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03/31/2005 : Iraq Attacks Lowest Since March 2004, Officials Say
03/31/2005 : Women Rising to Higher Levels in DoD, Official Says
03/31/2005 : Ceremonies to Honor Fallen Soldier for OIF's First Medal of Honor
03/31/2005 : Why I Serve: Guantanamo Sailor Loves Navy Lifestyle With Photos
03/31/2005 : Vietnam Vets Invited to Attend Tribute Event in Missouri
03/31/2005 : Commission Recommends Intelligence Overhaul
03/31/2005 : Wolfowitz Confirmed as World Bank President
03/31/2005 : America Supports You: Deployed Forces, Families Linked Via Video
03/31/2005 : Three Soldiers, Marine Killed in Action in Iraq
03/31/2005 : DACOWITS Report Recommends Family-Friendly Initiatives
03/31/2005 : Rice: Afghan, Iraqi Elections Show Trend Toward Democracy
03/31/2005 : First Lady Thanks Troops at Bagram Air Base
03/31/2005 : Information Access Key in Terror War, CENTCOM General Says
03/30/2005 : Women's History Theme Focuses on Heroes' Legacies With Photos
03/30/2005 : First Lady: Power of Freedom Is Evident Across Afghanistan
03/30/2005 : No Change Expected at Coalition Base in Kyrgyzstan
03/30/2005 : Hearings Determine Detainees' Threat Status
03/30/2005 : Troop-Strength Assessment in Iraq Expected This Summer
03/30/2005 : 38 Guantanamo Detainees to Be Freed After Tribunals
03/30/2005 : Facing the Future: Transformation Reflects A Changed World, Says Official
03/30/2005 : Air Medevac Unit Conducts Seven Evacuations in Afghanistan
03/30/2005 : Iraqi, U.S. Forces Gain Ground Against Terrorists
03/30/2005 : America Supports You Program Highlights American Resolve
03/30/2005 : Iraqis, Not Coalition, Must Defeat Insurgents, Rumsfeld Says
03/30/2005 : Long-Range Plans Key to Winning Antiterror Effort With Photos
03/29/2005 : Guantanamo Harnessing Wind to Create Power, Cut Emissions With Photos
03/29/2005 : America Supports You: Calendar Benefits Fisher House With Photos
03/29/2005 : Americans Support Military in Myriad Ways, Rumsfeld Says
03/29/2005 : President Lauds Iraqi Spirit, Cites Encouraging Signs
03/29/2005 : New Technologies, Approaches Enhance CENTCOM Effectiveness
03/29/2005 : Fallen Soldiers Honored in Memorial Service at Camp Phoenix
03/29/2005 : Non-Hostile Incident Kills Soldier in Iraq
03/29/2005 : Myers Speaks to ROTC Cadets of Integrity, Commitment With Photos
03/29/2005 : Federal Law Assists Troops' Dealings With Creditors
03/29/2005 : America Supports You: Maine Group Greets Troops With Photos
03/28/2005 : Facing the Future: Transforming DoD Is 'Constant Process'
03/28/2005 : Afghan Military Academy Opens Gates to Future Leaders With Photos
03/28/2005 : Why I Serve: Fallen Friend, Son Motivate Soldier With Photos
03/28/2005 : Engineers Work Together to Improve Iraq's Power Production With Photos
03/28/2005 : McDonald's Partners With 'America Support You' Program
03/28/2005 : President Spends Third Straight Easter With Fort Hood Troops
03/28/2005 : Two Years in Iraq: Former Commander Reflects on Advance to Baghdad
03/28/2005 : New Course Prepares NCOs for Joint Ops in Southwest Asia
03/28/2005 : City in Oklahoma Plans 'America Supports You' Rally
03/28/2005 : Deployed Troops Getting Best Protection Available
03/28/2005 : Iraqi Army Raid Nets 3 Tons of TNT, 121 Terrorism Suspects
03/27/2005 : Abizaid Says Percentage of Foreigners Increasing in Iraq
03/26/2005 : Seven U.S. Servicemen Die in Afghanistan, Iraq
03/25/2005 : Firefighters Visit Walter Reed, Bethesda, Pentagon With Photos
03/25/2005 : Bugling Paratrooper in Iraq Carries on Family Tradition With Photos
03/25/2005 : Facing the Future: Transformation Requires Adaptation
03/25/2005 : America Supports You: Spurs Host Military at NBA Game
03/25/2005 : Vice Chairman Makes Whirlwind Visit to Troops in Djibouti With Photos
03/25/2005 : Morale, Sense of Accomplishment High, Enlisted Leaders Report
03/25/2005 : U.S. Forces Aid Afghan Flood Victims With Photos
03/25/2005 : Soldiers Kill Seven Terrorists, Seize Weapons in Iraq
