United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

MIRECC Centers

Participate in Research Studies

Post-Deployment Research Study

Veterans who have served in the military since October 2001 or active duty military personnel may be eligible to participate in one of the studies described below. The studies examine different aspects of recent military deployment on mood, emotions, and mental and physical health of military personnel. The goal of these studies is to recognize problems early, and improve care. Veterans who experience problems or those who do not are welcome to participate. Joining this study may help other veterans in the future, especially those experiencing signs of stress. You are welcome to participate in one or both of the studies on the same day.

Recruitment Database for the Study of Post-Deployment
Mental Health: Dr. Rajendra Morey

We invite you to participate in a study we are doing about the effects
of recent deployments on the physical and mental health of service
members, especially as they transition from deployment back to civilian life.

- No study medication
- Requires 1 appointment (approximately 3 hours)
- Involves filling out questionnaires on mood, trauma, physical health, and a blood draw
- Earn up to $75 plus a travel allowance determined by the distance traveled from the Durham VAMC up to a maximum of $50.

Evaluation of Psychological Symptoms for the Study
of Post-Deployment Mental Health: Dr. Jean Beckham

We invite you to participate in a study we are conducting in collecting more information about the frequency of psychological symptoms in recent veterans. Veterans who have served in the military since October 2001 or are active duty military personnel may be eligible to participate.

- No study medications
- Requires 1 visit to the Durham VAMC
- Answer questions about psychological symptoms you might be experiencing now or have experienced in the past
- The visit will take approximately 3 hours
- Earn up to $100

Please call (919) 416-5915 for more information.
These studies are being conducted by Dr. Rajendra Morey
and Dr. Jean Beckham at the Durham VA Medical Center.

Thank you for serving our country
and welcome back.