalation of United      on the calendar.
                       States military forces 
                       in Iraq above the 
                       numbers existing as of 
                       January 9, 2007.

    8    H.R. 391    A bill to authorize the   Jan. 18, 2007.--Read the 
                       Secretary of Housing      second time and placed 
                       and Urban Development     on the calendar.
                       to continue to insure, 
                       and to enter into 
                       commitments to insure, 
                       home equity conversion 
                       mortgages under section 
                       255 of the National 
                       Housing Act.

[[Page 13]]

    9     H.R. 6     An act to reduce our      Jan. 22, 2007.--Read the 
                       Nation's dependency on    second time and placed 
                       foreign oil by            on the calendar.
                       investing in clean, 
                       renewable, and 
                       alternative energy 
                       resources, promoting 
                       new emerging energy 
                       developing greater 
                       efficiency, and 
                       creating a Strategic 
                       Energy Efficiency and 
                       Renewables Reserve to 
                       invest in alternative 
                       energy, and for other 

   10     S. 349     A bill to amend the       Jan. 22, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     Internal Revenue Code     Baucus, Committee on 
                       of 1986 to provide        Finance, without 
                       additional tax            amendment. (An original 
                       incentives to employees   bill.) (Rept. 1.) 
                       of small businesses,      (Additional views 
                       and for other purposes.   filed.)

   12 S. Con. Res. 2 Concurrent resolution     Jan. 24, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Biden and    expressing the            Biden, Committee on 
          others       bipartisan resolution     Foreign Relations, with 
                       on Iraq.                  an amendment, and with 
                                                 a preamble. (No written 

   17   S. Res. 63   Resolution authorizing    Jan. 31, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Mrs. Feinstein   expenditures by the       Feinstein, Committee on 
                       Committee on Rules and    Rules and 
                       Administration.           Administration, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 resolution.) (No 
                                                 written report.)

   19     S. 470     A bill to express the     Feb. 1, 2007.--Read the 
         Mr. Levin     sense of Congress on      second time and placed 
                       Iraq.                     on the calendar.

   20     S. 372     A bill to authorize       Feb. 8, 2007.--Mr. Levin, 
           Mr.         appropriations for        Committee on Armed 
        Rockefeller    fiscal year 2007 for      Services, without 
                       the intelligence and      amendment. (Rept. 5.)
                       intelligence-related    Jan. 24, 2007.--Mr. 
                       activities of the         Rockefeller, Select 
                       United States             Committee on 
                       Government, the           Intelligence, without 
                       Intelligence Community    amendment. (An original 
                       Management Account, and   bill.) (Rept. 2.)
                       the Central 
                       Intelligence Agency 
                       Retirement and 
                       Disability System, and 
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 14]]

   21   S. Res. 36   Resolution honoring       Feb. 8, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Ms. Snowe and    women's health advocate   Committee on the 
       Mrs. Clinton    Cynthia Boles Dailard.    Judiciary, without 
                                                 amendment, and with a 
                                                 preamble. (No written 

   22   S. Res. 37   Resolution designating    Feb. 8, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
       Ms. Stabenow    March 26, 2007, as        Committee on the 
       and Mr. Levin   ``National Support the    Judiciary, without 
                       Troops Day'' and          amendment, and with a 
                       encouraging the people    preamble. (No written 
                       of the United States to   report.)
                       participate in a moment 
                       of silence to reflect 
                       upon the service and 
                       sacrifice of members of 
                       the Armed Forces both 
                       at home and abroad.

   24     S. 214     A bill to amend chapter   Feb. 12, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mrs. Feinstein   35 of title 28, United    Leahy, Committee on the 
        and others     States Code, to           Judiciary, with an 
                       preserve the              amendment. (No written 
                       independence of United    report.)
                       States attorneys.

   25     S. 574     A bill to express the     Feb. 14, 2007.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      sense of the Congress     second time and placed 
                       on Iraq.                  on the calendar.

   26     S. 184     A bill to provide         Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   improved rail and         Inouye, Committee on 
          others       surface transportation    Commerce, Science, and 
                       security.                 Transportation, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (No 
                                                 written report.)

   27   S. Res. 41   Resolution honoring the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Brown    life and recognizing      Leahy, Committee on the 
       and Voinovich   the accomplishments of    Judiciary, without 
                       Tom Mooney, president     amendment, and with a 
                       of the Ohio Federation    preamble. (No written 
                       of Teachers.              report.)

   28   S. Res. 47   Resolution honoring the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Dodd      life and achievements     Leahy, Committee on the 
                       of George C. Springer,    Judiciary, without 
                       Sr., the Northeast        amendment, and with a 
                       regional director and a   preamble. (No written 
                       former vice president     report.)
                       of the American 
                       Federation of Teachers.

