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Policies banner.


Forest Service Manual 1500 External Relations
(Forest Service Manual (FSM). The FSM contains legal authorities, objectives, policies, responsibilities, instructions, and guidance needed on a continuing basis by Forest Service line officers and primary staff in more than one unit to plan and execute assigned programs and activities)

Forest Service Handbook 1509.13

(Forest Service Handbooks (FSH). Handbooks are the principal source of specialized guidance and instruction for carrying out the direction issued in the FSM. Specialists and technicians are the primary audience of Handbook direction. However, some FSHs include significant procedural direction needed by line officers and/or primary staff officers; examples include Handbooks on land management planning, appeals, litigation, and environmental analysis. Handbooks may also incorporate external directives (such as the Federal Property Management Regulations in FSH 6409.31) with related USDA and Forest Service directive supplements)

Tribal Forest Protection Information:
FSH 2409.19-Forest Service Handbook, Renewable Resources Handbook, Chapter 60-Stewardship Contracting. (Draft Stewardship Contracting policy to implement Tribal Forest Protection Act)
Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004
USDA Forest Service Tribal Forest Protection Act (TFPA) Briefing Paper
Tribal Forest Protection Act Frequently Asked Questions


Statutes banner.


Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA)

(Section 303 of Public Law 108-148, December 3, 2003)

National Indian Forest Resources Management Act (NIFRMA)

(Public Law 101-630, November 28, 1990)

Special Forest Products (pending)

(proposed rule)

Tribal Forest Protection Act (TFPA)

(Public Law 108-278, July 22, 2004)

American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA)

(Public Law 103-344, October 6, 1994)

Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA)

(Public Law 96-95, October 31, 1979)

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)

(Public Law 101-601, November 16, 1990)


Executive Order banner.

Executive Order 13007 "Indian Sacred Sites"
Executive Order 13175 "Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments"
Executive Memo, April 29, 1994 "Government-to-Government Relationship"
Executive Memo, September 23, 2004 "Government-to-Government Relationship"


Reports Banner.

2003 Executive Summary of Team Report (updated 2005)

USDA Forest Service, Office of Tribal Relations, Quarterly Report, February 2006

USDA Forest Service, Office of Tribal Relations, Quarterly Report, April 2006

US Forest Service
Last modified May 12, 2006

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.