The Library of Congress Presents: Music, Theater and Dance  |
the Library's performing arts collections, The Library of Congress
Presents: Music, Theater and Dance offers educational resources and primary source materials on
a variety of topics such as the origins of our country's patriotic
music, the life and work of "jazz great" Gerry Mulligan,
and 19th-century parlor music. |
Pictures in American Memory
of early motion pictures are viewable in the American Memory collections.
So much can be learned from these historic films from the Motion Picture,
Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division! |
of Congress Live 
historical treasures from the Library's collections with music, dance
and dialogue, these programs provide a firsthand view into history
and cultures from around the world. A schedule of upcoming events
and Webcasts of past programs are found on the Web site. |
from the Library can be viewed on your schedule. The programs range
from authors talking about their work to presentations by specialists
in a variety of fields. |
Center for the Book 
Center for the Book, established to promote books, reading, libraries
and literacy, is a focal point for celebrating the legacy of books
and the printed word. Of special interest to educators: events and
projects. |
Literature Center
it does not serve children directly, the Children's Literature Center
assists teachers, librarians, parents and others who work with youth.
& Crossings  |
Library offers exciting and historically significant materials through
Webcasts that reveal the personal insights of the staff who know the
materials best. |
180 |
Listening to poetry can encourage students and other learners to become
members of the circle of readers for whom poetry is a vital source
of pleasure. Poetry 180 is designed to make it easy for students to
hear or read a poem each day of the 180 days of the school year. |
Poem Project  |
Favorite Poem Project is dedicated to celebrating, documenting and
promoting poetry's role in Americans' lives. The project includes
a user created, interactive database of America's favorite poems,
as well as a collection of teacher developed Lesson plans. |
Collection Guides: Bibliographies and Webliographies |
This collection of themed resources from across the Library’s Web sites includes: African American Sites, Brown v. Board of Education, Congressional Information, Guide to Poetry & Literature, Guide to World War II Materials, and Researching the Wreck of the RMS Titanic. |
“With an Even Hand” Brown v. Board at Fifty |
On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, declaring that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." This Exhibition explores the struggle for racial desegregation in the United States.
the Stories of America's Past: meet amazing Americans; jump back in
time; explore the states; join America at play; see, hear and sing.
Log on, play around, learn something! |
in the News  |
in a timely fashion to current events, the Geography and Map Division
presents up-to-date maps that locate areas relating to situations
covered by news organizations. |
Roots  |
collected information from more than 1,000 community and cultural
events, the Local Legacies collection demonstrates Americans' pride
in where they come from, who they are and where they live. |
History Project  |
day we lose 1,500 of our 19 million war veterans. A desire to honor
our veterans and to collect their stories and experiences while they
are still among us motivated the U.S. Congress to create the Veterans
History Project. Visit to learn how you can participate. |
in History  |
America's past each day through the Today in History Web site. Use
the archives to search for specific information by topic or by date. |
to the World  |
selected links that provide authoritative, in-depth information about
the nations and areas of the world. The Web site is arranged by country
or area with links for each sorted into a wide range of broad categories.
the United States &
the American Frontier:
Historias Paralelas  |
Histories examines the history of Spanish expansion into North America
from Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas across the continent through
Louisiana and Texas to the Southwest, California and Alaska. The collection
text may be read in English or Spanish. |
of Frontiers  |
bilingual English-Russian digital library tells the story of America's
exploration and settlement of the West, the parallel exploration and
settlement of Siberia and the Russian Far East and the meeting of
the Russian-American frontier in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.
Centers  |
Research Centers (Reading Rooms) offer a wealth of information not
readily found on the Library's main Web sites. Take time to explore
what they offer online. |
Reference Shelf  |
you "Ask a Librarian," try the Virtual Reference Shelf for
quick answers to many general questions. |
9  |
Main Reading Room of the Library of Congress has eight alcoves. This
ninth "virtual alcove" is a collection of Web sites selected
and annotated by Humanities and Social Sciences Division subject specialists.
Digital Materials) |
An ever-increasing amount of the world’s cultural and intellectual
output is created in digital formats, without any physical form. Such
materials are described as "born digital." The MINERVA Project
collects and preserves primary source materials that are "born
digital." |

Thinkport offers free access to video clips, lesson plans, and interactive online field trips covering multiple topics and subject areas. Teacher support materials and innovative online tools create an exciting and useful environment for educators and students. |
Brooklyn Daily Eagle Online

This project of the Brooklyn Public Library provides more than 140,000 pages of primary source material and includes obituaries, marriage notice, society gossip, lists of war causalities and everyday news items in a searchable format. |
Children's Digital Library |
participants from around the world, the International Children's Digital
Library is building an international collection that reflects both
the diversity and quality of children's literature. Currently, the
collection includes materials donated from 27 cultures in 15 languages. |
Journeys  |
Journeys offers access to 18,000 pages of primary source eyewitness
accounts from expeditions of discovery, including: the 1492 log of
Columbus, the complete journals of Lewis and Clark, and much more.
Teachers will find background essays, reference maps, and lesson plans. |
Classroom - NARA  |
worksheets, and cross-curricular connections, guide educators' use
of NARA's primary source documents. The Digital Classroom provides
stragegies for research, as well. Don't miss news of professional
development opportunities. |
Day Education
Project  |
project's goal is to improve the teaching of African-American history
and culture through scholar-led seminars for teachers, a teacher support
network, and educational materials that focus on primary source documents
and artifacts to teach critical thinking. |
Congress in the Classroom -
The Dirksen Congressional Center
Congress in the Classroom, a program sponsored by The Dirksen Congressional Center, offers a summer workshop for high school U.S. history, government, civics, political science, or social studies teachers. The 2005 program theme will be "Our New Congress — the 109th. |
History Home, a K-5 Curriculum  |
site was created through a Teaching American History Grant collaboration.
It offers classroom-proven curriculum units to engage elementary-aged
students in historical inquiry and enhance their knowledge of U.S.
history. All units are aligned with NCSS Standards and National History
Standards, and are free for public use. |
for Educators
Columbia University  |
for Educators Online features classroom materials and teaching guides
for use by faculty and students in world history, culture, geography,
art, and literature at the undergraduate and pre-college levels. It
includes teaching units, maps, timelines, primary source readings,
and a database of recommended materials. |