Research Highlights

Richmond VA Medical Center Awarded Excellence for Best Practice in Human Research Protection

Taken from the Veterans Health Administration Highlights dated December 13, 2002

VA Richmond Medical Center was recently awarded "Excellence for Best Practice in Human Research Protection" by the Office of Human Research Protections. According to the award, VA’s work in the protection of human subjects in research is considered some of the best in the country. Only five awards were presented.

"There is excellent and ethical research being done throughout the United States and this new award celebrates the individuals and organizations who do it best," said Dr. Peter Goldschmidt, President of the Health Improvement Institute.

"Each step forward in recognizing quality and excellence in human research protection programs means more lives made better and easier," said Dr. Greg Koski, Director of Office of Human Research Protections. "We applaud the winners for their excellent contributions to the field of human subject protections."