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Debris Removal Contractor Registry

Search Filter

The list of locations that have resources can be filtered using one or more of the following fields.
Organization Name:
Resource Type:
Include locations with no resources:
Contractors can begin using the registry by clicking on login to the left. Those contractors who supplied email addresses prior to the upgrade of this system will receive an email instructing them on how to update their company's information. Contractors who previously entered their company's information, but cannot access it are requested to re-establish a User ID and password and re-enter their information.

* This registry tool was developed to assist state and local governments in identifying and contacting debris removal contractor resources. The information herein is provided and maintained by contractors and their representatives. FEMA does not verify and takes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information in this database. FEMA does not endorse, approve, or recommend any contractors. State and local governments should perform all appropriate due diligence prior to entering into a contract. Contracting with any of the entities in this database does not assure a state or local government of reimbursement under a federal grant. State and local governments should follow their own competitive procurement procedures when selecting a contractor.

For questions or technical difficulties, please email fema-rims@dhs.gov.
Server: STAPUA1-3.fema.net