Welcome to Homefront Hugs USA

homecoming.jpgAP Photo by S.Veder-1974

  • -Where Freedom Means Sacrifice and Freedom Endures. 
  • ***
  • -Where we honor the greatest generation: our World War II Veterans 
  • to which this site is dedicated... in memory of my Jewish  grandfather
  • who fled Hitler and helped prosecute the Nazis at the Nuremburg trials.  
  • **** 
  • -Where we also honor and dedicate this site and our missions to Gulf War
  • veteran Steve Schmidt of Charlevoix, forever in my heart, a dedicated
  • USAF pilot who succeeded against all odds with the help of his incredible
  • mother Claire . We salute Steve and his  mother every day as we keep
  • our missions going strong. Steve's dedication and perserverance to fulfill
  • his dreams inspire us daily...due so much to his mother and mentor Claire.
  • (Read "Claire's Gift" to learn more about their story.)
  • ****
  • Where we honor CW5 Dennis R.Bryson of the US Coast Guard who helped inspire our missions at Homefront Hugs by helping
  • us remember the Coast Guard and their sacrifices abroad and here during hurricanes and natural disasters.   
  • ****
  • Where each and every serviceman and woman has served us with honor - no matter what decisions our leaders make.  
  • **** 
  • Where Americans will never forget 9-11-2001and remember what it means to stand united .       sept11thhhugs.jpg 



    If you ever wanted to thank someone who serves - you have found the

     the right place...Homefront Hugs USA - where we remember our heroes and

     help in the missions which serve them every day to make their sacrifices more


     UPDATE as of December 29,2008:  This organization is in need of help to

     complete its missions and all donations are tax deductible - please consider helping even with

     a small sacrifice so that we can send our care packages  for our wounded and deployed

     heroes  in the new year.   Our Christmas and Hanukkah packages have

     gone out thanks to so many of you and other wonderful Americans. Yet our programs

     and monies are depleted and we continue to send care packages as needs come in including

    several large units of heroes in the warzone and 7 hospitals .

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts . 


         HOW CAN I HELP ?

        There are so many ways to help including how to donate money quickly

        right below. But if you would rather not- if you would like to adopt a

        hero, write our wounded, help the families of the deployed or help in

        disaster relief....just keep scrolling down- because we need everyone in

        one way or another ! You are so welcome at Homefront Hugs USA where

        we have the best volunteers in the world.   You can also just email us with the subject

          " news" and sign up for our monthly newsletter while you decide.

           Our email is HomefrontHugsUSA@aol.com.


      HOW CAN I HELP EASILY just by donating funds ?






    1.  You may send a check or money order to: 
    Homefront Hugs USA / 1449 Tiger Lake Drive /Gulf Breeze,Florida 32563
    2.  You may send a secure safe donation (even with a credit card) through PAYPAL ( click here)
    3.   You may make a donation at any  Regions Bank to our account for Homefront Hugs USA. 
* Remember to make your donation by December 31st or date your check by December 31st in order to
  deduct your donation from your 2008 taxes. We will make sure you receive a receipt
  for your donation no matter how small or big it is- whether it is in items or
  monies. We are extremely grateful for your support.

  Our troops,veterans and families will not be forgotten because of you.

       At Homefront Hugs, we salute all our veterans, troops and families every
       day. Our children sleep safe at night because of your sacrifices.
       FLORIDA... who came home after his 6th tour from Afghanistan ! 
       God bless you and thank you for your incredible sacrifices and give that
        Mom of yours a huge hug for all her unwavering support ! This country
        owes you a huge debt of gratitude !
          You, our heroes, have already earned the honor and respect as have your fallen
          and wounded brothers and sisters . 
          You can rest assured that everyone who claims to support our
          heroes, from the right, from the left, from the oceans to the shore,
          without condition, knows and believes :
          Freedom Endures. Honor is Yours. 
          We are here to thank those who serve you !
          Our wounded can be reached through directly through us
          through Operation Healing Angel...every day of the year
          despite the media reports, and they would love to hear from you.
          We need cards- pesonalized- not just signed- with a photos,
          a joke, your day to day events,etc...all the time for our hospitals
          and medical combat units. Just send them to our address above
          or below- seal them- but let us know who they are for....if they
          are for a nurse,doctor, or wounded hero- and they will get
          into the hands of a hero. If you can, include some for the medical
          staff heroes who care for them in 2009. We have been receiving wonderful letters
            and c
ards this season- so creative and warm and just what they need. Thank you!

