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   International Activities Program

Caspian Partnership for Regulatory Cooperation

Photo of a Palace in Kazakhstan.Beginning in FY 1999 with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, MMS is providing technical and policy advice and assistance to the countries of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Georgia, as they continue their efforts to implement legislative and regulatory reforms with the long-term goal of establishing transparent oil and gas regulatory institutions. The experience and expertise MMS is providing through technical assistance workshops and regulatory partnerships is designed to help these countries develop and implement regulate systems that incorporate modern-day safety and environmental standards.

Activities with Kazakhstan:

bullet March 2005 - As a result of feedback from the MEMR and other agencies, MMS developed a workshop to meet the most pressing needs currently being countenanced by our Kazakhstani counterparts. The workshop entitled, MMS’ Management of Risk, Safety, and Oil Spill Modeling in Offshore Oil and Gas Operations was developed to provide specific case studies and research on MMS’ methods of risk assessment, the safety and environmental management program (SEMP), and modeling methods utilized in the event of an oil spill. These three divergent topics represent Kazakhstan’s greatest technical assistance needs at this time.
bullet November 2004 - With exploration by AGIP/KCO in full swing in the Kazakhstan sector of the North Caspian, and the development of storage and transportation systems to transport the oil to shore in Aktau and Atyrau being engineered, it was time to address MMS’ means of managing offshore pipelines. Included in this effort was a clear presentation and discussion of MMS’ regulations as they apply to pipelines (as well as the current evolution of the regulations [sub part J]), examples of MMS research into pipeline issues (design, construction, maintenance, corrosion, etc), inspection of pipelines (INCs and PINCs), and case studies of MMS managed pipelines projects (for example, Northstar in Alaska). The workshop took place at the Intercontinental Hotel in Astana from November 15th – 17th.
bullet August 2004 – As a follow-up to the December 2003 workshop on MMS’ regulatory program for exploratory field operations, MMS presented how these regulations are applied in a real life “in the field” setting. The workshop entitled, Managing Oil & Gas Exploration in the Field: MMS’ Offshore Inspection Program was held in Astana, Kazakhstan from August 23rd-25th. The workshop addressed MMS’ method to ensure occupational safety of offshore workers as well as protection of the environment, through an effective inspection program. Due to the brevity of the workshop, particular attention was paid to inspection compliance in exploration/drilling, as well as hydrogen sulfide precautions, and well abandonment procedures. As part of this workshop MMS delivered a 200+ page “Offshore Field Manual” for current and future Kazakhstani inspectors to the MEMR as well as the Agency for Emergency Response. MMS hopes to follow-up this activity with a training activity for Kazakhstani inspectors to shadow MMS inspectors while they conduct offshore inspections.
bullet July 2004 – As a follow-up to the November 2002 workshop where we first introduced MMS’ resource evaluation modeling program (GRASP II), MMS presented a follow-up training in the offices of the Geologic Committee of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan from July 19th-22nd. This time MMS was able to present a comprehensive tutorial to the recently revised program which will enable the MEMR to conduct their own independent geologic and economic model of Kazakhstan’s hydrocarbon resources. Complete alterations for language and measurement were made to GRASP II for the MEMR participants. We installed seven copies of the program on the Geologic Committee’s own computers. This round of training was far more in depth and comprehensive then those held previously. This time we were not presenting hypothetical models but we demonstrated the usefulness of the program with real world MMS examples. This was furthered when MEMR participants brought in their own geophysical data to be inputted and analyzed by the Program. As part of this effort, MMS also presented a 66-page Russian language tutorial for the program was to the Geologic Committee which will allow any other Ministry officials to become proficient in the Programs use for now and years to come.
bullet March 2004 – As a follow-up to the August 2003 workshop on MMS tendering policy and simulated lease sale for offshore resources, MMS hosted 6 Representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) involved in tendering policy to the March 17, Gulf of Mexico Central Lease Sale. At the sale, the MEMR learned more about the means by which the regulator conducts the sale as well as the interaction that takes place with the private sector. The MEMR is contemplating incorporating some facets of the MMS model into Kazakhstan’s tendering system. During their one week visit, MEMR officials met with leasing and resources evaluation staff from the region as well as field operations personnel in the Houma District office. Lastly, the delegation got to visit Shell’s new 3D SepcCOVE modeling center to discover how new technologies are improving oil and gas exploration.
bullet February 2004 - As a follow-up to the December 2003 workshop on Regulatory Overview of Drilling, Construction, Production, Safety and International Standardization it was time to address the environmental implications of offshore developments. Since the subject matter is complex and substantial, it necessitated two separate workshops. This workshop titled, Ensuring Environmental Protection While Exploring and Producing Oil and Gas resources: The MMS Model, was the second half of the overall effort. Specifically, this workshop focused environmental analysis into three primary areas: first, environmental analysis in the post lease (tender) stage; second, the current state and evolution of environmental management information systems; and third, oil spill contingency planning in arctic and sub-arctic environments as well as general disposal issues. These particular areas were of primary interest to the Kazakhstani participants due to current developments in the North Caspian where exploration is well underway in the Kashagan field. These areas of interest were identified as core interests during the evaluation stage of the December 2003 workshop.
bullet December 2003 – From December 8-10 in Astana, Kazakhstan, MMS held a technical assistance workshop on regulations covering offshore drilling, construction, production, and occupational safety to our counterpart agency in Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. With Kashagan exploration in the North Caspian moving ahead this workshop was most timely. A separate workshop covering the environmental aspects of these regulations will be conducted in the coming months. In addition, a follow-up activity covering offshore inspection policy and training is in the planning stages.
bullet August 2003 – From August 6-8 in Astana, Kazakhstan, MMS held a technical assistance workshop relating to MMS’ pre-tender information collection and an overview of our offshore tendering procedures. Included in this, was a simulated lease sale where members of the MEMR worked in teams through a role playing exercise where MEMR economists and geologists went through the process of bidding for offshore resources following the MMS model. This training was particularly useful and timely due the MEMR’s recent decision to reevaluate their existing production sharing agreement (PSA) structures, and their desire to move to a more open, transparent, and competitive process of tendering. Such reform would be welcomed by industry active in the region, and would be inline with accepted western business practices.

