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Contract Health Services

Resources: Regulations - 136.14

Code of Federal Regulations
Page 732
Title 42, Volume 1
Revised as of October 1, 2007

CITE: 42CFR136.14

Subpart B_What Services Are Available and Who Is Eligible To Receive Care?

ยง136.14 Care and treatment of ineligible individuals.

  (a) In case of an emergency, as an act of humanity, individuals not eligible under Sec. 136.12 may be provided temporary care and treatment in Service facilities.
  (b) Charging ineligible individuals. Where the Service Unit Director determines that an ineligible individual is able to defray the cost of care and treatment, the individual shall be charged at rates approved by the Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General published in the Federal Register. Reimbursement from third-party payors may be arranged by the patient or by the Service on behalf of the patient.

[64 FR 58319, Oct. 28, 1999. Redesignated and amended at 67 FR 35342, May 17, 2002]

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