     December 29, 2008

         It is time to SUPPORT OUR TROOPS now that elections are over - it is

         because of their  sacrifices that we were able to vote  at all and enjoy our holidays

         whatever each of us celebrates this season, in freedom and peace .

             We really could use everyone's help this early winter in all parts

             of our great country. Your president of this organization underwent  huge

             surgeries to help me walk again and they unfortunately were not as successful

             as  I hoped. I am still in recovery mode. The needs  of our troops have just

            catapulted. Only together we can see that our missions succeed and continue.

            With our current recession, donations are at an all time low .

            We need urgent help. I am asking every American who reads this

             to pick something they can do to help our missions not just for the holidays but beyond. 

             Help so our troops are not forgotten- monetary donations, and volunteers to

            adopt over 462 troops please- many from Eglin AFB in Florida but from all over the USA. 

            Your country needs you. Let us remember our generations from World War II and let us

            emulate them.  No one receives a salary here. 

             This is a time our country must heal from our divisions and join together in service

             to those who matter including our most incredible troops and veterans who come from all

             walks of life and politics.

             As Senator McCain said, it is time to support our new President Elect Obama and

              work together -(as we do at Homefront Hugs USA) to reflect the best of America and heal.

              Let us be the first to congratulate the Obama family wishing them all the best and thanking

             the McCain family for their sacrifices. The best is yet to come as our country heeds their call to service.

             Freedom Endures. United we stand. 


         Right now, as of December 29th, 2008,we have  care packages which need to  be sent

        for the new year 2009 ... and cost about  $10 a piece (as flat rate packages to APO addresses)

         to send.   We met our holiday goal thanks to all of you. We are on FACEBOOK too so if you wish

        to donate there- you can . They have adopted us as one of their causes.

       There are photos under my name  in FACEBOOK and under Homefront Hugs USA of our missions

       and work.



         A Special Angel at the Postal Service

        We just mailed 78 two days ago thanks to the Gulf Breeze post office who came

         like angels to pick them all up at our small home as my legs were in too much

        pain and by a wounded veteran himself- an angel named Bill Dossey. 

         A Special Angel who is a Wounded Hero 

       We would  also like to thank all the angels including another wounded veteran

       Ronnie Lundberg- for their quick response through donations in making sure these

       packages went our yesterday when our funds were too low. Ronnie even adopted

       a deployed hero himself through Homefront Hero Hugs.

       Special Thanks to Philosphy Beauty Company, Museum Tour Toy Catalog  

       Every year they have helped us with Homefront Holiday Hugs and we hope to add many more

       businesses by the end of this month...to thank for helping our troops and military families. Please

       Show your support for these businesses by shopping for their high quality products.   We welcome

      the Popcorn Factory to this list this year and hope more busineeses will join ! Items are still needed

     for our New Years missions as requested by the troops and wounded... such as socks,Ipods,mp3 players,

     travel pillows and blankets,digital cameras, travel games, travel size laptop computers,paperback books,

     shower slippers,New Years calendars,microfiber towels and cloths,body lotion,head flashlights,sun lotion,sunglasses.

    icepaks and heat packs,etc. If you know any business which can help- please refere them our way !


       Did I mention we have the best citizens in the world and the best volunteers at

       Homefront Hugs? 


        Six years ago ,  Homefront Hugs was founded  outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a  small

        group of volunteers in tribute to our troops being deployed to Afghanistan  to make sure

       9-11 never happened again, that the dismal Vietnam homecomings never happened again....

       with the help and support of many 9-11 families.  We hoped one day we might close our doors,

       the war would end, and we could just have one huge homecoming celebration for our heroes

       just like in World War II.  Yet as you well know, our work continues and the biggest work

       with our wounded coming home and offering comfort and support to our veterans and families

       of the fallen... We are a legitimate 501-3c non-profit organization with integrity-incorporated

       as of July 2007 which was generously arranged by a wonderful local law firm dedicated to our

      veterans and families run by Attorney Bryan Aylstock of Gulf Breeze.Florida.   His own boys and

      family have continued to help our  troops in many ways- incuding those handmade cards for our

     wounded. Thank you Jacob,Jon, Lisa (his beauitiful wife), Bria and Lauren !

.     Our work has never stopped as more troops were deployed all over the world including Iraq

       and still and most important Afghanistan where the toll seems heavier daily as our troops are

      transferred there from all branches.

