Need Help from a Professional Genealogist?
Independent Researchers Available for Hire
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) staff is available to provide reference assistance to you. However, if you find that you require extensive research assistance at NARA facilities, we offer you the following lists of researchers who are available for hire. (Note: Researchers for hire are not NARA employees. Learn more)
Find a researcher by:
Researchers by Topic Specialty
- African American History
- Asbestos
- Captured German Records
- Census Records
- Cold War
- Congressional Records
- Court Records
- Coast Guard/Lighthouse/Customs Records
- Diplomatic Records
- Genealogy and Family History Records
- Immigration, Emigration, and Naturalization Records
- Intelligence
- Labor & Business History/Transportation/Regulatory Agency Records
- Military Records
- Native American Relations Records
- Navy Records
- President Nixon
- Science, Technology, Natural Resources, and the Environment Records
Researchers for Special Media Types
- Audio/Sound Recordings
- Cartographic/Architectural/Ships Plans Records
- Film and Video Recordings
- Photographs and Pictures
- Central Plains Region
- Great Lakes Region
- Midatlantic
- Maryland
- Pennsylvania
- Washington, DC
- Northeast Region
- Massachusetts
- New York
- Pacific Region
- California
- Pacific Alaska Region
- Alaska
- Washington
- Rocky Mountain Region
- Colorado
- Southeast Region
- Georgia
- Southwest Region
- Texas