[[Page 15]]

   29   S. Res. 49   Resolution recognizing    Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Stevens     and celebrating the       Leahy, Committee on the 
         and Ms.       50th anniversary of the   Judiciary, without 
         Murkowski     entry of Alaska into      amendment, and with a 
                       the Union as the 49th     preamble. (No written 
                       State.                    report.)

   31     S. 202     A bill to provide for the Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       conveyance of certain     Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    Forest Service land to    Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      the City of Coffman       Resources, without 
                       Cove, Alaska.             amendment. (Rept. 6.)

   32     S. 216     A bill to provide for the Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       exchange of certain       Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    Federal land in the       Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      Santa Fe National         Resources, without 
                       Forest and certain non-   amendment. (Rept. 7.)
                       Federal land in the 
                       Pecos National 
                       Historical Park in the 
                       State of New Mexico.

   33     S. 232     A bill to make permanent  Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Wyden     the authorization for     Bingaman, Committee on 
                       watershed restoration     Energy and Natural 
                       and enhancement           Resources, without 
                       agreements.               amendment. (Rept. 8.)

   34     S. 240     A bill to reauthorize and Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Craig and    amend the National        Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       Geologic Mapping Act of   Energy and Natural 
                       1992.                     Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 9.)

   35     S. 241     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Wyden    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Akaka     Interior to enter into    Energy and Natural 
                       cooperative agreements    Resources, without 
                       to protect natural        amendment. (Rept. 10.)
                       resources of units of 
                       the National Park 
                       System through 
                       collaborative efforts 
                       on land inside and 
                       outside of units of the 
                       National Park System.

   36     S. 245     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Pryor and    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
       Mrs. Lincoln    Interior to designate     Energy and Natural 
                       the President William     Resources, without 
                       Jefferson Clinton         amendment. (Rept. 11.)
                       Birthplace Home in 
                       Hope, Arkansas, as a 
                       National Historic Site 
                       and unit of the 
                       National Park System, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 16]]

   37     S. 255     A bill to provide         Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       assistance to the State   Bingaman, Committee on 
       Domenici and    of New Mexico for the     Energy and Natural 
         Bingaman      development of            Resources, without 
                       comprehensive State       amendment. (Rept. 12.)
                       water plans, and for 
                       other purposes.

   38     S. 260     A bill to establish the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Fort Stanton-Snowy        Bingaman, Committee on 
       Domenici and    River Cave National       Energy and Natural 
         Bingaman      Conservation Area.        Resources, with an 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 13.)

   39     S. 262     A bill to rename the      Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Craig    Snake River Birds of      Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Crapo     Prey National             Energy and Natural 
                       Conservation Area in      Resources, without 
                       the State of Idaho as     amendment. (Rept. 14.)
                       the Morley Nelson Snake 
                       River Birds of Prey 
                       National Conservation 
                       Area in honor of the 
                       late Morley Nelson, an 
                       international authority 
                       on birds of prey, who 
                       was instrumental in the 
                       establishment of the 
                       National Conservation 
                       Area, and for other 

   40     S. 268     A bill to designate the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
       Ms. Cantwell    Ice Age Floods National   Bingaman, Committee on 
        and others     Geologic Trail, and for   Energy and Natural 
                       other purposes.           Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 15.)

   41     S. 277     A bill to modify the      Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Thomas   boundaries of Grand       Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Enzi      Teton National Park to    Energy and Natural 
                       include certain land      Resources, without 
                       within the GT Park        amendment. (Rept. 16.)
                       subdivision, and for 
                       other purposes.

   42     S. 283     A bill to amend the       Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Compact of Free           Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    Association Amendments    Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      Act of 2003, and for      Resources, without 
                       other purposes.           amendment. (Rept. 17.)

   43     S. 320     A bill to provide for the Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Akaka and    protection of             Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       paleontological           Energy and Natural 
                       resources on Federal      Resources, without 
                       lands, and for other      amendment. (Rept. 18.)

[[Page 17]]

   44     H.R. 57    An act to repeal certain  Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
                       sections of the Act of    Bingaman, Committee on 
                       May 26, 1936,             Energy and Natural 
                       pertaining to the         Resources, without 
                       Virgin Islands.           amendment. (Rept. 19.)

   45     S. 641     A bill to express the     Feb. 16, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. McConnell    sense of Congress that    second time and placed 
       for Mr. Gregg   no funds should be cut    on the calendar.
                       off or reduced for 
                       American troops in the 
                       field which would 
                       result in undermining 
                       their safety or their 
                       ability to complete 
                       their assigned 

   46     S. 200     A bill to require the     Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Ms. Murkowski    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Mr.       Interior, acting          Energy and Natural 
          Stevens      through the Bureau of     Resources, without 
                       Reclamation and the       amendment. (Rept. 20.)
                       United States 
                       Geological Survey, to 
                       conduct a study on 
                       groundwater resources 
                       in the State of Alaska, 
                       and for other purposes.

