Arctic Timeseries Extraction Information
Help and Background
Referencing Plots
Arctic Information
IASOA (International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere
IASOA Observatories
Important: The Climate Analysis Branch (PSD1) web site will be down in anticipiation of our major web restructuring starting Tuesday Jan 20th at 1pm MST.
You can find more info about the upcoming URL changes here.

Extracting Monthly Arctic Timeseries

This page will extract time-series from monthly gridded analysis dataset for the nearest grid closest to the station selected

?Which Station? or ?Enter Latitude/Longitude? latitude longitude (e.g. 40.01, -110.77)

?Which Dataset?
?Which Variable? (not all variables are in each dataset!)

?Which Level?

?Year Range years for mean/anomaly plots? to
?Seasonal:  Month 1? ?Month 2?

?What years for Long Term Mean? to

?Output Type?
?Type of Plot: Line   Boxes