      We give tribute to those who served without question in every war - with honor and courage .  

       We never forget the sacrifices at Homefront Hugs.  


***How can you help say thanks to those who serve ?

     Join us at Homefront Hugs USA.  You can do as little or as much as you want from the

     comfort of your own home.  Share this webpage with  those you know who could help in

     big or small ways.   

   Sign up too for our monthly newsletter too-just email/contact us

   with subject "news" and we'll make sure you receive our newsletter full of ideas, projects

   we have completed, and letters or news from the families and troops serving us with


  • Choose a project or come up with your own and send it to us to send on... and do what little or however
  • much you can with a friend, alone or make it a family affair! Students can get volunteer credit with parental
  • approval, receive letters of reference and volunteer cards are available to all. We also welcome our elderly-
  • our seniors who we think are some of our most vital and positive volunteers we have ...join us in any way
  • that is good for you.
  • Operation Healing Angel I for our Wounded : YES- you can contact the wounded through us...Spend 5 minutes and write a card or letter...for a wounded hero ! We need you.
  • "Operation Adopt a duck" today with your own personal message and bring a smile and some comfort to a wounded hero or their nurses or doctors or family! Just ask - we'll explain.
  • cheerfulChristmas.jpg
  • The troops in the hospitals and MASH units just love these as well as injured children who are treated
  • and have become unfortunate victims in this war...This is also a super project for the kids as you can
  • see the ones from the Christmas holidays below...and we have a whole list of projects for kids if nothing
  •  here interests you here - just ask. You can adopt 3 ducks to be sent over for $10. It helps us get needed
  • items to the troops ! Thanks so much. Remember too, this is sometimes the very first volunteer organization
  •  your child may join with his or her own very OWN volunteer card and join in a mission that helps your
  •  child take pride in his or her country- and learn how special we are to be Americans and free.
  • Adopt one duck for $3 or 10 for $25 and add a 4-5 word message and your email for its belly to
  • send over to our heroes - many have heard back too !
  • Operation United Warriors -help us support groups of special warriors in the middle of the sandbox
  •  literally....until they all come home...for more info...go to our "Care Packages" page...
  •  We need socks, tarvel pillows and warm blankets (soft comfortable ones), and special micro
  • cleanign cloths that can be rewashed - sold in all stores and at QVC. Send them to our address
  • above. 
  • Homefront Hugs Business or Family Sponsorship: Donate funds for postage with different levels
  • of sponsorship  or a one time donation. If you are an individual, business or family consider donating an
  • amount regularly to help us with postage to send supplies . We have four levels of sponsorship .  If you
  •  are interested in becoming a sponsor and that includes being listed and advertising on our site, please
  •  contact us with subject: "sponsorship".
  • If advertising is not your interest, we still would like to list you on our Homefront Hugs Wall of
  • Thanks ...with your permission, as well as a message from you to those who serve.
  • Homefront Welcome Home Hugs :Put together some Homefront Hugs and welcome our troops
  • home at your local airport - we even have the banners.stickers and materials for you to do this in your
  •  hometown! Do this as a team or with a few friends...
  • Homefront Hugs for Kids :Check out the links of interest and freedom contest for kids and get the
  •  children involved. It is never to early for a child to learn to volunteer and all the benefits spiritually
  • and emotionally of giving back to others in our communities  and learning to be proud of our country
  •  and the heroes who make the sacrifices for us to live in peace and freedom. 
  • Homefront Hugs Hero Adoptions: Our renewed program, you can adopt a soldier,sailor,airman
  • or needy veteran for a minimum of 6 months.  Two contact attempts- a package and a letter or 2
  • packages a month of any size are required as well as strict adherence to our confidentiality rules/
  • Address, phone number,and email (or letter) of why you wish to adopt is part of the application.
  • If you are ready to adopt, contact us with the word "adoption ", include the above and a valid email
  • address . Please allow 7- 10 days to be assigned your hero. This will be an experience you will surely
  •  find rewarding whether you do it alone or as a team. 
  • - We need you so please let others know about this as well !
  • And if you are a hero in need of adoption...Just ask or call us.
  • Send us your address and needs and wants....and know we follow OPSEC to the tee.
  • Don't be shy. We want to thank you. 
  • We will get you taken care of as well as any of your buddies asap.
  • Send an email with word " adopt me/us " and any needs or things you miss
  • to bring you an hug from home. Don't be shy !
  • st program, adopt a
  • Sign a special guestbook online and say a prayer  in tribute to our fallen heroes from
  • 9-11 and our troops who have paid the ultimate sacrfice in honor of Veterans' Day and
  • every day as we give tribute to their memory daily.