03/24/2005 : DoD Announces New Health Care Benefit for Guard and Reserve
03/24/2005 : New 'Families First' Program Aims To Improve Moving Process
03/24/2005 : Grand Ole Opry Announces Partnership With 'America Supports You'
03/24/2005 : Myers Describes Nightmare Scenario, How to Avoid It
03/24/2005 : 'Bumper of My SUV' Singer Signs Autographs at Henderson Hall With Photos
03/24/2005 : Building Military Police Unit From Scratch No Easy Task
03/24/2005 : America Supports You: Singer's Support for Troops Comes From Heart With Photos
03/24/2005 : U.S. Monitors Developments in Kyrgyzstan, Rumsfeld Says
03/24/2005 : Citizen's Tip Leads to Arrest of Bombing Attack Suspect
03/24/2005 : Rumsfeld: Guatemala Part of Central American 'Magic Moment'
03/24/2005 : New CJTF 76 Commander Promises Continued Success With Photos
03/23/2005 : DoD Proposes Program to Remodel Defense Intelligence
03/23/2005 : Widows of Combatants Killed in Iraq, Afghanistan Meet With Photos
03/23/2005 : Horn of Africa General Describes 'Regional Approach to Stability'
03/23/2005 : Army Secretary Says Troops in Iraq 'Well Led, Trained, Equipped'
03/23/2005 : Rumsfeld: AK-47 Sales to Venezuela Wouldn't Be Good for Region
03/23/2005 : Two Years in Iraq: Coalition Requires Work, Commitment
03/23/2005 : Why I Serve: Marine Contributing to Iraq's Future With Photos
03/23/2005 : 'Faces of Fallen' Exhibit Opens at Arlington With Photos
03/23/2005 : Flowers Symbolize Progress in Afghans' Everyday Lives
03/23/2005 : Facing the Future: Chu Outlines NSPS, Other Initiatives
03/23/2005 : Two Years in Iraq: 2005 to be 'Pivotal,' General Says
03/23/2005 : Family, Public Support Critical to Iraq Mission
03/22/2005 : General Explains New Defense Department Sex-Assault Policy
03/22/2005 : Kabul Soldier Reaches Volunteer Program Milestone With Photos
03/22/2005 : Army Reserve Components Boost Enlistment Age Limit
03/22/2005 : U.S.-Argentine Relationship 'Continues to Strengthen,' Rumsfeld Says
03/22/2005 : Guard Unit Credits Training in Overcoming 27 Insurgents With Photos
03/22/2005 : Task Force Liberty, Iraqi Army Find More Weapons
03/22/2005 : Iraqi Commandos Strike Insurgent Training Site
03/22/2005 : America Supports You: Country Star Tritt Honors Special Ops With Photos
03/22/2005 : Two Years in Iraq: 3rd Infantry Division Winning Over Iraqis With Photos
03/22/2005 : Marine Killed in Anbar Province During Security Operations
03/22/2005 : Two Years in Iraq: 3rd ID Returns With New Mission, Focus With Photos
03/22/2005 : Military Police Unit Stands Up at Guantanamo Bay
03/22/2005 : Rumsfeld Seeks Strengthening Of U.S.-Latin American Ties
03/21/2005 : Two Years in Iraq: Meeting Needs of Changing Battle Space
03/21/2005 : Afghan Military Academy Graduates First Basic Training Class With Photos
03/21/2005 : Servicemembers in Iraq Adequately Protected, General Says
03/21/2005 : Embedded Training Teams Making History in Afghanistan With Photos
03/21/2005 : America Supports You: ESPN Sponsors E-Cards
03/21/2005 : More Insurgents Killed, Arrested During Rash Of Attacks
03/21/2005 : Facing the Future: Preparing Today's Military for Its Next Challenges
03/21/2005 : South Carolina Joins DoD's 'America Supports You' Team
03/21/2005 : Graduation Means All 27 Iraqi Battalions Now Operational With Photos
03/21/2005 : Soldier Killed; More Suspected Terrorists Killed, Captured
03/20/2005 : Emergency Reaction Team Helps Keep Iraq's Oil Flowing
03/20/2005 : Rumsfeld, Myers Discuss Terror War Achievements
03/20/2005 : One U.S. Soldier Killed, Nine Wounded
03/20/2005 : Iraqi VP Expresses Appreciation
03/19/2005 : Wolfowitz Cites Iraqi Freedom Accomplishments, Challenges
03/19/2005 : U.S. Helicopters Rescue Stranded Afghans in Uruzgan Province
03/19/2005 : Afghans, Coalition Work to Rid Afghanistan of Weapons
03/19/2005 : Bush Notes Operation Iraqi Freedom's Accomplishments
03/19/2005 : One U.S. Soldier Killed; 51 Terror Suspects Detained
03/19/2005 : Two Years in Iraq: What Do The Iraqis Think?
