Research Highlights

At Baltimore VA, stroke recovery studied from many angles

October 23, 2008

Reggae music pulses through the large, brightly lit gym in the basement of the Baltimore VA Medical Center. About eight men and women, some holding canes, slowly make their way around the green and yellow oval track. Each step seems to demand effort and concentration for the members of the group, but they are making steady progress toward their goal: recovery from stroke.

Veterans James McMahon (left) and Harry Young participate in the Stroke Exercise Club

Regaining movement—Veterans James McMahon (left) and Harry Young participate in the "Stroke Exercise Club," part of a study at the Baltimore VA on the benefits of group exercise for stroke survivors. (Photo by Mitch Mirkin)

The Stroke Exercise Club meets three afternoons a week as part of a study on whether group exercise, reinforced with a homebased regimen, improves balance, fitness, walking ability and quality of life for stroke survivors. Exercise physiologist Jeff Beans—who says the eclectic mix of music for the classes ranges from Bob Marley to Frank Sinatra—believes the group atmosphere is "paramount" in helping older people regain function. Neurologist Richard Macko, MD, agrees: "It makes it fun, and the social reinforcement appears to sustain exercise behaviors in the elderly."

Macko heads the Maryland Exercise and Robotics Center of Excellence. The VA-funded program, which aims to improve fitness and movement and reduce disability for people affected by neurological illnesses, is a hub for stroke rehabilitation and research at the Baltimore VA and its academic affiliate, the University of Maryland School of Medicine. The program works hand in hand with VA’s Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center (GRECC), directed by Andrew Goldberg, MD. The Baltimore GRECC is one of 20 such programs that VA supports nationwide.

Stroke studies link findings from lab, clinic, gym

Group exercise is one of the hottest topics under investigation by Macko and colleagues. Launched in 2003 through a collaboration with Italian stroke experts, the VA research effort examining this question will soon expand through partnerships with local senior centers and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts.

Delores Royster, newly enrolled in a stroke study, receives a physical exam from nurse practitioner Laura Mastella

Stroke studies span lab, clinic—Delores Royster, newly enrolled in a stroke study, receives a physical exam from nurse practitioner Laura Mastella.(Photo by Mitch Mirkin)

Other stroke researchers at the Baltimore VA, with funding from VA, the National Institutes of Health and other sources, are looking at issues such as the use of robots for stroke therapy, the effects of different types of exercise on walking ability, and the role of strength training in stroke recovery. Beyond the clinic and gym, stroke studies at the Baltimore VA also involve lab analyses of the genes and proteins involved in the disease. Biopsies of muscle tissue, for example, have pointed to a chemical called TNF-alpha as a possible cause of the wasting that occurs on the side of the body affected by stroke. "The damage of stroke is not all in the head—it's in the muscle also," points out Macko. Muscle tissue from a patient's affected side has up to three times more TNF-alpha than non-affected tissue.

TNF-alpha not only shrinks muscles—it also interferes with the action of insulin. That may explain the results of a 2006 Baltimore VA study, led by Macko’s colleague Frederick Ivey, PhD, showing that more than three-quarters of stroke patients with paralysis on one side of their body have diabetes or a precursor condition called impaired glucose tolerance. "This is more than double the expected rates," explains Macko. "We believe it's because of these secondary biological changes in the muscle and the body composition that occur after a stroke."

Interestingly, diabetes is one of several diseases—including AIDS and cancer—that involve abnormally high levels of TNFalpha in muscle tissue. "This is an ubiquitous molecular signal that appears to be related to these metabolic wasting syndromes, including diabetes. And now we find it in stroke. It’s a molecular smoking gun," observes Macko. His group is now exploring how exercise affects TNF-alpha levels: Can it reduce the protein to nearnormal levels, and is that part of how exercise can help stroke patients regain function?

Exercise found to thwart diabetes in stroke patients

Related studies at the Baltimore VA are probing other biochemical effects of exercise—particularly its beneficial impact on insulin resistance and the risk of diabetes. Even as they continue to explore the exact mechanisms involved, Macko’s team now has evidence, he says, that "treadmill aerobic training can improve glucose tolerance to prevent and even reverse diabetes in [the stroke] population."

In fact, exercise—both aerobic and strength training—is being validated in many studies as great medicine for stroke patients. Still, Macko doesn't rule out the possibility that his team may hit on a protein or other molecule that can be manipulated to achieve similar therapeutic effects.

Macko: "The question is, will we able to do what was done in rats and use pharmacological or genetic mechanisms to overexpress these molecules? It's conceivable that we could use these sorts of biological regulatory signals to help people even more than the exercise could or to help those who may be unable to train."

Taking advantage of 'neuroplasticity'

Future lab breakthroughs aside, Macko says one of the most exciting findings to date from studies by his group and others is that people can regain function even many years after a stroke. Typically, stroke patients have been told to accept their disabilities as permanent, whereas survivors of heart attacks, for instance, are often put on exercise regimens to rebuild their strength and endurance. Most stroke rehabilitation programs focus on short-term recovery and end just a few months after the patient’s stroke. As a result, improvements level off and fitness and mobility wane over time—which itself can raise the risk of a second stroke, diabetes or other diseases.

But experts are moving toward a new approach, thanks to research such as a recent treadmill study led by Macko. According to George Wittenberg, MD, PhD, a neurologist at the Baltimore VA who is helping to lead a multisite VA clinical trial on robots in stroke rehabilitation, research has led to a new understanding of brain "plasticity"—the ability of the brain to form new neural pathways and "rewire" itself to restore lost function.

"The older thinking was that approximately a year after a stroke, there wasn't any useful neuroplasticity and that further therapy wouldn't have any further effects on motor function," says Wittenberg. “But there have now been several studies using a variety of techniques that have shown … that there is plasticity that goes on long after a stroke."

That's good news for people like 69- year-old veteran Earl Elsey Jr., who suffered a stroke in 2004. For the past six months, he’s been using a treadmill three times per week at the Baltimore VA as part of a study on how different types of exercise— stretching, intense walking, or longer duration walking—affect fitness, balance, walking ability, and everyday function. He says his fitness and balance are “80 percent better” and notes that he's been able to reduce his medication for both diabetes and high blood pressure. Most of all, he credits the education he’s received through the study as a key factor in his motivation to keep on exercising. "Not only have I improved physically since coming here," says Elsey, "but I've learned about all the things I can do to deal with stroke. I've learned how to take care of myself."