                              Click here: United in Tears at Homefront Hugs USA



          Homefront Holiday Hugs was our  heartfelt program for military children and homemakers

          dealing with deployments or hardship during the holidays. We collected and wrapped gifts

          for these homefront heroes  and dispersed them to various bases and families

         who were designated as in need of support. This year, the Navarre Press wrote a lovely story

       about this special program and our bases around and families who signed up were so excited about

      their holiday surprises !         


    Our commitment to all volunteers: Every volunteer, young and old, receives a

     registered volunteer card and a certificate as well for your group or school or church or

     synagogue or business   or....neighborhood, etc,etc,etc,...just join us and you will be joining

    some of the best volunteers and volunteer teams in the world where it comes from the heart with no conditions !

    ASK ALI program 

     Are you a veteran or deployed hero - or dependent keeping the home fires burning ? 

     OPSEC and confidentiality are strictly adhered to as required by law. Ali  is a crisis intervention counselor having

     worked in the military herself as a counselor and education specialist, and now sharing some of her time answering

     daily letters and providing referrals and resources when needed . Though you will not have daily sessions with her,

      she can help you to help yourself and  make sure you and your family are in a safe place and know where the help

      is. We recognize the challenges you have as families and in coping with 3rd and 4th deployments and the marriages

      that are under a great deal of stress- and we are here to help. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. CALL OR  WRITE.

      You are not alone.  

      Life is short...as my best friend Steve always said,
     " savor" - no regrets. 
Listen to your angels. Be true to yourself
      and know we are a grateful nation.


                 Read our latest freedom tribute to an amazing woman, mother of a veteran :

                                                                 Claire's Gift

        We wish everyone a wonderful beginning to winter as fall slowly ends and hope you

        have a warm, and relaxing holiday season- and all the best in warmth,laughter and success

       in 2009  .


        Sincerely in peace and hope, 
       Alessandra Kellermann
         President and Founder
        Homefront Hugs USA, Inc. - a
        University of Michigan/Ann Arbor Alumnus - Go Blue !
        1449 Tiger Lake Drive
        Gulf Breeze, Florida 32563
Alessandra Kellermann's Facebook profile

"be the change you wish to see in this world..."

      ( Ed Kellermann- Co-President with Mom above)

                THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS !

         We are in the news....our first national award...thanks to all of our incredible volunteers:





(slideshow above- pause here)


Thanks so much to all the wonderful students at OBE
  and Gulf Breeze Middle School who helped this holiday season to reach out to our families of
  deployed heroes this holiday season. You are all heroes too...some of you have even adopted
  a hero to send care packages to all year ! WOW !
     Being a volunteer makes you very special Americans
     and God is proud of you too !



     Our  adopted largest combat hospital in Iraq is thrilled we have them hugged after 2 years still !

     Join us in keeping their morale high. The poster behind them was made by 2nd grade

     classes  in Florida.

     Support them by adopting your own duck with a personalized message to send to a wounded hero !

     Send a smile and a Homefront hug in style ! 


   These ducks are anxiously waiting to be adopted.

    Go to the Healing Angels page for more info...


   Despite the news reports, you can help and write our wounded...and here is how...

   You are needed.   Read  a super email we received and join us please !: 

   Homefront Hugs,

   Thank you very much for sending all of the wonderful care packages filled with coffee, 

   snacks, and supportive letters. I want you to know that the troops here really

   appreciate it. We have   many wounded that come through the hospital and I want you

   to know they receive the cards you make and the goods you send. Your support is

   appreciated and needed.

   Alessandra always leaves a note that says, "Let us know if you need anything." One

   thing we could really use is a coffee grinder!! We receive all the wonderful Starbucks

   coffee beans, but have no way of grinding the beans. If we could get a coffee bean

   grinder that would be awesome!!!! Oh, and possibly some sort of basket or

   something to put all the candy in? Thank you!!!!

   Thank you Homefront Hugs!!!!

   Very Respectfully,

   Kristina M. Decot, SrA, USAF
   Chaplain Assistant
   AFTH Chapel

     You CAN write ANY WOUNDED HERO  at:

    Operation Healing Angel

    Homefront Hugs USA

    1449 Tiger Lake Drive

    Gulf Breeze, Florida 32563 

    We'll make sure it gets to our heroes directly into their hands... and send it on...to our heroes 

    and their healing angel caregivers...to American combat hospitals in

    the sandbox and medical centers worldwide which truly need your support.

