United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Center for Health Care Evaluation

CHCE Investigators

Todd Wagner, Ph.D.

Todd Wagner, Ph.D.

Brief Bio

  • Health Economist, VA Health Economics Resource Center, VA Center for Health Care Evaluation, and VA Cooperative Studies Program Coordinating Center
  • Consulting Assistant Professor of Medicine, Stanford University
  • Associate, Center for Health Policy, Stanford University School of Medicine

  • A.B., University of Michigan, 1992
  • Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1999

Research Interests

  • The evaluation of consumer health information
  • Methods and application of cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis
  • Willingness to pay as a measure of patient preference
  • The economics of cancer screening
  • Access and barriers to care for multiethnic, low income populations



Piette JD, Heisler M, Wagner TH. Medication characteristics beyond cost alone influence decisions to use pharmacotherapy in response to financial pressures. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2006;In press.
Bundorf MK, Wagner TH, Singer SJ, Baker LC. Who searches the internet for health information? Health Serv Res. Jun 2006;41(3 Pt 1):819-836.
Bhandari A, Wagner T. Self-reported utilization of health care services: improving measurement and accuracy. Med Care Res Rev. Apr 2006;63(2):217-235.
Berger M, Wagner TH, Baker LC. Internet use and stigmatized illness. Soc Sci Med. Oct 2005;61(8):1821-1827.
Hu TW, Wagner TH. Health-related consequences of overactive bladder: an economic perspective. BJU Int. Sep 2005;96 Suppl 1:43-45.
Wagner TH, Chen S. An economic evaluation of inpatient residential treatment programs in the department of veterans affairs. Med Care Res Rev. Apr 2005;62(2):187-204.
Wagner TH, Bundorf MK, Singer SJ, Baker LC. Free Internet access, the digital divide, and health information. Med Care. Apr 2005;43(4):415-420.
Heisler M, Wagner TH, Piette JD. Patient strategies to cope with high prescription medication costs: who is cutting back on necessities, increasing debt, or underusing medications? J Behav Med. Feb 2005;28(1):43-51.
Wagner TH, Chen S, Yu W, Barnett PG. HERC's Average Cost Data for VA Inpatient Care: 1998 - 2004. Menlo Park, CA: Health Economics Resource Center; 2005.
Wagner TH, Goldstein MK. Behavioral interventions and cost-effectiveness analysis. Prev Med. Dec 2004;39(6):1208-1214.
Piette JD, Heisler M, Wagner TH. Cost-related medication underuse among chronically ill adults: the treatments people forgo, how often, and who is at risk. Am J Public Health. Oct 2004;94(10):1782-1787.
Wagner TH, Baker LC, Bundorf MK, Singer S. Use of the internet for health information by the chronically ill. Prev Chronic Dis. Oct 2004;1(4):A13.
Piette JD, Heisler M, Wagner TH. Cost-related medication underuse: do patients with chronic illnesses tell their doctors? Arch Intern Med. Sep 13 2004;164(16):1749-1755.
Bundorf MK, Singer SJ, Wagner TH, Baker L. Consumers' use of the Internet for health insurance. Am J Manag Care. Sep 2004;10(9):609-616.
Wagner TH, Cruz AM, Chadwick GL. Economies of Scale in Institutional Review Boards. Med Care. Aug 2004;42(8):817-823.
Heisler M, Wagner TH, Piette JD. Clinician identification of chronically ill patients who have problems paying for prescription medications. Am J Med. Jun 1 2004;116(11):753-758.
Wagner TH. Improving the decision processes of institutional review boards. JAMA. Apr 14 2004;291(14):1698; author reply 1698-1699.
Hu TW, Wagner TH, Bentkover JD, Leblanc K, Zhou SZ, Hunt T. Costs of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder in the United States: a comparative study. Urology. Mar 2004;63(3):461-465.
Piette JD, Heisler M, Wagner TH. Problems paying out-of-pocket medication costs among older adults with diabetes. Diabetes Care. Feb 2004;27(2):384-391.
Piette JD, Wagner TH, Potter MB, Schillinger D. Health insurance status, cost-related medication underuse, and outcomes among diabetes patients in three systems of care. Med Care. Feb 2004;42(2):102-109.
Bundorf MK, Baker LC, Singer S, Wagner TH. Consumer demand for health information on the Internet. National Bureau of Economic Research. 2004(10386).
Wagner TH, Velez J. A comparison of inpatient costs from the HERC and DSS National Data Extract datasets. Menlo Park, CA: VA Health Economics Resource Center; 2004.
Cuellar AE, Wagner TH, Hu TW, et al. New opportunities for integrated child health systems: results from the multifaceted pre-to-three program. Am J Public Health. Nov 2003;93(11):1889-1890.
Wagner TH, Chen S, Barnett PG. Using average cost methods to estimate encounter-level costs for medical-surgical stays in the VA. Med Care Res Rev. Sep 2003;60(3 Suppl):15S-36S.
Humphreys K, Trafton J, Wagner TH. The cost of institutional review board procedures in multicenter observational research. Ann Intern Med. Jul 1 2003;139(1):77.
Hu TW, Wagner TH, Bentkover JD, et al. Estimated economic costs of overactive bladder in the United States. Urology. Jun 2003;61(6):1123-1128.
Wagner LS, Wagner TH. The effect of age on the use of health and self-care information: confronting the stereotype. Gerontologist. Jun 2003;43(3):318-324.
Wagner TH, Bhandari A, Chadwick GL, Nelson DK. The cost of operating institutional review boards (IRBs). Acad Med. Jun 2003;78(6):638-644.
Baker L, Wagner TH, Singer S, Bundorf MK. Use of the Internet and E-mail for Health Care Information: Results From a National Survey. JAMA. May 14 2003;289(18):2400-2406.
Wagner TH, Subak LL. Evaluating an incontinence intervention in nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc. Feb 2003;51(2):275-276.
Wagner TH, Jimison HB. Computerized health information and the demand for medical care. Value Health. Jan-Feb 2003;6(1):29-39.
Wagner TH, Hu TW, Bentkover J, et al. Health-related consequences of overactive bladder. Am J Manag Care. Dec 2002;8(19 Suppl):S598-607.


Contact Information

Email: Todd.Wagner@va.gov