03/18/2005 : Why I Serve: Top Sergeant Loves Seeing Troops Get Promoted With Photos
03/18/2005 : Intelligence Chiefs Outline Threats, Challenges
03/18/2005 : New DoD Sexual Assault Policy Affords Victims Privacy
03/18/2005 : International Cooperation 'Crucial' to U.S. Defense Policy
03/18/2005 : Pentagon Town Hall Meeting Produces Broad Range of Questions
03/18/2005 : Specials Ops Requests Funding to Modernize, Transform
03/18/2005 : Two Years in Iraq: Pace of Reconstruction Picking Up
03/18/2005 : Rumsfeld Praises Troops' 'Hard Work' on Iraq's 'Positive Changes'
03/18/2005 : U.S., Iraqi Forces Discover IEDs, Weapons Caches
03/18/2005 : Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Speech Put Iraq on Notice
03/18/2005 : OIF Two Years Later: Progress Continues on All Fronts
03/18/2005 : Jordan Aids in Iraqi Police Training
03/18/2005 : Military Pay, Allowances Recognize Troops' Contributions
03/17/2005 : Iraqi Unit Trains in Jordan for Counterterrorism Mission
03/17/2005 : Changing DoD's Global Posture an 'Enormous Undertaking'
03/17/2005 : Rumsfeld: People Key to Department's Transformation
03/17/2005 : Active Army, Guard, Reserve Boost Recruiting Resources
03/17/2005 : From Combat to Rebuilding: A Soldier's View With Photos
03/17/2005 : War on Terror Creates New Paradigm for Guard, Reserve
03/17/2005 : Myers Meets Saudis, Discusses Military Relationships
03/17/2005 : DoD Programs Ease Force Stress Without Hiking End Strength
03/17/2005 : DoD Seeks Billions for Missile Defense Program
03/17/2005 : 144 Iraqis Graduate From Basic Police Training
03/17/2005 : Task Force Liberty Soldiers Rescue Hostage
03/17/2005 : Coalition Troops Assist Afghans in Kandahar After Bombing
03/17/2005 : Medics at Abu Ghraib Helping to Win Iraqis' Hearts, Minds
03/16/2005 : DoD Official Outlines Homeland Defense Progress
03/16/2005 : Coalition Buoyed by Iraqi People’s Courage, Bush Says
03/16/2005 : America Supports You: Teen Inspires Expressions of Thanks
03/16/2005 : Chertoff: Sustainable Security Needs Risk-Based Approach
03/16/2005 : Rehab Means Amputees’ Lives Can Go On With Photos
03/16/2005 : President to Nominate Wolfowitz to Head World Bank
03/16/2005 : IED, Land Mine Kill Soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan
03/16/2005 : President Nominates 2005 Base Closure Commissioners
03/16/2005 : Vitality, Optimism Characterize Afghanistan Today
03/15/2005 : Subsequent Tests Turn Up Negative for Anthrax Contamination
03/15/2005 : Voting Assistance Program Kicks Off Slogan Contest
03/15/2005 : CENTCOM Officials Cite Prongs to Iraq Success
03/15/2005 : Pentagon Officials Retrieving Mail From Distribution Points
03/15/2005 : Myers Visits Transformed Afghanistan, Says Efforts On Track With Photos
03/15/2005 : Why I Serve: Reservist Ready for More Iraq Duty After R&R With Photos
03/15/2005 : Coalition Remains Strong Two Years Into Iraqi Freedom
03/15/2005 : Marine Killed in Iraq’s Anbar Province
03/15/2005 : Biological Alarm Shuts Down Second DoD Facility
03/15/2005 : Trends Pointing Up in Iraq, Joint Chiefs Chairman Says With Photos
03/14/2005 : America Supports You: Country Singer Has Veteran’s Perspective
03/14/2005 : Iraqi Forces Aim for Independent Operations
03/14/2005 : Iraqis Increasingly Taking Fight to Enemy, Petraeus Says
03/14/2005 : Positive Initial Detection for Anthrax at Pentagon
03/14/2005 : Training Prepared Division for Combat Deployment
03/14/2005 : Iraqis Train Iraqis at Tikrit Academy
03/14/2005 : Hazardous Materials Teams Investigating Alarm on Pentagon Reservation
03/14/2005 : BRAC Turned Out to Be Good News For Texas Capital With Photos
