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HOME > Climate & Weather Linkage > Southern Hemisphere Storm Track Monitoring

Storm tracks are based on an algorithm developed at the Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC) [Serreze (1995), and Serreze et al. (1997)]. Storm tracks are identified by locating grid points in which the sea level pressure (SLP) is less than its surrounding grid points by at least 1 hPa. The storms are tracked by analyzing the position of systems between time steps and applying a maximum distance threshold between candidate pairings (800 km) and additional other quality control checks. Red/blue dots indicate active storms as of 18 UTC for the respective plot ending date.

  • Short-term Monitoring, Outlooks, and Assessment
Note: Move cursor over product name to display the graphic.

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  • Storm Days
Latitude-Time: Australia/West Pacific Latitude-Time: Central/East Pacific

Storm Frequency

Storm Frequency
Latitude-Time: South America/West Atlantic Time-longitude: Southern Hemisphere

Storm Frequency

Storm Frequency

Click on graphics to enlarge

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  • Composites

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  • Publications

Eichler, T. and R. W. Higgins, 2006: Climatology and ENSO-Related Variability of North American Extratropical Cyclone Activity, J. Climate, Accepted.


Serreze, M. C., 1995: Climatological Aspects of Cyclone Development and Decay in the Arctic, Atmos.-Ocean, 33, 1-23.


Serreze, M. C., F. Carse, R.G. Barry and J.C. Rogers, 1997: Icelandic Low Cyclone Activity: Climatological Features, Linkages with the NAO and Relationships with Recent Changes in the Northern Hemisphere Circulation, J. Climate, 10, 453-464.


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NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5200 Auth Road
Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: May 1, 2006
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