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Home Loan Guaranty Services

Full Reviews of VA Home Loans

January 14, 2009 - 12:00 - 1:30 pm EST


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Full Review submissions and Monitoring Unit Audits will result in a significant reduction in deficiency findings. Topics will include:

  • Selection of cases

  • Scope of Review

  • VA’s method of reporting findings

  • Possible Sanctions

  • Common Errors/Omissions

  • Recent Form Changes

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This broadcast will also be available for on-demand viewing approximately two weeks after the original air-date.

This broadcast is in Real Audio format and requires the free Real Player, which can be obtained from Real NetworksYou can also Test Real Player here.

For technical problems with your Internet connection, please E-mail us.

  • Information about the VA Home Loan Program and future broadcasts can be obtained from the Loan Guaranty Service home page
  • Watching this broadcast in a group? Please let us know how many viewers you have by sending an e-mail to Herman Cohen
  • Send comments on this broadcast to: Herman Cohen

Please send your technical comments to VA Web Operations Team