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Content: Jarvis Abbott

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  Measuring OCS Performance

During 1997, MMS, the U.S. Coast Guard, and representatives of the OCS oil and gas industry developed a suite of consensus formulas for gauging the industry's safety and environmental performance. These formulas, called the OCS Performance Measures, are used to calculate 20 annual, OCS-wide, performance indices. The indices provide the public with information about performance trends, and they allow OCS lease operators to compare their performance with industry "averages."

Much of the data used in the OCS Performance Measures calculations is generated by OCS lease operators who voluntarily participate in the OCS Performance Measures Program. During the first quarter of each year, participating operators submit to MMS their performance data for the previous year. Information about the data survey and how to submit performance data is provided in MMS Notice to Lessees 2008-N04 (issued March 11, 2008). The MMS uses the data to calculate the annual performance indices on behalf of the OCS Performance Measures Steering Committee.

The continued success of the OCS Performance Measures Program depends on voluntary participation by OCS lease operators. If you wish to participate in the OCS Performance Measures survey, then please complete Form 131 (15.68 KB PDF file) and mail it to the person listed in Notice to Lessees 2008-N04, or fax the completed form to Jarvis Abbott at 703-787-1575.

Incident Rates for OCS Performance Measures Tables:
bullet 1996-2004 PDF (31 KB)
bullet 2004-2007 PDF (62 KB)

Incident Rates for OCS Performance Measures Index Charts:


1996-2007 PowerPoint (339 KB)


1996-2007 PDF (73 KB)

If you have questions or comments about the OCS Performance Measures Program, please contact Jarvis Abbott at 703-787-1866.

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Last Updated: 05/28/2008, 03:41 PM

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