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To View a list of Reports by year, follow the links below. The DTIC numbers are next to the Task Force names.
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986

* *To Order DSB Reports**

Follow the Link Below
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
Then type in a search for the Defense Science Board or Study Name. You will need the Report Title and DTIC order Number (located below each study name in the lists below).


Permanent Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Surety Report: Nuclear Weapons Inspections for the Strategic Nuclear Forces

2007 Summer Study: Challenges to Military Operations in Support of U.S. Interests Vol I - Executive Summary

2007 Summer Study: Challenges to Military Operations in Support of U.S. Interests Vol II

Joint Defense Science Board and Intelligence Science Board Task Force on Integrating Sensor-Collected Intelligence

Defense Imperatives

Nuclear Deterrence Skills

Creating an Effective National Security Industrial Base for 21st Century: An Action Plan to Address the Coming Crisis

Developmental Test & Evaluation

DoD Energy Strategy "More Fight - Less Fuel"

Permanent Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Surety Report: Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons (April Update)

2007 Summer Study: Strategic Communication


Directed Energy Weapons

Deployment of National Guard and Reserve in the Global War on Terrorism

Mission Impact of Foreign Influence on DoD Software

Future Need for VTOL/STOL Aircraft

2005 Summer Study: Reducing Vulnerabilities to Weapons of Mass Destruction

2006 Summer Study: Information Management for Net-Centric Operations Vol II

2006 Summer Study: Information Management for Net-Centric Operations Vol I

2006 Summer Study: 21st Century Strategic Technology Vectors Vol IV

2006 Summer Study: 21st Century Strategic Technology Vectors Vol III

Defense Biometrics Report

2006 Summer Study: 21st Century Strategic Technology Vectors Vol II

2006 Summer Study: 21st Century Strategic Technology Vectors Vol I

Critical Homeland Infrastructure Protection


Nuclear Capabilities

2005 Summer Study - Transformation: A Progress Assessment Vol II

Future Strategic Strike Skills

US / UK Task Force Report - Defense Critical Technologies

Force Protection in Urban and Unconventional Environments

The Manufacturing Technology Program: A Key to Affordably Equipping the Future Force

2005 Summer Study - Transformation: A Progress Assessment Vol I


The Future of the Global Positioning System


Institutionalizing Stability Operations Within DoD

The Roles and Authorities of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E)

Aerial Targets

Munitions System Reliability

Nuclear Weapons Effects Test, Evaluation, and Simulation

Management Oversight in Acquisition Organizations

High Performance Microchip Supply

Summer Study 2004: Transition to and from Hostilities - Supporting Papers

Patriot System Performance


Interim Report of the DSB Task Force on SARS Quarantine

Summer Study 2004: Transition to and from Hostilities

Employment of the National Ignition Facility

Corrosion Control

Integrated Fire Support in the Battlespace

Strategic Communication

DoD Roles and Missions in Homeland Security (Volume II - B: Supporting Reports)

Enabling Joint Force Capabilities -- Phase II

Preventing and Defending Against Clandestine Nuclear Attack

DoD Roles and Missions in Homeland Security (Volume II - A: Supporting Reports)

B-52H Re-Engining (revised and updated June 2004)

Contributions of Space Based Radar to Missile Defense

Smallpox Downselect Report

Aerial Refueling Requirements

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicles

Missile Defense Phase III: Modeling & Simulation

Future Strategic Strike Forces


DoD Roles and Missions in Homeland Security

Unexploded Ordnance

Sea Basing

Enabling Joint Force Capabilities

Joint Experimentation - Phase I

The Role and Status of Red Teaming

Discriminate Use of Force

Acquisition of National Security Space Programs

Wideband Radio Frequency Modulation

Training for Future Conflicts


Future of the Aircraft Carrier

Defense Science & Technology – 2001 Summer Study


Managed Information Dissemination

High Energy Laser Weapons Systems Applications

Improving Fuel Efficiency of Weapon Platforms

Logistics Transformation Phase II

Future DoD Airborne HF Radar Needs/Resources

Options for Acquisition of the Advanced Targeting Pod & Advanced Targeting FLIR Pod (ATP/ATFLIR)

Training Superiority and Training Surprise

Protecting the Homeland Executive Summary Volume I

Protecting the Homeland Defensive Information Operations Volume II

Protecting the Homeland Defensive Information Operations Volume II Part 2


Letter Report on DoD Science & Technology Program

Human Resources Strategy

Technical Capabilities of Non-DoD Providers

The Creation and Dissemination of All Forms of Information in Support of Psychological Operations (PSYOP) in Time of Military Conflict

DoD Supercomputing Needs

DoD Frequency Spectrum Issues

Defense Software


Tritium Production Technology Options

Advanced Modeling and Simulation for Analyzing Combat Concepts in the 21st Century

Investment Strategy for DARPA

Acquisition Reform Phase IV

Acquisition Reform Phase IV Subpanel on Research and Development

DoD Warfighting Transformation

Test and Evaluation

21st Century Defense Technology Strategies

Globalization and Security


Deep Attack Weapons Mix Study (DAWMS), Phase II (DTIC # ADA345434)