   47     S. 235     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
       Ms. Cantwell    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to convey        Energy and Natural 
                       certain buildings and     Resources, without 
                       lands of the Yakima       amendment. (Rept. 21.)
                       Project, Washington, to 
                       the Yakima-Tieton 
                       Irrigation District.

   48     S. 263     A bill to amend the       Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Smith    Oregon Resource           Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Wyden     Conservation Act of       Energy and Natural 
                       1996 to reauthorize the   Resources, without 
                       participation of the      amendment. (Rept. 22.)
                       Bureau of Reclamation 
                       in the Deschutes River 
                       Conservancy, and for 
                       other purposes.

   49     S. 264     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Smith    Bureau of Reclamation     Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Wyden     to participate in the     Energy and Natural 
                       rehabilitation of the     Resources, with an 
                       Wallowa Lake Dam in       amendment in the nature 
                       Oregon, and for other     of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       purposes.                 23.)

[[Page 18]]

   50     S. 265     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Wyden     Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior, acting          Energy and Natural 
                       through the Bureau of     Resources, without 
                       Reclamation, to conduct   amendment. (Rept. 24.)
                       a water resource 
                       feasibility study for 
                       the Little Butte/Bear 
                       Creek Subbasins in 

   51     S. 266     A bill to provide for the Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Smith    modification of an        Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Wyden     amendatory repayment      Energy and Natural 
                       contract between the      Resources, without 
                       Secretary of the          amendment. (Rept. 25.)
                       Interior and the North 
                       Unit Irrigation 
                       District, and for other 

   52     S. 220     A bill to authorize early Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Craig     repayment of              Bingaman, Committee on 
                       obligations to the        Energy and Natural 
                       Bureau of Reclamation     Resources, without 
                       within the A & B          amendment. (Rept. 26.)
                       Irrigation District in 
                       the State of Idaho.

   53     S. 275     A bill to establish the   Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Prehistoric Trackways     Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    National Monument in      Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      the State of New          Resources, with 
                       Mexico.                   amendments. (Rept. 27.)

   54     S. 194     A bill to designate the   Feb. 17, 2007.--Committee 
      Messrs. Allard   facility of the United    on Homeland Security 
        and Salazar    States Postal Service     and Governmental 
                       located at 1300 North     Affairs discharged; 
                       Frontage Road West in     ordered placed on the 
                       Vail, Colorado, as the    calendar.
                       ``Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 
                       Post Office Building''.

   55     S. 219     A bill to designate the   Feb. 17, 2007.--Committee 
       Messrs. Enzi    facility of the United    on Homeland Security 
        and Thomas     States Postal Service     and Governmental 
                       located at 152 North      Affairs discharged; 
                       5th Street in Laramie,    ordered placed on the 
                       Wyoming, as the ``Gale    calendar.
                       W. McGee Post Office''.

   56     S. 412     A bill to designate the   Feb. 17, 2007.--Committee 
      Messrs. Durbin   facility of the United    on Homeland Security 
         and Obama     States Postal Service     and Governmental 
                       located at 2633 11th      Affairs discharged; 
                       Street in Rock Island,    ordered placed on the 
                       Illinois, as the ``Lane   calendar.
                       Evans Post Office 

[[Page 19]]

   57      S. 4      A bill to make the United Feb. 22, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Reid and    States more secure by     Lieberman, Committee on 
          others       implementing unfinished   Homeland Security and 
                       recommendations of the    Governmental Affairs, 
                       9/11 Commission to        with an amendment in 
                       fight the war on terror   the nature of a 
                       effectively, to improve   substitute. (No written 
                       homeland security, and    report.)
                       for other purposes.

   58    H.R. 976    An act to amend the       Feb. 26, 2007.--Read the 
                       Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to provide tax    on the calendar.
                       relief for small 
                       businesses, and for 
                       other purposes.

   59     S. 316     A bill to prohibit brand  Feb. 27, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Kohl and    name drug companies       Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       from compensating         Judiciary, without 
                       generic drug companies    amendment. (No written 
                       to delay the entry of a   report.)
                       generic drug into the 


From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 20]


     When objection is heard to immediate consideration of a resolution 
or motion when submitted, it shall be placed here, to be laid before the 
Senate on the next legislative day for consideration, unless by unanimous 
consent the Senate shall otherwise direct. (Rule XIV, Paragraph 6.)