      We cannot release our addresses of the medical hospitals in the war zone

       that have asked for our support due to security but we'll make sure your

       cards and help get to our heroes . Thanks for understanding...and caring.

       We have been entrusted with these assignments because we have supported

        our wounded now for a long time and with OPSEC intact.  Just read all about it:

   Click here: Volunteers offer hand in healing to injured soldiers | Neighbors | pnj.com (news article)

   Click here: Guardians of freedom get guardian angels (news article)




 It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for all of the Christmas cheer

 and packages that we received from the 9-11 families.  Amazing!

  Although we are away from home, this Christmas will be a great one to remember for all of us. 

 Some of the contents of the packages were used as gifts for our Christmas party which

was a huge success, but the majority was distributed throughout the organization and

everyone was moved by your generosity.   

   Above all, we are so humbled by the incredible support from those who have lost so much.

  Knowing the 9-11 families are supporting us here in Iraq is more than we could ever ask

for and inspires us all.  Of special note, the Christmas cards from the children, to include a

 few toys, will always be cherished.   Reading the cards really touched us and brings back

memories of our own children when they were small and even memories of making cards

ourselves when we were kids.  Good times! Starting the first of the year we are going to begin a writing endeavor to thank each and

 every family for their support.  No words will ever communicate our appreciation for your

 support but we look forward to expressing our gratitude and thanks for all you have done

 for us. 

   Attached is a picture of our group personnel.  Of course this does not consist of our entire

 organization, it is the best I can do for now until we get access to our USB ports and we can

 download pictures of the rest of the crew from our external drives.  The personnel shown are

 assigned here in Baghdad, I am standing holding the guidon.  The group represents only a

small fraction of our 360+ personnel spread out across Iraq.  Also, attached is a tri fold of our

 mission here in Iraq that was released through public affairs.  This will give all a perspective of what we are doing here in Iraq.    Again, thank you so much for you support and encouragement throughout the Christmas

season.  If you would like to communicate directly with any of our members, send your info

 and I will coordinate and get you information to correspond.  It is an honor and privilege to

 serve our great nation, especially the families of 9-11.  God bless America!  v/r 

CAFTT, First Sergeant

(stationed at Eglin AFB, Florida when home)



    Thank you to the Etheredge Family of Gulf Breeze ! Alex and his sister Ashley (below) just helped

    bring some beanie babies for our Homefront Holiday Hugs and troops this month !

   They are dedicated  volunteers with Mom since 2004 !  Check out the latest story about us in the

    Navarre Press December 18th ! Alex is in the interview..



 Thanks  to some wonderful volunteers this weekend and week who
  helped us wrap and get out care packages and gifts to our deserving heroes...
  The Begley family- Kim,Kate, Jack, Bob, and our VP Carrie Begley who is
   too shy for the camera but my right hand....though she will never admit it!
  She also kept my sunshine while I was in the hospital each time and this
  Mom will never forget....Carrie's Mom Ann Bell is also a secret angel
  who never wants to be thanked but needs to share her secret to
  wrapping sometime !
  The Kagan  Family- Colin and Alex have been absolute wonders in coming
  over to write dozens of cards for our wounded troops this Veterans Day
  and their Dad- a veteran  himself- helped to spread the word about our
  missions this holiday season without even being asked because he believes
  in us. Mom - Kathleen, is always ready on a moments' notice to help...
  God bless you ! 
  The Boudreaux  family- a loving Tiger Point family whose Mom despite her
  own challenges this season- helped us in many ways- with my hospitalization
  and  at the Mistletoe Market to bring care packages to all !Donna also runs
  the Optimist club with another angel Joy ShulzThank you too for making
  cards this season for our troops and wounded - OBE Optimist club kids !
  We can't wait to do more with you in 2009.
 The Richards and Phillips families- they come together almost to help any time
 they are needed...and remember these troops and families should never be
 forgotten. Robyn Phillips has been a longtime volunteer of Homefront Hugs
 and has a heart of gold. Robyn and Donna are Moms that give back all the
 time and their kids are learning well from this.
 The Sampson and Bryant families - who have helped with a smile and energy
 I wish I could find every day ! Thanks to Jamie who did a super job with a super smile !
 The Robinson family whose Mom, Laura, also won volunteer of the year for Santa
 Rosa schools...a well deserved somewhat late award...for a Mom who has yet to learn
 the words.,.." not now- I need to take care of me !" 
 The Mastrangelo family- a navy family who always gives back and helps us get the
 gifts to the Nacy families from Homefront Holiday Hugs each year ! 
  Victoria and Nicole Parks- who volunteered and helped wrap presents quietly with their beautiful smiles!
  Brandon Christian- an ROTC USAF high school student who volunteered and came to
  help all  hours without a break ! wow...he surely will do well in the military !   

