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Climate Program Office. Understanding climate variability and change to enhance society's ability to plan and respond
CPO Program Activities


The Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (CPPA) is a competitive research program to improve operational intraseasonal to interannual climate prediction and the hydrological applications. This program is strongly motivated by the Nation's need for skillful intraseasonal to interannual predictions and the application of climate forecasts for regional and sectoral resource management. CPPA is an integrated from former NOAA's Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) Pan American Climate Studies (PACS) and Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Americas Prediction Project (GAPP).

CPPA has the following scientific objectives:

  • Improve the understanding and model simulation of ocean, atmosphere and land-surface processes through observations, data analysis, and modeling studies;
  • Determine the predictability of climate variations on intra-seasonal to interannual time scale, including predictability of the continental-scale monsoon systems across the Americas;
  • Advance NOAA's operational climate forecasts, monitoring, and analysis systems;
  • Develop climate-based hydrologic forecasting capabilities and decision support tools for water resource applications.


Funded Projects
CPPA Progress Report Form
CPPA Science Panel
CPPA FY09 Information Sheet
CPPA Data Management

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NOAA's Climate Program Office: 1315 East West Highway, 12th Floor, Silver Spring MD 20910
Tel: 301-734-1200    Fax: 301-713-0517
Last Updated on Novemeber 11, 2007