January 3, 2008 Space Weather Prediction Center SOLAR REGION SUMMARY (SRS) The Solar Region Summary (SRS), compiled by SWPC, is a daily report of the active solar regions observed during the preceding day. The SRS contains a detailed description of the active regions currently visible on the solar disk. See sample and description below. The characteristics for each active region are compiled from up to six observatories that report to the SWPC in near-real time. The sunspot counts are typically higher than those reported in non-real time by the Sunspot Index Data Center (SIDC), Brussels, Belgium, and the American Association of Variable Star Observers. The last 75 daily Solar Region Summary reports are included in this directory. Issue time: Daily at 0030 UTC It is usually on-line by 0040 UTC. Period covered: Previous UTC day. Available: via SWPC Anonymous FTP server ftp.swpc.noaa.gov /pub/latest/SRS.txt --- most recent report /pub/forecasts/SRS --- last 75 reports via SWPC Web site: http://swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/SRS.txt http://swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/forecasts/SRS.html Older reports, beginning in 1996, are on-line in the SWPC Warehouse. Via Anonymous FTP: ftp.swpc.noaa.gov cd to /pub/warehouse/ Via the Web: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/warehouse.html This, and other, forecasts and summary reports are available via email. https://pss.swpc.noaa.gov/ See http://swpc.noaa.gov/Data/ for other SWPC data and products. *************************************************************** ** Please read the SWPC Disclaimer at http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ ** before using the forecasts and data in these reports. *************************************************************** SWPC provides near-real-time and recent data, solar and geomagnetic indices and solar event reports created from preliminary reports. Preliminary data may contain errors or be revised after further review. The historical products in this SWPC Warehouse are the preliminary reports as originally published. SWPC does not encourage the use of preliminary data for research purposes. Links to archive sites with final data: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/Data/ ****************************************************************** Please send comments and questions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov Report problems to SWPC.CustomerSupport@noaa.gov ============================================================================= SAMPLE :Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2008 Jan 03 0033 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 3 Issued at 0030Z on 03 Jan 2008 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 02 Jan I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 02/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 0980 S08E58 236 0030 Cso 04 03 Beta IA. H-alpha Plages without Spots. Locations Valid at 02/2400Z Jan Nmbr Location Lo None II. Regions Due to Return 03 Jan to 05 Jan Nmbr Lat Lo None ==================================================== ====== Description: Part I. Describes all active regions with sunspot groups: Nmbr: An SESC region number assigned to a sunspot group during its disk passage. Note: The Solar Region Number reached 10,000 in July 2002. However, SWPC products continue to use 4-digit region numbers, with leading zeros. Location: Sunspot group location, in heliographic degrees latitude and degrees east or west from central meridian, rotated to 2400 UTC. Lo: Carrington longitude of the group. Area: Total corrected area of the group in millionths of the solar hemisphere. Z: Modified Zurich classification of the group. LL: Longitudinal extent of the group in heliographic degrees. NN: Total number of visible sunspots in the group. Mag Type: Magnetic classification of the group. Part IA. Describes previously numbered active regions which still contain plage but no visible sunspots. Nmbr: SESC region number. Location: Plage region location in heliographic degrees latitude and degrees east or west from central meridian rotated to 2400 UTC. Lo: Carrington longitude of the region. PART II. Active regions that where observed on the previous solar rotation and are due to reappear on the East limb in the next 3 days. Nmbr: SESC region number. Lat: Heliographic degrees latitude of the group on its last disk passage. Lo: Carrington longitude of the group on its last disk passage. =============================================================================