Appendix D Public Notice Appendix D Public Notice FEMA NOTICE OF INTENT TO PREPARE A SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED KEY LARGO TRAILER VILLAGE AND KEY LARGO PARK WASTEWATER PROJECTS The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has received a grant application from the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, in coordination with Monroe County and the Key Largo Wastewater Board; to fund construction of a wastewater plant and collection system serving Key Largo Trailer Village, Monroe County, Florida. The proposed project would be funded through FEMA 1249-DR Post Disaster -Unmet Needs funds, as noticed on August 6, 1999, in Vol. 64 No. 151 of the Federal Register. Matching funds will be provided through the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) and local sources. Additionally, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) is considering grant funding to the Board for construction of a wastewater collection system serving Key Largo Park, Monroe County, Florida. The FEMA funded wastewater plant noted above would also provide wastewater treatment for the Key Largo Park service area. The purpose of the projects is to improve nearshore water quality in the Key Largo area through higher wastewater treatment; consistent with the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan and to meet State requirements (Chapter 99-395 Laws of Florida) by 2010 per the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. FEMA has completed a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Wastewater Management Improvements in the Keys, for various wastewater projects including Key Largo. A Programmatic Finding of No Significant Impact has been issued for the PEA. These documents can be obtained by writing to the point of contact below or may be viewed and downloaded at the following website: FEMA hereby publishes its notice of intent to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the proposed actions on Key Largo, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (PL 91-190) (NEPA) and associated environmental statutes, as implemented by FEMA’s regulations 44 CFR Part 10; and in accordance with Presidential Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management); as implemented in 44 CFR Part 9. Although there is no FEMA funding in the FDEP funded Key Largo Park project, it is considered a connected action to the Key Largo Trailer Village project under NEPA; consequently the scope of the SEA will include both projects. This SEA will address the purpose and need of the proposed projects, project alternatives considered, the affected environment, project and site-specific environmental consequences, and impact mitigation measures. Once completed, the Draft SEA will be available for public review and comment; and a public meeting will be scheduled. Project Alternatives: Alternatives to be considered in the SEA include: 1) No Action Alternative: No FEMA/FDEM grant funding would be applied to the Key Largo service areas, which would continue to use their existing wastewater treatment systems, and funding would have to be obtained from other sources to meet the State 2010 requirements and deadline; 2) Action Alternative 1 (preferred): FEMA/FDEM grant funding is applied towards construction of a community wastewater collection system and treatment plant serving Key Largo Trailer Village; with the plant sited on the oceanside at Mile Marker 100.5 immediately northeast of Atlantic Drive, FDEP funding would be applied towards construction of a collection system serving Key Largo Park; 3) Action Alternative 2: FEMA/FDEM/FDEP grant funding would be applied as described under Alternative 2, but the treatment plant would be sited on the oceanside near Mile Marker 98 at 97951 Overseas Highway. Comment Period: Comments will be accepted from the affected public; local, state and federal agencies; and other interested parties in order to consider and appropriately scope and evaluate the likely effects of the proposed Key Largo project alternatives on the physical, biological, and social/built environment. Comments should be in writing, sent to the FEMA point of contact listed below, and postmarked within 15 days of publication of this notice. Point of Contact: Ms. Science Kilner, Lead Environmental Specialist FEMA Region IV 3003 Chamblee Tucker Road Atlanta, Georgia 30341 Fax: (770) 220-5440 P:\GAITHERSBURG\89-FR954414.00\SEAS\SEA -- KEY LARGO\KLDSEA EDIT2.DOC\20-NOV-03\\ D-1