03/14/2005 : General Reflects on Accomplishments in Afghanistan
03/14/2005 : America Supports You: Couple Conducts ‘Patriotic Pillow Project’ With Photos
03/14/2005 : Iraqi Forces Thwart Kidnapping, Capture Hijackers
03/14/2005 : Task Force Lays Foundation for Stability in Afghan West
03/13/2005 : Rice: Iraq Still Has Much to Overcome After Elections
03/13/2005 : Myers To Troops: Work Toward Jointness, but Take Pride in Services
03/13/2005 : Chairman Thanks Troops for Helping Cement U.S-Egypt Ties
03/13/2005 : Soldiers, Afghan Deputy Minister Attend Women's ‘Shuras’
03/13/2005 : Two American Contractors, One Soldier Killed in Iraq
03/13/2005 : U.S. Marines Attacked in Afghanistan
03/13/2005 : Myers Thanks Egyptians for Support, Discusses Exercise With Photos
03/12/2005 : Soldier Killed in Accident; Unit Investigating Detainee Abuse Allegation
03/12/2005 : Soldiers Recover Multiple Weapons Caches in Afghanistan
03/12/2005 : Afghan Army Receives First Shipment of Light Tactical Vehicles
03/11/2005 : New Programs, Incentives Focused on Boosting Recruiting Efforts
03/11/2005 : Servicemembers Become U.S. Citizens During Ceremony at Bush Library With Photos
03/11/2005 : Children Work on Armed Services YMCA Contest Entries With Photos
03/11/2005 : Commanders: Shifting Threats Require New Approaches
03/11/2005 : Accessions Chief: No Crisis in State of Military Recruiting
03/11/2005 : Elections Boosted Iraqi Security Forces, Myers Says
03/11/2005 : Why I Serve: Airman Appreciates Opportunities in Military With Photos
03/11/2005 : Benefits Offset Exchange Rates at Overseas Military Banks
03/11/2005 : Samarra Citizens Support Iraqi Commando Operations
03/11/2005 : War on Terrorism is Transforming America’s Military
03/11/2005 : Capital Region Soldiers Speed Injured Troops to Recovery With Photos
03/11/2005 : Iraqi Army Captures Insurgents, Seizes Weapons
03/11/2005 : Estonian Soldiers Help Armor Unit Protect Supply Routes With Photos
03/10/2005 : DoD, Army Make Improvements in Detainee Processes
03/10/2005 : U.S., French Defense Leaders Meet at Pentagon
03/10/2005 : Expansion Project Begins on Combat Feeding Lab
03/10/2005 : Communities Affected by BRAC Have Transition Partner
03/10/2005 : America Supports You: University Offers Scholarships
03/10/2005 : Admiral Issues Report: ‘No Policy Condoned Torture, Abuse’
03/10/2005 : U.S. Military Continues to Improve Detainee Handling
03/09/2005 : India Delivers 50 New Trucks to Afghan National Army With Photos
03/09/2005 : States Let Taxpayers Donate Refunds to Military Families
03/09/2005 : Airman, Marine Help Iraqi Commandos to Communicate With Photos
03/09/2005 : Why I Serve: Soldier Spends 14 Years With Same Unit With Photos
03/09/2005 : Africa Integral to U.S. European Command, General Says
03/08/2005 : Pacific, Korea Commanders Talk Transformation at Senate
03/08/2005 : Coalition, NATO Training Leaders for Iraqi Forces
03/08/2005 : U.S. Military Footprint in Europe Changing to Meet Strategy
03/08/2005 : Insurgency Weakening; Iraqi Security Forces Growing Stronger
03/08/2005 : Parties Still Working Behind the Scenes on Military Commissions
03/08/2005 : Commander in Chief Credits Troops With Terror War Advances
03/08/2005 : Bush Praises Allies’ Role in Progress Against Terror
03/08/2005 : President Outlines Immediate, Long-Term Strategies for Peace
03/08/2005 : Coalition Forces Thwart Terrorists
03/08/2005 : Team to Conduct Inquiry Into Checkpoint Shooting
03/08/2005 : Administration, U.N. Ambassador Nominee Affirm U.N.’s Importance
03/08/2005 : Continuous Innovation Critical to Homeland Security
03/07/2005 : Reconstruction Team Helps Restore Afghan Cultural Art Form With Photos