Satellite Reconnaissance

DoD Responses to Transnational Threats, Volume III

Defense Acquisition Reform, Acquisition Workforce Sub-Panel

Year 2000

Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Clearance, Active Range UXO Clearance, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Programs

Submarine of the Future

Defense Science and Technology Base in the 21st Century

Nuclear Deterrence

Open Systems

Joint Operations Superiority in the 21st Century, Volume II

DoD Logistics Transformation Vol. I

Joint Operations Superiority in the 21st Century (DTIC #ADA364142)

Control of Military Excess and Surplus Material (DTIC #ADA360839)

DoD Logistics Transformation, Vol. II


Deep Attack Weapons Mix Study (DAWMS)

Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC) and University Affiliated Research Centers (UARC)

Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Integration

Vertical Integration and Supplier Decisions

Aviation Safety

DoD Responses to Transnational Threats, Volume I

DoD Responses to Transnational Threats, Volume II (Force Protection Report)


Theater Missile Defense

Defense Acquisition Reform, Phase III

Combat Identification

Logistics Modernization

International Armaments Cooperation in an Era of Coalition Security

International Armaments Cooperation — Source Code Working Group — Assessment of DoD Source Code Export Practices

Strategic Mobility

Space and Missile Tracking System

Outsourcing and Privatization

Military Personnel Information Management

Tactics and Technologies for 21st Century Military Superiority, Volume I

Tactics and Technologies for 21st Century Military Superiority, Volume II, Part I

Tactics and Technologies for 21st Century Military Superiority, Volume III
(DTIC #ADA 320452)

Information Warfare Defense

Achieving an Innovative Support Structure for 21st Century Military Superiority

Improved Application of Intelligence to the Battlefield


The Role of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in the Mission of the DoD

Concurrency and Risk of the F-22 Program

Environmental Security

The Use of DNA Technology for Identification of Ancient Remains

Defense Mapping for Future Operations

Quality of Life


Antitrust Aspects of Defense Industry Consolidation

Depot Maintenance Management

Tracked Vehicle Industrial Base

Defense Laboratory Management

Defense Acquisition Reform, Phase II, Appendix D, Jet Engine Commerical Practices Panel


Jet Engine Commercial Practices

Persian Gulf War Health Effects

Joint Precision Interdiction

Acquiring Defense Software Commercially

Joint Advanced Strike Technology Program

Information Architecture for the Battlefield

Military Operations in Built-Up Areas

Defense Acquisition Reform, Phase II


Simulation, Readiness and Prototyping

Aircraft Assessment

Engineering in the Manufacturing Process

Defense Nuclear Agency

FY 1994 - 1999 Future Years Defense Plan

FY 1994 - 1999 Future Years Defense Plan, Part II

Defense Acquisition Reform, Phase I

Tactical Aircraft Bottom Up Review

Defense Manufacturing Enterprise Strategy

Tactical Air Warfare

C-17 Review


Microelectronics Research Facilities
(DTIC #ADA 274529)

Anti-Submarine Warfare

National Aero-Space Plane
(DTIC #ADA 274530)


Weapon Development and Production Technology
(DTIC #ADA 274224)


National Space Launch Strategy
(DTIC #ADA 274781)

Low Observable Technology

R&D Strategy for the 1990s, Volume I, Executive Summary
(DTIC #ADA 275358)

R&D Strategy for the 1990s, Volume II, Scenarios and Intelligence
(DTIC #ADA 274796)

R&D Strategy for the 1990s, Volume V, Technology and Technology Transfer Policy
(DTIC #ADA 274681)


Review of the Strategic Force Modernization Program

Use of Commercial Components in Military Equipment
(DTIC #ADA 274729)

Defense Industrial Cooperation with Pacific Rim Nations
(DTIC #ADA 216021)

SDIO Brilliant Pebbles and Space Based Interceptor Concept

Improving Test and Evaluation Effectiveness
(DTIC #ADA 274809)


Computer Applications to Training and Wargaming
(DTIC #ADA 199456)

Strategic Air Defense (SDI Milestone Panel)
(DTIC #ADA 200164)

Tactical Directed Energy Weapons

Special Systems Subgroup on Pacific Command Air Defense

Military System Applications of Superconductors
(DTIC #ADA 201125)

Defense Industrial and Technology Base, Volume I
(DTIC #ADA 202469)

Defense Industrial and Technology Base, Volume II
(DTIC #ADA 212698)

National Aerospace Plane (SASP)
(DTIC #ADA 201124)


Use of Commercial Components in Military Equipment
(DTIC #ADA 180338)

Defense Semiconductor Dependency
(DTIC #ADA 178284)

Special Operations Forces

Command and Control Management
(DTIC #ADA 188811)

Technology Base Management
(DTIC #ADA 188560)

Military Software
(DTIC #ADA 188561)

Security Subgroup on Technology Surprise

Technology Base Management
(DTIC #ADA 196469)


Practical Functional Performance Requirements
(DTIC #ADA 170961)

Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Modernization
(DTIC #ADA 173675)

Conflict Environment: Implications of Third World Urban Involvement
(DTIC #ADA 171677)

Defense Nuclear Agency Management
(DTIC #ADA 171578)

LHX Requirements
(DTIC #ADA 173696)

Soviet Imprecisely Located Targets for Strategic Systems

Airborne Reconnaissance

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