About Us

Individual Associates

Other ways to become a part of the IS community:

  • Members
    Charities, foundations, and corporate giving programs

Questions about membership?
Call 202-467-6161.

Associates are people committed to preserving and strengthening the great American traditions of giving and volunteering, nonprofit initiative, and citizen action. This program provides a means for individuals dedicated to the vision and mission of Independent Sector to support and participate in our work.

Associates may be unaffiliated, or they may be affiliated with an organization that is an Independent Sector member or with an organization that is not eligible for full membership. They can join IS at one of three donor levels:

  • Associate – Annual contributions of $1,000
  • Gold Associate – Annual contributions of $2,000
  • Platinum Associate – Annual contributions of $3,000 or more

Associates gain the opportunity to:

Work with colleagues to strengthen individual organizations, the nonprofit community, and society in the United States and around the world. Last year, more than 250 leaders associated with IS played a critical role in shaping our work by participating in our committees, including those addressing public policy, ethics and accountability, international issues, and communications.

Attend the IS Annual Conference at discounted rates.

Receive timely, regular updates on key nonprofit issues through electronic briefings such as:

  • Daily Policy Digest, detailing the latest developments in legislation and regulation.
  • Daily Media Digest, containing full versions of stories affecting the nonprofit community from major media sources.
  • Memo to Members, our monthly electronic newsletter summarizing IS’s recent work.
  • Alerts on breaking news and developments of broad interest to the sector.

Become more involved in shaping public policies through efforts such as the:

  • Policy Action Network (PAN), a growing coalition that takes collaborative action on key nonprofit issues in federal, state, and local government.
  • The monthly Washington Update and Strategy Roundtable (formerly known as the Legislative and Regulatory Advisory Committee), which receives the latest information on current congressional and regulatory issues and shares strategies about communicating more effectively with members of Congress.

How to Participate

Choose one of the two buttons below to become an Individual Associate. For questions, contact Michael Connor at 202-467-6168.



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