03/07/2005 : Violent Contacts Down in Afghanistan, Commander Says
03/07/2005 : Defense Department Aims for ‘Clean Audits’ by 2008
03/07/2005 : America Supports You: Girl Scouts Sell Cookies for Troops With Photos
03/07/2005 : Fort Campbell Troops Work to Save Lives in Iraq With Photos
03/07/2005 : Iraqis Assuming More Security Responsibility
03/07/2005 : Iraqi Troops Flush Samarra of Insurgents, Weapons With Photos
03/07/2005 : Detainee Cases Making Their Way Through U.S. Federal Courts
03/07/2005 : Challenges Face Afghanistan, U.S. Anti-Drug Cooperation
03/06/2005 : Soldiers Capture Suspected Bomb Maker in Iraq
03/05/2005 : Five U.S. Troops Dead, One Injured in Iraq
03/05/2005 : Afghan Citizens Increase Weapons Cache Turn-in 100 Percent
03/04/2005 : New Program Offers Subsidized Child Care to Guard, Reserve
03/04/2005 : Government Attorney: Detainees Don’t Deserve POW Privileges
03/04/2005 : Officials Provide Update On Iraq Reconstruction
03/04/2005 : Italian Journalist Injured at Checkpoint After Gaining Freedom
03/04/2005 : Army Secretary Vows to Resolve Soldier Pay Problems
03/04/2005 : Metal Detectors Assist Iraqi Soldiers in Search
03/04/2005 : Guantanamo Detainees Still Yielding Valuable Intelligence With Photos
03/04/2005 : National Guard Program Changes Lives of At-Risk Teenagers With Photos
03/04/2005 : Military Police Protect Outpost in Uzbekistan With Photos
03/04/2005 : National Guard ‘Youth ChalleNGe’ Grads Seek Funding With Photos
03/04/2005 : Coast Guard Cutter Returning From Successful Drug Interdiction Patrol With Photos
03/04/2005 : First Woman Provincial Governor Named in Afghanistan
03/03/2005 : Special Ops Plays Key Role in Terror War While Transforming
03/03/2005 : Army Misses Recruiting Goal, Raises Enlistment Bonuses
03/03/2005 : General Describes EUCOM Transformation, Expresses Hope for Iraq
03/03/2005 : DoD Works to Improve Care, Transition for Wounded Troops
03/03/2005 : Iraqi, U.S., Scottish Troops Nab Terror Suspects, Weapons
03/03/2005 : From Mayberry to Metropolis: Guantanamo Bay Changes
03/03/2005 : World Champion Red Sox Visit Wounded Troops at Walter Reed With Photos
03/03/2005 : Iraqi Police Training Turns Out 292 New Graduates
03/03/2005 : America Supports You: Concern for Troops Spurs Involvement
03/03/2005 : Bush Hails New Homeland Security Chief as ‘Right Person’
03/03/2005 : Special Ops Working to Retain Seasoned Operators
03/03/2005 : Speedy Care, Better Gear Help Troops Survive Injuries
03/02/2005 : Basketball Tourney Open to All Services
03/02/2005 : State Department Cites Human Rights Progress in Iraq
03/02/2005 : Abizaid: 2005 ‘Can Be a Decisive Year’ Against Extremism
03/02/2005 : Vets Centers Offer Grief Counseling to Military Families
03/02/2005 : Soldier Survives 19 Bombs, Mortar Attacks in Iraq With Photos
03/02/2005 : Why I Serve: For All the Right Reasons With Photos
03/01/2005 : Wolfowitz Explains Why Army Needs Are Emergency
03/01/2005 : Abizaid: No Middle Eastern Nation Should Harbor Terrorists
03/01/2005 : NATO Response Force Will Transform Alliance, Jones Says
03/01/2005 : Special Operations ‘Uniquely Suited’ to Fight Terrorists
03/01/2005 : Iraq, Afghanistan Show U.S. Determination, Wolfowitz Says
03/01/2005 : Gulf War, Operation Provide Comfort Casualties Remembered With Photos
03/01/2005 : Iraq Refers First Case Involving Saddam Officials for Trial
03/01/2005Afghan Citizens Lead Coalition Troops to Explosive Devices  
03/01/2005Second Soldier Dies From Tikrit Accident Injuries  

News Archive News Archive

Updated: 31 Mar 2005
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