Research Highlights

Dr. Rory Cooper Appointed First PVA Chair for Rehabilitation Engineering

October 19, 2004

Rory Cooper, PhD, VA Rehabilitation Research & Development Service Senior Career Scientist and Director of the Pittsburgh VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Center, was appointed by the University of Pittsburgh to be the first holder of the Federation of Independent School Alumnae Foundation Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) - Chair for Rehabilitation Engineering. Dr. Cooper's appointment to this endowed Chair, one of the highest honors any university can bestow, is the result of a dynamic career in the field of rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology. In addition to this honor, in 2002 Dr. Cooper received VA's Olin E. Teague Award for outstanding achievement in the rehabilitation of war-injured veterans. He also is a trustee of the PVA Spinal Cord Injury Research Foundation and is a member of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs Prosthetics and Special Disability Program's Advisory Committee. As a researcher and a veteran, Dr. Cooper has dedicated his career to helping veterans with spinal cord injury live to their fullest potential.