United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
Patients' Home > Basics > Hepatitis A > PreventingEnlarge Text Size:Small Font SizeMedium Font SizeLarge Font Size


What can I do to prevent hepatitis A?

Get vaccinated

The best way to prevent hepatitis A is to get vaccinated. The vaccine is very effective and can keep you from ever getting hepatitis A. You will not get hepatitis A from the vaccine.

Ask your VA medical care provider about vaccination if:

  • you are in one of the high risk groups listed in "Who is at risk for hepatitis A?"
  • you have any other type of chronic liver disease

Practice good personal hygiene

Because so many cases of hepatitis A are due to close contact with an infected person, you should always practice good personal hygiene, especially by washing your hands.