November 2002 – From November 12-14 in Astana, Kazakhstan, MMS provided computer-based training of its new Geologic Resource Assessment Program (GRASP II). pdf icon
This was a direct follow-up to the December 2000 activity. The program will allow resource evaluators from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and other local agencies to assess both the geologic and economic value for hydrocarbon resources in Kazakhstan. This will enable the Government of Kazakhstan to be better informed as to the value of their resources prior to tendering acreage for development. A follow-up training is planned within the next year to monitor the progress of inputting Kazakhstani data into the modeling program.

bullet December 2000 – From December 6-8 in Astana, Kazakhstan, MMS held a technical assistance workshop as it relates to the management of offshore reserves potential with a systematic program of data collection, resource evaluation and leasing strategy. The workshop introduced the subject of "Value of Information" and "Bidding Theory" and was similar to the August 1999 workshop in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan that covered MMS’s system for Ensuring Fair Market Return on Oil & Gas Resources. Our principal counterpart at the workshop was the Kazakh Ministry of Energy, Industry, and Trade (MEIT), although there was additional participation from the Agency for Investments, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, The oil and Gas Research and Design Institute (NIPIneftegas), the Ministry of Economy, the Agency for Strategic Planning, and the National Oil Company of Kazakhstan (Kazakhoil).
bullet March 24-April 5, 2000 - The MMS participated as a federal regulatory partner in USEA’s Caspian Environmental Partnership Initiative in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan. A three-day workshop discussed the role of environmental impact studies and assessments within the Kazakh and U.S. regulatory frameworks, as well as the differences and similarities between monitoring and enforcement concepts and responsibilities. The workshop was prefaced by a formal signing ceremony between USEA and its regulatory partners in both the U.S. and Kazakhstan. The agreement officially recognizes the formation of a working partnership to exchange ideas and information regarding environmental and conservation policies affecting the emerging oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan, as it evolves to a market-based economy.
bullet October 1999 - The MMS participated in USEA's Study Tour for Kazakh Regulators and Oil Spill Workshop. On October 14th and 15th, 1999, the MMS presented a one and one-half day session describing MMS's role and responsibilities for Oil Spill Contingency Planning, MMS's Inspection and Unannounced Drills Program, as well as presentations and discussions regarding Performance-Based Regulations, Rate Control Issues, and Environmental Assessment and Monitoring. USEA has coordinated with Hagler-Bailey to determine the appropriate Kazakh participants, as well as the content for the workshop. USEA is now working with Kazakh Regulators and the resource pool to develop future partnership activities.
bullet May 1999 - The USEA CEPI Environmental Overview seminar was held in Astana, Kazakhstan on May 27th and 28th. The MMS, as a partner, was represented by two employees expert in the overall MMS program and the environmental issues and analyses associated with offshore oil and gas activities. Approximately 20 Kazakhstan participants attended, including government, industry and NGO representatives. The seminar consisted of presentations by the U.S. representatives focusing on the evolution of regulatory practices in the U.S., the common regulatory objectives onshore and offshore, and methods to achieve these regulatory objectives. Several issues of concern to the Kazakhs were identified. The USEA is now working with the partnership resource pool to develop partnership activities that will provide opportunities to address some of these concerns.
bullet December 1998 - Needs Assessment and Orientation. In cooperation with technical assistance partner Hagler-Bailly, Inc., and regulatory partnership coordinator the United States Energy Association (USEA), MMS met with key actors involved in the Kazakh oil and gas sector. The MMS representatives met with members of both the Kazakh and international oil and gas industry as well as counterpart Kazakh regulators. In addition, MMS participated in the World Bank funded Caspian Environmental Program Conference, "Oil Spills Prevention, Preparedness, and response Workshop."

bullet MMS Press Release
bullet Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration: Kazakhstan Report
bullet U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheet - Kazakhstan

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