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The Magnet Lab is an institution unlike any other, capable of producing the world’s strongest and most powerful magnetic fields and attracting researchers from all over the world. These researchers use the high magnetic fields created at the lab to study many aspects of physics, chemistry and biology – everything from the mechanics of cancer to the behavior of particles that make up matter in its most fundamental forms.

As exciting as a lot of this research is, it can be difficult to understand. That’s where Flux, a biannual publication targeting non-scientists, comes in. Inside the pages of each issue, you’ll find:

  • News about research conducted at the lab
  • Profiles of scientists working with the magnets or building new ones
  • Explanations of the tools, machines and concepts that keep the lab running
  • Answers to questions we hear most often at the Magnet Lab
  • Educational resources
  • Stories on student scientists

At the heart of the Magnet Lab’s mission is curiosity-based research – a drive to understand how and why the world works on its most basic level. Like the lab, Flux is curiosity-based. Find a story or a page that interests you and settle in. Try one of our at-home experiments, learn about a new person, or ask us a question. We’ll be happy to explore the answer with you.


Editor: Amy Mast
Graphic Designer: Savoy Brown
Public Affairs Director: Susan Ray


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1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32310 - 3706

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Email: Magnet Lab Webmaster