     Number                 Short Title       Date Submitted and Author 


     When objection is heard to the second reading of a bill or joint 
resolution, that measure is then laid before the Senate during morning 
business of the next legislative day for the second reading. (Rule XIV, 
Paragraph 2.)


     Number                 Short Title                 Date and Author 

[[Page 20]]

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 21]

                          SUBJECTS ON THE TABLE

    Such subjects are business, usually bills and resolutions, placed 
here by unanimous consent. Once business has been given this status, it 
is in order to move to proceed to its consideration, even though it 
cannot be reached by a ``call of the calendar''.


     Measure                  Title                     Date           

                       MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION

    After an action taken by the Senate, any Senator voting with the 
prevailing side or who has not voted may, on the same day or on either 
of the next two days of actual session thereafter, either enter a motion 
for reconsideration or move a reconsideration.  This section contains 
such motions not yet acted on as so provided by rule XIII, Paragraph 1.


       Date                               Subject                       

[[Page 21]]


Feb. 5, 2007.

Motion entered by Mr. Reid to reconsider the vote by which the motion to 
invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consider S. 470 was not agreed 
to (Roll Call Vote No. 44).

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 22]

                           BILLS IN CONFERENCE                          

  Jefferson's Manual, Section XLVI:
  ``And in all cases of conference asked after a vote of disagreement, 
etc., the conferees of the House asking it are to leave the papers with 
the conferees of the other * * *.'' The House agreeing to the conference 
usually acts on the report before the House requesting a conference.


  Number                            Conferees              Date Report  
 and Date    Brief Title                                    Agreed to   
Conferees                 ______________________________ _______________
Appointed                      Senate         House       Senate  House 


[[Page 22]]


From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 23-24]


[[Page 23]]

                                                                                                                                                     reported                            conference report agreed
                                                                                                                                                     or placed                sent to               to                           public
          measure  number                                                short title                                        passed     received in      on        passed      confer-   --------------------------   became       law
                                                                                                                             house       senate      calendar     senate        ence                                   law       number
                                                                                                                                                     in senate                             senate        house
             H.R. 4745               Supplemental SBA Disaster Loans, 2006..............................................    2-15-06       2-15-06       * * *     2-17-06        * * *       * * *         * * *     2-18-06    109-174
             H.R. 4939               Emergency Supplemental, 2006.......................................................    3-16-06       3-27-06      4-5-06      5-4-06      5-23-06     6-15-06       6-13-06     6-15-06    109-234
             H.R. 5386               Interior, 2007.....................................................................    5-18-06       5-19-06     6-29-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 5385               Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs, 2007................................    5-19-06       5-22-06     7-20-06    11-14-06   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 5384               Agriculture, 2007..................................................................    5-23-06       5-24-06     6-22-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 5427               Energy and Water, 2007.............................................................    5-24-06       5-25-06     6-29-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 5441               Homeland Security, 2007............................................................     6-6-06        6-7-06     6-29-06     7-13-06      9-21-06     9-29-06       9-29-06     10-4-06    109-295
             H.R. 5521               Legislative, 2007..................................................................     6-7-06        6-7-06     6-22-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 5522               Foreign Operations, 2007...........................................................     6-9-06       6-12-06     7-10-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 5576               Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, D.C., 2007...............................    6-14-06       6-15-06     7-26-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 5631               Defense, 2007 \1\..................................................................    6-20-06       6-21-06     7-25-06      9-7-06      9-21-06     9-29-06       9-26-06     9-29-06    109-289
             H.R. 5672               Science, State, Justice, Commerce, 2007............................................    6-29-06       6-29-06     7-13-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3660                District of Columbia, 2007.........................................................      * * *         * * *     7-13-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3708                Labor, HHS, Education, 2007........................................................      * * *         * * *     7-20-06   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
           H.J. Res. 100             Further Continuing, 2007...........................................................   11-15-06      11-15-06       * * *    11-15-06        * * *       * * *         * * *    11-17-06    109-369
           H.J. Res. 102             Further Continuing, 2007...........................................................    12-8-06       12-8-06       * * *     12-8-06        * * *       * * *         * * *     12-9-06    109-383
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
\1\Conference report contains Continuing, 2007.


[[Page 24]]

                                                                                                                                                     reported                            conference report agreed
                                                                                                                                                     or placed                sent to               to                           public
          measure  number                                                short title                                        passed     received in      on        passed      confer-   --------------------------   became       law
                                                                                                                             house       senate      calendar     senate        ence                                   law       number
                                                                                                                                                     in senate                             senate        house
            H.J. Res. 20             Further Continuing, 2007...........................................................    1-31-07       1-31-07      2-1-07     2-14-07        * * *       * * *         * * *     2-15-07      110-5
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........