...** INr



Remembering Charlie- our friend and hero...


A Very Special Thanks to Melissa and her Gulf Breeze United Methodist angels
who made some lovely pillowcases, helped stuff them, wrote cards to the wounded,
 and donated monies to send them to our hospitals in Iraq...
this Christmas season. God bless you all. You are all heroes too !


    Go Forward With Courage

    When you are in doubt, be still, and wait;
    when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage.
    So long as mists envelop you, be still;
    be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists
    -- as it surely will.
    Then act with courage.

    Chief White Eagle (1800's to 1914)


   Thanks to some wonderful fellow University of Michigan Alumni who help us out every time

   we need packages sent  and more ! Go Blue !

   A Thousand Thanks to our countless Michigan families and school kids who helped with our

  Homefront Hurricane Lunchbox Hugs and our smiles for our troops and WWII veteran Charlie !




   Special Thanks to the 2nd Graders from Florida who made some wonderful
   posters on their Discover America day for our wounded and their doctors
   and nurses : Operation Healing Angel !

    We were also in the News....in the Eglin Air Force Base Newspaper...AIM HIGH !

    EGLIN DISPATCH reports on Homefront Hugs for our Wounded

    To join the fun and bring a smile and support:




       Both mother and daughter above have been deployed and adopted by the same

       wonderful volunteers.... 


Click here: United in Tears at Homefront Hugs USA

    Sign our special guestbook today if you have lost a loved one to this war or on 9-11 and remember

    this country stands with you...and never forgets. Sign this guest book if you wish to express sympathy

    and support as our families of the fallen also read this and when you care- and thank them- and say

    it out loud- it matters. 





 Sign up for the monthly newsletter by emailing

HomefrontHugsUSA@aol.com with subject "news".

To link to us, please use this banner :

Homefront Hugs USA : A Resource Site for Troops and Families;
Support Without Conditions- Where No Hero Is Forgotten


          " There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
            The other is as though everything is a miracle. "
                                                                         Albert Einstein








Homefront Hugs USA and its programs does not endorse any political party or candidate. We are here strictly to provide support and comfort to our service members,veterans and their families,

regardless of political or religious affiliation.  We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or politics in accordance with our United

 States constitution and in honor of our troops and veterans worldwide who come from all walks of life to serve our country with honor, great personal sacrifice and courage.

  2001 Trademark and Copyright- All rights reserved - Homefront Hugs USA, Inc.

501-3c  Non-Profit Organization 2007

      Special thanks to a fantastic law firm dedicated to our veterans and their

      needs helping Homefront Hugs USA pro bono to achieve non-profit status :

      A local Pensacola law firm which serves clients nationwide, Aylstock, Witkin, Overholtz & Kreis, PLLC, whose Justice Attorneys

      specialize in Pensacola personal injury and Gulf Breeze personal injury cases, has lended its hand to

      seeking Justice for Military Veterans in making Veterans Benefits claims and Veterans Disability claims. 

      Check out their website at http://www.awkolaw.com/ if you need any legal help .   

" Savor life for it is fleeting. Honor our troops by making the best out of your life." 

 Sandria Schmidt


To contact us: info@HomefrontHugs.com


Homefront Hugs USA and its programs does not endorse any political party or candidate. 

We are here strictly to provide support and comfort to our service members,

veterans and their families, regardless of political or religious affiliation.  We do not

discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or politics in accordance with our United

States constitution and in honor of our troops and veterans worldwide who come from

 all walks of life to serve our country with honor, great personal sacrifice and courage.

  2007 Trademark and Copyright- All rights reserved - Homefront Hugs USA

                          501-3c  Non-Profit Organization 2007

2008-12-29 Updated - Please visit our generous donors when shopping this season to include the Popcorn Factory, Philosophy Beauty

Products and Museum Tour Toy Company....God bless them for remembering our families !