Page Title:  Public Affairs Office

Public Affairs Office

supplies information about regional programs and activities to the public and media, and provides support to the leadership and staff of the Northwest Region. Our two members represent the region on several multi-agency communications teams, including the Columbia Basin Federal Caucus and Puget Sound Partnership.External Non-Government Link


Media:  Brian Gorman responds to reporters’ inquiries, writes news releases, and assists staff with media relations. He schedules and coordinates news conferences, editorial boards, and other media activities. Brian’s phone number is 206-526-6613.

Public Information:  Janet Sears researches, writes and edits various materials, and is the Web content manager. She responds to public inquiries, helps plan and coordinate public meetings and other events, and maintains some e-mail distribution lists. Janet’s phone number is 206-526-6172.

Page last updated: 2008-12-19 11:14:27