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Mine Safety and Health Administration
Protecting Miners' Safety and Health Since 1978
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Safety First
Slogans for the Month of November 2004
Slogan Submitted By
Stay alert - don't get hurt! Theresa Logan
Be a Safety HERO: Hazards Eliminated by Routine Observations. Michael J. Clark
Safety first - don't leave home without it. Rickie Wayne Phillips
SAFETY - your ticket for living. Bob Nichols
Safety is two days work; today and tomorrow. Bill Brooks
Vote for safety and make a change in your life. Susan E. Crooks
Give safety a try, it won't kill you. Rick Grauel
Safety: First thought, first priority. Rickk Voyles
Safety is not just a slogan; it's a lifestyle. Robert Taylor
You are in charge of safety for two people: Yours and Your Buddy's! Jurgen Brune

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Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
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