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Mine Safety and Health Administration
Protecting Miners' Safety and Health Since 1978
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Safety First
Slogans for the Month of October 2007
Slogan Submitted By
Safety is not just a way of living; it is a way of life. Frank Berghof
AWARENESS! Our key to going home safe! Every Day! Twila Akers
Safety at work means your family can talk to you today, not reminisce about your tomorrow. Robert Hogan
The key to your safety is Your Behavior! Reggie Montgomery
Safety, Safety, Safety – you can never say it enough! Carl DeLorenzo
Keep up with safety; don’t let your family down. James Hall
It takes less time to do something safe than to explain why it was wrong. Jamie White
Be safe and live to go home to see your kids. Greg Moore
Make safety your behavior both on and off the job. Larry Tonini
Always use your PPE. Mary Belcher

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Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
1100 Wilson Boulevard, 21st Floor
Arlington, VA 22209-3939
Phone:    (202) 693-9400
Fax-on-demand: (202) 693-9401
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