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EPIC Web Utilities -- AnyURL CGI forms utility

The basics are pretty easy, but things can get sort of complicated because of (1) the use of the control string, and (2) work-arounds for deficient browsers.

You should be able to view the source for this HTML page with your browser's "View Source" option.

  1. Simplest example - a SELECT to choose a complete URL from a list.
  2. Same example, but with menu labels instead
  3. Same example, but with the extra stuff required for deficient browsers
  4. Frames example
  5. You just need to add a FRAME=framename to the FORM tag.

  6. Example with user-typed input
  7. Control string is: "@{method}://@{node}/@{file}".
    Check box to turn debug option on

    Method: http ftp gopher



For more documentation and more examples, please see:

If you do use AnyURL, we'd like to hear about it. Please send mail to epic@noaa.gov.